Monday, September 21, 2015

Teacher Evaluation Resource Page

Teacher Evaluation 2015-2016

MOSL and MOTP Selection 

I found a better MIddle School MOSL selection guide HERE and a better High School selection guide HERE

Here's the cliff notes on how teacher evaluations currently work:
  • 40% of your overall evaluation is based on tests (MOSLs).  Half of this rating is selected by the state (or me as the agent of the state, and half is selected by you (typically a MOSL committee, but for this year, I'm going to make suggestions and if you do NOT want that MOSL, then let me know and we can sit down and discuss)
  • 60% of your overall evaluation is based on classroom observation (MOTP).  Your options are HERE

Here's the rule on MOSLs
  • You can only be judged by the same assessment for both state and local measure if the population is different.  For example, you elect to have the ELA Regent for both measures if on one hand you choose "School" and on the other you choose "Individual/Grade/Lowest 3rd". Otherwise, you must have different assessments
  • If you teach a course that terminates in a NYS exam, you will be evaluated by the exam.

Here's who will be your primary evaluator this year:

Colleen- All ELA + Language teachers (Except Tenuring Teachers who will be observed by Kiri).  Kiri & Val will be visiting all ELA & Language teachers in November and December to cover for Colleen while on maternity leave.

Val- All ISS, Social Studies, PE, and Art teachers. (Except Tenuring Teachers who will be observed by Kiri)

Kiri- All Math & Science teachers plus ALL tenuring teachers

Kiri's Suggested MOSLs

Here are my suggested MOSL selections.  The state MOSLs are locked in.  If you do not want your LOCAL measure, email me immediately and let me know what you would like instead.

          Course                             State                                             Local
  • 6th/7th/8th Writing           NYS ELA - Individual/Growth         NYS ELA - School/Growth
  • 6th/7th/8th Reading         NYS ELA - Individual Growth         NYS ELA - School/Growth
  • 6th/7th/8th Math              NYS Math - Individual/Growth        NYS Math - School/Growth
  • 6th/7th Science               NYS ELA - Individual/Growth          NYS 8th Science - School/Growth
  • 8th Science                     NYS 8th Sci. - Individual/Growth     NYS 8th ELA - Individual/Growth
  • 6th/7th/8th History             >>> Same as 6th/7th/8th Reading<<<
  • MS Art/PE/Health            NYS ELA - School/Growth              NYS Math - School/Growth

  • 9th/10th/12th ELA          NYS ELA Reg - School/Growth         NYC Perf. Task- Indiv/Growth 
  • 11th ELA                        NYS ELA Reg - Indiv/Growth             NYS ELA Reg - School/Growth
  • 9th Algebra                    NYS Alg I Reg - Indiv/Growth             NYS All Math Reg - School/Growth
  • 10th Geometry               NYS Geo Reg - Indiv/Growth             NYS All math Reg - School/Growth
  • 11th/12th Math               NYS Alg I Reg - School/Growth         NYS All math Reg - School/Growth
  • 9th/10th Global              NYS Glo Reg - School/Growth           NYS All SS Reg - School/Growth
  • 11th USH                       NYS USH Reg - Indiv/Growth            NYS All SS Reg - School/Growth
  • 12th SS                          NYS All SS Reg - School/Growth      NYS Bundle All Regents - School/Growth
  • 9th Liv Env.                    NYS LE Reg - Indiv/Growth               NYS All Sci Reg - School/Growth
  • 10th Earth Sci                NYS Earth Sci - Indiv/Growth             NYS All Sci Reg - School/Growth
  • 11th/12th Science          NYS All Sci Reg - School/Growth       NYS Bundle All Regents - School/Growth
  • 10th/11th Lang               NYS Bundle All Reg - Indiv.Growth    NYS Bundle All Regents - School/Growth
  • HS PE                            NYS Bundle All Reg - Indiv.Growth    NYS Bundle All Regents - School/Growth
  • ISS Teachers                 NYS Alg 1 - School/Growth                 NYS ELA - School/Growth

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Week of Sept 21st

UAI High School Staff News

Volume III
Issue 4
Week of Sept 21, 2015


Congratulations to the 5K Run for Team UAI!
Many thanks to Darby for organizing!
 I'm looking forward to this being the first of many fabulous team-building fitness events!

