UAI High School Staff News
Volume II
Issue 3
Week of August 25, 2014
Moving forward, I'll continue to invite you to important upcoming school events so that they get added to your calendars. So, make sure you get your calendars up and running if you haven't done so already!
Meet our New High School Staff. Please join me in welcoming (and welcoming back) some wonderful people who are joining our staff this year.
Former Student Teachers...Both Kerry Smith and Anna Avino were former student teachers at UAI. We are happy to welcome Kerry (student taught with Colleen & Rebecca and filled in for Rebecca during her leave!) back to the high school as our 9th grade ISS teacher. After several years away, Anna (former student teacher of Senior Andres and Ms. Liz) returns to teach our 11th graders in their 3rd year of Spanish.
Seasoned professionals... Both Kristin Negele and Paula Collins join us from Open Market. Both have extensive experience at other DOE public schools and have developed a pedagogy and philosophy that fit perfectly with Learning Cultures at UAI. Both Kristin and Paula join our 10th and 11th/12th grade teams, respectively as our newest ISS teachers.
Carrera Partners...Our Carrera staff remains consistent for the high school with some new configurations. Some middle school staff join the high school this year, as well. Our Carrera team this year is as follows:
9th Grade: Bree Aitore (Social Worker); Rebecca Bunten (FLSE); Demetris Iannou (Job Club); Heather Bezdecheck (Academic)
10th Grade: Sara Monsonis (Social Worker); Jen Batson (FLSE); Demetris Iannou (Job Club); Heather Bezdecheck (Academic)
11th Grade: Lori Lindenbaum(Social Worker); Wazina Zondon (FLSE): Ruben Rivera (Job Club): Jillian Crowther (Academic)
12th Grade: Shannon Riley & Marni Brand (Social Workers); Jen Batson & Wazina Zondon (FLSE); Ruben Rivera (Job Club); Tyasia Harvey (Academic)
Chris Maestro (Carrera Director); and Haelin Seu (Medical Support) are also with Carrera again this year. Carrera has moved to room 201 (with FLSE in Room 404 and the Academic Team in 402).
Girls Inc. Partners... Girls Inc is also returning with a wide variety of opportunities for our young women. Nicole Souvenir will be coordinating Girls Inc Day Time and After school programs. Tiffani Credle and Rhonda Remy return to provide Girls Inc Programming both in the day and after school to our young women. This year, GIrls Inc High School will be in B35.
2nd Annual UAI Teacher' Choice. All high school teachers will be reimbursed up to $250 for supplies spent for the classroom. All receipts are due to Del no later than October 31st. Classrooms will be equipped with basic supplies (dry erase markers, chalk, staplers, tape, and 1 box of paper. Grade teams will be given time to develop grade-wide supplies lists for students to be distributed on the first day of school. The lists must be limited to no more than $40 per student and must include: 1 ream of paper; a red hand-in folder, and pens/pencils. The grade team must agree on one universal list of supplies.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, 25AUG14: First Day School Building is Open for School Year 2014-2015. 10:00AM-12:30PM, UAI Cabinet Meeting (Room 403); 12:30-2:30PM (UAI PD Committee Meeting (Room 401)
- Tuesday, 26AUG14: Coaches Day at UAI. 9:00AM-12:00PM, New Coaches Training (403); 1:00Pm-2:30PM, Returning Coaches Meeting (Room 401)
- Wednesday, 27AUG14: All Staff Invited!! 9:00AM-10:30AM, Introduction to LC eCourse (403); 10:30-1:30PM, Classroom Barnraising; 1:30-2:30, Technology, Class Lists, Room Key, etc. Distribution
- Thursday, 28AUG14: 8:30-3:30, Learning Cultures Cross-School Symposium I.
- Tuesday, 02SEP14: Staff PD, Day 1. 8:30-9:30, Kiri's Welcome; 9:30-10:00 MOSL Options; 10:00-12:30 PD Committee TBD; 12:30-1:30, New Teacher Orientation/Classroom Set Up; 1:30-2:40 Schedula Training.
- Wednesday, 03SEP14: Staff PD Day 2. 8:30-9:00, Welcome and Day's Overview; 9:00-10:30AM, Grade Team Meeting; 10:30-12:30 PD Committee TBD; 12:30-1:30 UAI HS Staff Lunch; 1:30-2:40 Classroom Set up, schedule, keys, class lists tech distribution.
- Thursday, 04SEP14: First Day of Classes.
- Friday, 12SEP14 - DRP Testing in ALL 2nd & 3rd Period classes for grades 9-11. 12th Grade has regular schedule.
Per Session Opportunities
- UAI Cabinet Meeting, Open to Team Leaders and Committee Chairs - Training Rate Per Session (2.5 hrs on 25AUG14). Starting Thursday 11SEP14, Cabinet will meet weekly for per session from 3-4PM in room 403.
- PD Committee Meeting, Open to Coaches and PD Chair - Training Rate Per Session (2.5 hrs on 25AUG14). After this meeting, the committee will meet twice a month to plan each monthly PD session (for per session). Dates TBD by committee.
- New Coach Training - Open to New Coaches only - Training Rate Per Session (3 hours on 26AUG14).
- Returning Coach Meeting - Open to returning coaches only - Training Rate Per Session (1.5 hrs on 26AUG14).
- PD Opportunity - LC eCourse - Open to all staff - Training Rate Per Session (1.5 hrs). This is the only per session available for this day
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