Monday, November 11, 2019

Week of November 12th

UAI Staff News

Volume VII
Issue 13
November 12th, 2019


Happy Birthdays! Happy belated birthdays to Mr. Isaiah and Ms. Cherry (last week).  This week, Happy Birthday to Ms. Elena, HS Spanish Teacher (Wednesday), and Ms. Miriam,  Girls Inc. Program Specialist, (Thursday).  We're still ironing out the kinks in the Birthday Calendar, so please double check with Ms. Del (via email) to make sure you're on the list!

Rapid Dismissal the day before Thanksgiving.  We will be doing a rapid dismissal before the Thanksgiving Recess.  All after school activities are cancelled, and all staff must exit the building with the students. 

Lady Eagles Volleyball!  The Lady Eagles brought a fantastic season to a close last week, losing their first playoff game, but ending with a winning record of 6-4.  Freshman coach Ms. Nina led the girls strongly this season.  We congratulate them all for their hard work and well-earned victories.  We also celebrate the lessons learned through their losses.  What doesn't kill us makes us stronger!!  Congrats Lady Eagles Volleyballers!

End of the 2nd Marking Period. 
 This Friday is the last day of the 2nd marking period.  Grades are due on Wednesday 20NOV19 at 3PM.   There were some mistakes in grading during the 1st marking period.  Because these marking period grades are only progress reports, we don't have to worry about going back to change the mistakes.  However, please take a moment to read through the UAI grading policy so we don't make those mistakes again!
  • 55 or F is the ONLY failing grade.  At UAI, the only failing grade is 55.  Please do not use any increment between 55 and 65.  If your course is graded, please use "55" to indicate failure.  As the classroom teacher your job is to make the individual judgment calls on what to do with students who have averages the fall between 55 and 65.  
  • MS Electives, Girls Inc Classes, and Enrichment Classes are P/F.  All non-core and non-breadth (e.g. PE, Art, Spanish) courses are Pass/Fail.  Please do not use numeric grades. 
  • 99 is the highest grade.  Technically, 100 is possible.  If you have a student who has a perfect score (i.e. she didn't get anything wrong on any assignment or anything all year), please come see me to get approval to enter 100 for her.  Otherwise, the highest grade you should be giving to any student is 99.
  • Marking Period Grades are Cumulative.  These MP grades are progress reports towards their final, credit bearing grade in June.  As such, they are cumulative (not separate).  They are not distinct grades, but rather, they are progress snapshots as we move through the school year.

To-Do This Week

Monday Professional Development.  There is no PD on the 11th (because that's today and we're on vacation).  Next Monday, we will have a open Skedula workshop to support teachers in getting their grades to reflect accurately and/or to give teacher extra time to schedule SLC meetings in preparation for next Thursday and Fridays' Student Led Conferences.  The following Monday 25NOV19 will be our monthly Grade Team Meetings/Snack-Tathalon (see next week's blog).  The PD committee is preparing to launch a series of PDs on planning and executing high quality Turn and Talks for the month of December.

Tuesday Family Outreach.  Please schedule your Student Led Conferences.  I need to download the current enrollment listing when I get in tomorrow.  I'll email the document out tomorrow so you can begin to record your appointments.

Student Led Conferences and Benchmarks.  Joanna will be releasing the Benchmark Schedule, shortly.  As in years past, SLC and Benchmark days are half days for students (with Girls Inc starting earlier).  All Regents-terminating courses will have a NYS regents benchmark (multiple choice only).  If teachers wish to have the short response, too, you are directed to give that section(s) of the exam in class either preceding or just after benchmarks.  Middle School students will be taking benchmarks in ELA, Math (NYS or Algebra for 8th graders), and this year, Living Environment (for 8th grade only).   All AP classes should test students using the appropriate interim assessment.  Please email questions to Joanna.  SLCs and Benchmark schedule is

  • Thursday, 21NOV19
    • Benchmark Day One (1st session 8:30-10; 2nd session 10-11:30; 3rd Lunch 11:30-12:10)
      • 11:30-12:20 - Lunch Period for Teachers
      • 12:20-1:15 - Professional Period for All Staff (Grading)
      • 1:15-2:00 - Pedagogical Assignment All Staff (Grading)
      • 2:00-2:50 - Prep Period for All Teachers
      • 5:00-8:00PM - Student Led Conferences (Individual Teacher Schedules)
  • Friday, 22NOV19
    • Benchmark Day Two(1st session 8:30-10; 2nd session 10-11:30; 3rd Lunch 11:30-12:10)
      • 12:10-2:50 - Student Led Conferences (Individual Teacher Schedules)

Social-Emotional Learning Updates

Per Session Opportunities

No New Postings This Week 


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