First PD Monday.  This Monday is the first PD Monday of the year.  High School will meet in room 409 for initial Grade Team PODs and Grade Team Meetings.  Middle School will meet in the library to plan for the first unit after unit zero, focusing on making explicit the rationale and intentions underlying curricular decisions.  Here are the agendas:

    • Middle School                                  High School
    • 2:50-3:00PM  Announcements        3:00-3:10PM  Announcements
    • 3:00-4:10 Unit Planning                  3:10-4:20PM  Grade Team PODs &                                                                                   Meetings

Preparing for Curriculum Night. Next Wednesday is Curriculum Night.  Here's the structure of the evening.

  • 5:30-6:00PM Principal Address and Welcome (Partners will also have intro time here)
  • 6:00-6:30PM PTA Meeting
  • 6:00-8:00PM Teacher Teams
    • Parents will be broken up into groups by grade (the number of groups will depend on how many parents we have) and groups will rotate through classrooms.  
    • Teams should use Grade Team time this week and next to finalize plans for how the groups will rotate through each of the classrooms.  Click here for a suggested agenda.

Initial Planning Conferences. I will be having initial planning conferences with teachers beginning this week for the middle school teachers and beginning next week for the high school teachers. In preparation for these conferences, please think about the following
  • What data points are you using to gauge student capacity in your classroom?  What are their current skills?  Do they need remediation or enrichment? How you preparing your first unit to evaluate and address diverse learning needs?
  • What's your plan for the first hook lesson? I want to be hooked, too! So dazzle me!
  • From your observations of students in class and discussions with team members, what SEL areas are priority for the students and what is your plan for addressing it?
  • After thinking about these questions, what are your two most pressing goals for the year?
  • What specifically do you need/want to support you in achieving these goals?
MOSL Selections are due on September 28th.  State MOSLs will be the NYS state exams associated to your subject.  If you don't have a state exam explicitly associated, your state MOSL will be a bundled evaluation (ie. how the kids do on all their state assessments).  For local measures, I will assume that selections will remain the same unless you REPLY here.  Here are some other resources for you to prepare for your IPC.  

Marking Period Dates.  I am changing marking period dates for the high school to come more into alignment with the middle school so that we can be more in alignment around school-wide systems like report cards, student conferences, etc.  Colleen, Val, and I will meet first thing on Monday to finalize the dates in STARS (the DOE systems of grades and report cards), and we will get those dates out to you for sure on Monday.  The default dates in STARS end at odd times, and we encountering some technical difficulties in changing them.  For now, here are the target MP dates.

    • Marking Period 1: 9/9 - 10/30 (MP1 Grades due on 04NOV at 3PM)
    • Marking Period 2: 11/2-12/11 (MP2 Grades due on 16DEC at 3PM)
    • Marking Period 3: 12/14-1/29 (HS ends on 25JAN:  HS Grades Due 28JAN; MS Grades Due 03FEB)
    • Spring Dates TBD very soon!

Resilient Scholars Project

To catch up the Middle School, the UAI High School has joined the Urban Assembly's Pilot project for Social Emotional Learning, called the Resilient Scholars Project.  This part of the blog will share various strategies to share and do with teachers, students, and parents.  For this week, I've selected three strategies parents can try at home.  As you meet in Grade Teams, you should plan to share these or other strategies that parents can use at home to support their daughter's learning.

Optimistic Thinking.  A child's disposition paves the road to their willingness to take risks and thus grow and excel.  Optimistic Thinking is how our young women develop an attitude of confidence, hopefulness, and positive thinking regarding herself and her life situations in the past, present, and future.  This Encouragement Folder Strategy is a strategy that parents can launch at home and teachers can support in the classroom to foster positive self-concepts for our young women.

Personal Responsibility.  Personal responsibility is a student's capacity to be intentional and consistent in her interactions with others and in contributing to collaborative inquiry and group efforts.  Here's an activity that can help parents structure conversations around personal responsibility and Helping Each Other.

Important Dates

  • Monday, 21SEP15. Full Staff PD (at 2:50PM in Library for MS; at 3PM in room 409 for HS).
  • Tuesday, 22SEP15.  Cabinet - Grade Team Leaders (Both MS & HS are invited) 3PM, rm 403
  • Wednesday 23SEP15. Yom Kippur, NO SCHOOL.
  • Thursday, 24SEP15. Eid Al-Adha, NO SCHOOL.
  • Friday, 25SEP15, Middel School Community Building Field Trips
  • Friday, 25SEP15. High School DRP Special AM schedules - See Martine's email.
  • Monday, 28SEP15.  Open Lunch and Late Pass Rules go into place for HS & MS
  • Wednesday, 30SEP15.  Curriculum Night, 5PM-8PM
For All High School Important Dates, please add "UAI High School" calendar to your google calendars.  I will soon be renaming this to be UAI School Calendar.  Before I do that, I need to make sure renaming it doesn't mess things up for people who have already added the calendar.  In the interim, please use this calendar to track school events.

Per Session Posting

Math Team Meeting Per Session.  As a special focus to improve math instruction, I will be paying per session at training rate for after school math PD meetings on Wednesdays from 3-4PM.  Please email Kiri to express interest, but in the interest of pure transparency - we really need to get this started ASAP, so expect Kiri to pop up in your classroom if you're a math teacher to beg you to come.  First meeting is Thursday, 

CHAMPS Middle School Sports & Fitness Program.  Please click here to find the per session tempalte to apply.  Any interested teachers must formally apply to this posting and have (1) AED/CPR certification from the American Red Cross or American Heart Association and (2)Concussion in Youth Sports (CYS) certification from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These certifications must be valid for the entire season to be considered. Elana has been nominated as the coach, position is now closed.

First School Dance Chaperones.  The first school dance will be on Friday, >>>DATE CHANGE October 16th<<DATE CHANGE<<<< from 6-10PM.  We are looking for a maximum of 10 chaperones.  Please email Kiri directly if you are interested.  Update (14SEP15): Damon, Elena, Jamie, Kristin, Kerry, Michael have signed up so far.  We're still looking for 4 more. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Week of Sept 14

UAI High School Staff News

Volume III
Issue 3
Week of Sept 16, 2015

Congratulation to Ilyana for her wonderful wedding this weekend!
It's so wonderful to see our UAI family (both current and past) joining you and yours on your special day!
(Thanks to Kerry for sharing the picture.)

Congratulations on a Great First Week.  It was a short and exciting week, and though some of our new 9th graders had some hiccups, it was overall a smooth launch to the school year.  That's all due to your hard work and preparation.  This month will prove challenging.  With all the holidays and upcoming shifts, settling into a pattern will pose a challenge.  However, with strong plans for Unit Zero, and with the strength and support of your team, the kids will rely on you to help them surmount whatever challenge comes their way.  Our new superintendent, Fred Walsh was impressed with the flow of our school, our environment, and your commitment to professionalism and excellence.  I really look forward to working with his team and getting him to better understand our work and achievements at UAI.  Beautiful work team UAI!

Attendance.  Though you couldn't see it, every morning I making little I-HEART-YOU shapes with my hands as I reviewed Skedula attendance.  You guys did an amazing job keeping up with taking attendance in Skedula last week.  Additionally, the majority of you guys were also on top of completing your period attendance on time.  Carol and Nancy provide epic back-office support for attendance at UAI.  Your attention to these details have made their jobs SOOOO much easier.  I thank you for that, and I'm sure they will, too.  As I mentioned in last week's PD, we need to be making calls home for our advisees who are not in school for the day.  You have a couple of options on how to do this:

  1.  Wait until the end of the day and use your allotted time (2:50-2:58) to check Skedula and make the calls home.  Don't forget to log that you called in Skedula.  
  2. Make the calls during the day (your choice).  If you choose this one, you'll have to say something like "So-and-So hasn't made it to school yet.  Is she planning on coming in?" Again, don't forget to log it into Skedula. 
As you reach out to families, please remind them that September 30th is our annual curriculum night from 5-8PM.  We'll be using PD & if need be some grade team time for the next couple of Mondays to prepare.  Skedula has some great ideas for getting parents to sign up.  Check out their blog post HERE.

Feedback Drop-Bys.  Between this week and next week, I want to get you guys initial feedback around social norms and the classroom environment.  You'll be seeing me, Jen, Colleen, and our coaches visiting to see how things are going and to give you some perspectives.  These are just drive-bys and have no evaluative weight and are purely for you to have another eye on the early stages of the classroom establishment.

Initial Planning Conferences & MOSL updates.  In next week's blog, I'll be publishing the schedule for Initial Planning Conferences.  We will review last year's ratings and MOSL selections.  Unless you want otherwise, MOSL selections will remain the same as last year.  These conferences will begin the week of September 28th. In preparation for these conferences, please think about the following

  • What data points are you using to gauge student capacity in your classroom?  What are their current skills?  Do they need remediation or enrichment? How you preparing your first inquiry unit to evaluate and address their diverse learning needs?
  • What's your plan for the first hook lesson? I want to be hooked, too! So dazzle me!
  • From your observations of students in class and discussions with team members, what SEL areas are priority for the students and what is your plan for addressing it?
  • After thinking about these questions, what are your two most pressing goals for the year?
  • What specifically do you need/want to support you in achieving these goals?

Resilient Scholars Project

As we launch this project, I'm introducing this new section of the blog (BTW - if anyone else wants to add in, please feel free to shoot me an email with the subject header "Add to blog").  Below are some of the strategies that I pulled from the strategies section of the DESSA website (feel free to poke around to look for more that may interest you!).

Self-Awareness.   Self-Awareness is how our students come to understand their strengths and weaknesses, and how they learn to understand them so they can continually focus on growing and improving.  This past week our students are learning how to adjust to many new personalities and environments.  As teenagers, they are still developing their capacity to understand how they fit into the bigger picture and how their actions and decisions are perceived by have impact on the world around them.  Click here for an idea on how to build positive self-awareness for students

Social Awareness.  Social Awareness is our capacity to interact with other, respect their ideas and perspectives, recognize our impact on them and use tolerance, empathy, and collaboration in social situations.  As we continue to work with our kids in their development, it's also important to check in with ourselves as they continue to find new and innovative ways to test the limits.  Our responsibility is to teach them how to push the limits appropriately.  One step is to first figure out our own role in their understanding of social interactions.  Check out for an idea on how to reflect on what teachers' roles in this area.

Self-Management.  Self-Management skills are students capacity to self-regulate and persist through new or ongoing challenges.  Developed self-management skills will also help students overcome challenges and complete tasks and meet goals. In addition to students and teachers, the third critical leg for establishing a stable learning plane are our parents and families.  No one knows how to raise a teenager.  However, we can give some ideas.  It's important that as we share ideas with families, they understand that these are suggestions and that with all things the suggestion may work, but it may not.  The important thing is that we always keep trying!  Click here for a suggested tool that families can use at home to help students build self-management skills. 

Important Dates

  • Wednesday, 16SEP15. 1st Whole Cabinet Meeting in Room 403 at 3PM.
  • Thursday, 17SEP15. 11th Grade Assembly, start of 7th period in room 503.
  • Friday, 18SEP15.  10th Grade Assembly, start of 6th period in room 503.
  • Monday, 21SEP15. Full Staff PD in room 409.
  • Wednesday 23SEP15. Yom Kippur, NO SCHOOL.
  • Thursday, 24SEP15. Eid Al-Adha, NO SCHOOL.
  • Friday, 25SEP15. DRP and DESSA Administration, Special AM schedules
  • Monday, 28SEP15.  Open Lunch and Late Pass Rules go into Place
  • Wednesday, 30SEP15.  Curriculum Night, 5PM-8PM
For All High School Important Dates, please add "UAI High School" calendar to your google calendars.

Per Session Posting

CHAMPS Middle School Sports & Fitness Program.  Please click here to find the per session tempalte to apply.  Any interested teachers must formally apply to this posting and have (1) AED/CPR certification from the American Red Cross or American Heart Association and (2)Concussion in Youth Sports (CYS) certification from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These certifications must be valid for the entire season to be considered. 

First School Dance Chaperones.  The first school dance will be on Friday, October 2nd from 6-10PM.  We are looking for a maximum of 10 chaperones.  Please email Kiri directly if you are interested.  Update (14SEP15): Damon, Elena, Jamie, Kristin, Kerry, Michael have signed up so far.  We're still looking for 4 more. 

SAT Prep Teacher. Ilyana and Mike have graciously agreed to provide our seniors with SAT prep prior to the official start of after school.  They will be receiving per session for this quick start program.  If you are also interested, please let Kiri know ASAP. Update (14SEP15) No one else expressed interest.  The positions are now closed.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Week of Sept 8th

UAI High School Staff News

Volume III
Issue 2
Week of Sept 8, 2015


Welcome Back!  It's hard to believe that the summer has flown by and we begin our 10th year tomorrow!  It's a landmark year for UAI.  Not only are we completing our first decade of existence, but this year's graduating class is the first class to have attended UAI as a complete school.  It is exciting to take our school's initiatives and work on filling in the holes and refining our practices as we continue to establish our school.  You can read more by clicking on the links in tomorrow's agenda below, and we will also be delving deeper into this year's goals and initiatives tomorrow.  In the mean time, here are the key ideas
  • The School Survey now takes center stage as the key accountability tool that parents, families, and the public in general use to evaluate and measure our school.  You can see how we did by Clicking HERE.
  • Using this paradigm of evaluation as a platform, here are our four goals for the year (to read about each of the goals in detail, please read our CEP, Comprehensive Education Plan)
    • Rigorous Instruction:  Develop an explicit system of Social Emotional Learning supports to build student capacity to effectively interact with one another and provide support that will increase student achievement on state assessments.
    • Supportive Environment:  Improve home-school communication frequency and clarity, with particular attention to Peer support for academic work and Peer interactions.
    • Collaborative Teachers: Build Teacher Leadership Capacity in order to strengthen teams and their capacity to carry out school goals.
    • Strong Family-Community Ties.  Increase the quality and clarity of communication between home and school, specifically through building a Parent-Advocacy committee. 

Tuesday's PD Agenda.  Tuesday's Agenda is posted on the blog HERE.  At the end of the day, you will be given keys to your classrooms and tech carts provided that you submit your deposits for the year.  If you are a returning teacher who taught summer school, your deposits ($5 for a key, $15 for an elevator pass, and $75 for your tech cart) are already on the books!  Please review the agenda frequently.  I will be updating links throughout this afternoon.

UAI Teacher's Choice.  Each year, UAI HS teachers receive $250 reimbursements for supplies of their choice.  I am happy to be able to provide this again!  Please feel free to purchase any supplies or materials you wish for your classroom.  As a reminder, all supplies and materials are officially the property of UAI High School and belong in your classroom.  As such, we cannot reimburse for materials or supplies used at home.  Allan and Del will be able to provide you with your initial paper allocation on Tuesday.  We will be ordering more shortly.

Skedula is Up To Date.  The program has been loaded and updated with Skedula.  Skedula has handily provided a Back to School checklist for teachers.  We will not be holding a specific Skedula training on Tuesday, but if you need help, please reach out to your Grade or Subject team leaders or your mentors (if you're new) for support.  Additionally, Skedula has a calendar of webinars that will help you get started for the year.  If you are having login problems, please email Colleen at

First Days' Schedules.  The First Day of School will largely be a normal day with some key changes. Please see the schedule below.  All other days in September will be normal schedule with grade assemblies being the only shift (see the assembly schedule below, too).

  • 8:00-8:30 Students gather in Cafeteria (where they can have breakfast)
  • 8:30-8:50 Extended Advisory for All (Everyday for the 1st week of school)
    • On Wed 09SEP15, 9th Grade Team needs to meet in cafe at 8:30.  9th Graders will have brief welcoming assembly with Kiri & then advisors will take classes to advisory for extended advisory 10th-12th graders will be sent to advisory from cafeteria at 8:28
    • For Thu 10SEP15 and Fri 11SEP15, all students report directly to advisory.
    • During these extended advisories, please 
      • Please review checklist below with students
        • Go through Folders (Blue Cards, Lunch Forms, Photo Release, Dress Code, Locker/Electronics Forms, etc.).  Collect all forms before submitting to Jen.
        • Sign up Student for Pupil Path
        • Locker Distribution
        • Review Schedules 
  • 8:52-9:32 Slightly Abbreviated First Period
  • 9:34 - Regular Schedule Resumes.
  • On Wed 16SEP15 on - Regular Schedule (no extended advisory)
  • LUNCH - For the first three weeks, all students EXCEPT 9th graders will be let out for lunch.  We need to keep the 9th graders in the cafe so we can get their Student IDs completed.  Because of all the September holidays, we'll need three weeks to complete this.  Starting Monday, 28SEP15, any student who did not submit a completed advisory folder, including a lunch permission slip will NOT be allowed out of the building.

Important Dates

  • Tuesday, 08SEP15.  First Day of School for Staff 8:30AM-2:50PM
  • Wednesday, 09SEP15.  First Day of School for Students
  • Monday & Tuesday 14SEP-15SEP15.  Rosh Hashanah, NO SCHOOL.
  • Wednesday 23SEP15. Yom Kippur, NO SCHOOL.
  • Thursday, 24SEP15. Eid Al-Adha, NO SCHOOL.
  • Friday, 25SEP15. DRP and DESSA Administration, Special AM schedules
  • Monday, 28SEP15.  Open Lunch Rules go into Place
  • Wednesday, 30SEP15.  Curriculum Night, 5PM-8PM
For All High School Important Dates, please add "UAI High School" calendar to your google calendars.

Per Session Posting

First School Dance Chaperones.  The first school dance will be on Friday, October 2nd from 6-10PM.  We are looking for a maximum of 10 chaperones.  Please email Kiri directly if you are interested.

SAT Prep Teacher. Ilyana and Mike have graciously agreed to provide our seniors with SAT prep prior to the official start of after school.  They will be receiving per session for this quick start program.  If you are also interested, please let Kiri know ASAP.

PD Agenda for Tuesday 08SEP15

PD Agenda for Tuesday, 08SEP15

8:30-9:00 Breakfast (lots of carbs and coffee)

9:00-10:00 Overview and Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year

10:00-10:30 Grade Team Work Time
    • Finalize Unit Zero and Submit to Kiri
    • Finalize First PODs Rounds
    • Submit Grade Team Agenda Templates
      • 5 Min SEL Data Analysis
      • 5 Min Assignment Recovery Intervention
      • 40Min - Grade Team Specific

10:30-12:00 Subject Team Work Time
  • Subject Team Agenda Template
    • 10 min Assessment/Unit Arc Data Analysis
    • 40 min Subject Team
  • Inquiry Unit Work Time
  • MOSL Selection

12:00-1:00 Lunch (provided by school cafeteria OR on your own)

1:00-1:30 Full Staff Meeting
  • Review First Day Logistics
  • Review Classroom Environment Rubric
  • Review Schedule for First Observations and Initial Planning Conferences
  • Keys & Tech Distribution

1:30-2:50 Classroom Set Up


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wednesday, 02SEP15

UAI Whole Staff PD

  • Agenda for Wednesday, 02SEP15, 10AM-2PM
    The main objective of this PD day is to provide subject and grade teams work time to coordinate efforts and unit plans for Unit Zero and for the first Inquiry Unit of the year. Kiri and your Team Leaders will be working with you to best prepare for the launch of the school year.  Teachers should plan to bring with them the necessary materials for planning.

  • Subject Team To Dos
    • Finalize Template for Inquiry Units
    • Develop Subject Team Agenda Template
    • Integrate Assignment Recovery Practice
    • Support CBM Implementation
  • Grade Team To Dos
    • Finalize Unit Zero
    • Develop Grade Team Agenda Template
      • 5 Min - SEL Data Review
      • 5 Min - Assignment Recovery Review
      • 40Min- Rest of Meeting
    • Integrate SEL into Grading System
    • Set Up Schedule for Initial PODs

    • 10:00-10:15 Breakfast and Reconnect after Summer
    • 10:10-10:30 School Goals and Policy Shifts for 2015-2016
    • 10:30-12:00 Grade Team Work Time
      • Recapping the Grade Team Commitments for Unit Zero
      • Making Space for Social Emotional Learning Lessons
      • Creating/Completing The Grade Team Calendar

    • 12:00-12:30 - Mini Lunch Break

    • 12:30-1:00 Subject Team Work Time
    • Subject Team Agenda Template
      • 10 min Assessment/Unit Arc Data Analysis
      • 40 min Subject Team
    • Inquiry Unit
      • Making Time for Inquiry Group and Responsibility Teams - Prior to presenting a final brief to their Responsibility Teams, students need to have collaborative inquiry experiences to develop high-quality, fact-checked briefs.  How can we structure our Inquiry units to make sure this happens?  Can't wait for the PD? Click here to see one way you could map out your units for the year.
      • Assessment - thinking about assessments both within the classroom and longitudinally across grades.  How are we assessing both skills and content throughout the scope and sequence of our content areas?
      • Remediation and Enrichment - what are we planning to do as a subject team to incorporate workout plans into the expectations of our Inquiry Cycles?
      • Course Resources and Materials- How can we best support the department to share and develop materials that help all teachers provide a diverse array resources for student inquiry in our subject?
    • 1:00-2:00 Classroom Set Up Time (at least 1 hour)

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

UAI HS Team Leader PD Agenda

We'll all meet in 409
(Jamie and Danielle - do you guys mind setting up the doc camera/projector if it isn't already connected from summer school)?

  • Agenda for Tuesday, 01SEP15 10AM-2PM
    In this PD, UAI leaders will work with Kiri to deepen their understanding of the school's mission, and their capacity to analyze team needs to effectively and efficiently meet school goals.   Working under the theory of action that developing strong leaders is the key to achieving our goals, this PD will be the 1st in an on-going series of Leadership Development PDs throughout the course of the year.
    • 10:00-10:15 Breakfast and Reconnecting After Summer
    • 10:15-10:30 Analysis of School Progress and Intro of School Goals
      • Reviewing the CEP - Our Schools' Goals for the Year
      • Reviewing our Data - The New Framework for Great Schools
    • 10:30-11:30 Organizational Assessment of UAIHS & Team Function there-in
    • 11:30-12:30 Leadership Development
      • Introduction to the Ways of Knowing
      • Introduction to Exec-Comm Profile
      • Role Play
    • 12:30-1:00 Goals and Expectations for Thursday's SEL PD
    • 1:00-2:00 Team Leader Classroom Set Up (at least 1 hour)