Monday, April 26, 2021

Week of April 26th

UAI Staff News

Volume VIII
Issue 38
April 26th, 2021

Principal's Message

This is the last week of April!  The blossoms are going crazy (which makes the allergies go bezerk), but there's something about the lengthening days and warmer temperatures that  raises the spirits and lightens the mood.

In the midst of the seemingly endless amount of work we have to do each day, please make time to take a break and enjoy New York City in the spring.  It is truly magical and it will give you a boost and the invigoration needed to bring this crazy year to a successful end!

Don't Forget To Scroll To the Bottom to See This Week's Per Session Postings

Birthdays This Week

Happy Birthday To:
Saturday, 01MAY21:  Annie & Del

Student Birthdays
Tuesday, 27APR21: Giselle MA (10)
Thursday, 29APR21:  Ebouny M (10)
              Friday, 30APR21: Jazmin A (12), Sajeda (12), 
Kayla E (12)
Saturday, 01MAY21:  Salihah K (07)

Staff Circles Committee  (Members: Annie, Jennifer, Juelle, Marsha, & Nakita)
No updates this week. See agenda/minutes here.

School Restructuring Committee (Members: Annie, Courtney, Jen, Kiri, Laura, Marsha, Nadine, Nina, and SarahM).  The SRC agendas & minutes are always open for staff access.  No new updates this week.

The Equity Team (Suzannah, Nina, Elana, Kelly, Phillan, Annie, Nakita, Rebecca C, Damon, Ms. King (Kianna’s mom), Ms. Barnes (Alyssa’s mom), Ms. Martuscello (Veronica’s mom), Kianna King, Emily Payamps, Jerlai Tyner, Jamilah Alshawish, Salia Naschel).   This week the Equity Team met to discuss how the UAI community can become more active in the fight for social justice.  We are excited to start to plan for teach-ins that we will conduct in May and June.  Each teach-in will end with a call-to-action.  Please be on the lookout for emails if you would like to be involved.  Please see this week's agenda and notes for further details.  

Thank you all for participating in the Equity Team PD on Friday.  We are excited to continue our work in creating a more equitable policy at UAI.

Grading Policy Update.  After nearly a year of work and research, the Equity Team released their first adjustments to the grading policy.  In last Friday's meeting, they shared:

  • Floor Grade of 50.  The floor grade of 50 will remain in place.  On Friday, Nina shared a powerful and personal story of the detrimental impact that zeros can do on a student's average because of their disproportionate impact it has on the grading average.  The Equity Team then shared the mathematical explanation of how a floor of 50 is more in line with the ranges the other 10pt ranges (90-100; 80-89; 70-79, etc).  Having a 50 is not "giving" students credit for doing nothing.  It is the fair floor for our grading system.  For any and all assignments, the lowest number grade given is a 50.  To communicate with students how they are performing, please use feedback, to clearly articulate what they need do to improve performance.

  • No More Participation Grades.  In their last staff engagement, the Equity Team took a look at the Participation Grade Category.  Because this category is inherently subjective, it is the category most obviously and egregiously open to implicit bias.  Surveys from staff overwhelmingly agreed, and after much research and reading the Equity Team confirmed this conclusion and ruled that there will be no more Participation Grades.

MP4 Log of Support. Weekly, during grade team meetings, we will be documenting teacher intervention and outreach in the MP4 Log of Support.   Each of you have worked so courageously and so hard to bring so many of our students through this year successfully!  It's time to make one last push to try to get as many as we can through the end of this year successfully.  For those students who received an NX for MP3, try to figure out WHY they were unable to meet course expectations. If you don't know, that's a sign to have a one-on-one with the student and their family to troubleshoot and problem solve collaboratively.  You don't (and shouldn't) have to solve the problem alone.  If after that you are still running into a wall, please reach out to Kiri, Annie, or Jen for additional intervention support!  Once you have a strong handle on the WHY, then you'll be able to work with students and their families to create supports both in school and at home to make sure each student has a shot to end the year well! 

SAT and NYS MS ELA Testing.   On Tuesday, 11th graders will be taking the SAT.  To accommodate, we are once again putting all HS classes on remote learning only and 11th graders taking the test are excused from classes.  HS teachers should review Brodie's email from last week and this program.  Please communicate today with students and advisors that all in-person HS students should be remote tomorrow, and all test-takers should come to school in-person.

For MS, only 10 students are taking the ELA exam.  So, we will be able to have testing and in-person classes.  All in-person MS students should come to school tomorrow.  MS teachers, please review Jamie's email on MS testing.  Natalie and Jake will be proctoring the 10 students, all other classes will be in person as normal.  We'll be providing coverage for Jake & Natalie in the morning.

COVID Testing.  Today, (Monday 26APR) is our next round of COVID testing.  

Per Session Postings

To Apply for any of the following per session opportunities, please COMPLETE THIS FORM and email the appropriate point person listed in this posting.  

Summer College Advisor Posting closes next week, 25APR21

Applied: Doris Twine

Staffed: Doris Twine

Summer School Per Session Post.

We are still looking for teachers, but here are the postings so far.

Please complete the per session interest form and email Kiri 

  • 2 Administrators (Must have Admin certification) - Marsha & Brodie

  • 1 Teacher Coordinator of Summer School - Kelly

  • 4-7 Teachers (subject to student enrollment): Suzannah, Nadine, Cherry, Joey, Kristina

Please CLICK HERE to indicate that you’ve read all the blogpost for this week.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Week of April 19th

UAI Staff News

Volume VIII
Issue 37
April 19th, 2021

Principal's Message

Happy Birthday To Jen! 
Monday, 19APR21 is Jen's Birthday, and it's not only a great time to celebrate yet another journey around the sun for her, it's also the perfect time to recognize and celebrate all the amazing things she does for our students, their families, and our staff at UAI.  (FYI - this is the pic her mom posted for one of her birthdays, so I'm just copying the great and amazing Susan!)

As our Director of Student Support Services, Jen oversees many, many different buckets of work.  Jen supervises & supports our counseling team to support student & family mental health, research and complete applications to high school & college, and provide social emotional support including lessons, counseling groups, and resources for teachers to help our students grow their SEL skills.  

Jen also works closely with Aisha, our new parent coordinator to create strong conduits between our students homes and school.  There has been clear, constant communication with our students' families this year, and that has been one-part the work of our amazing advisors, and the other part has been Jen's efforts via Skedula, Remind, social media, managing the website, and our weekly newsletters.

Jen also oversees all of our external student opportunities and partnerships, like our work with Girls Inc and NYU Poly.  Her work with our college counseling team and with Girls Inc provides our students with a wide array of extracurricular activities both in after school and in the in-day programming.

Finally, Jen's work with the committees like the Culture Committee, the School Newspaper, and with New Student Recruitment has been tireless and fearlessly led.  As a result, through her leadership with the hard work of those on her teams, Jen brings the heart and soul (and JOY) of UAI into our community each and every day.

Yes, she's a bit of a whirling dervish, but that piece of her charm is exactly what brings the fun into our community.  In addition, her love and commitment to each of our students and her compassion and firm encouragement in light of their challenges are the things that both our students and families praise most.  They are also the core of what makes her work invaluable at UAI.

Happy Birthday Jen!! Thank you to Susan for pushing you into the world.  We are the all the lucky beneficiaries of your joy, love, and unwavering commitment to our kids and our school!

Don't Forget To Scroll To the Bottom to See This Week's Per Session Postings

Birthdays This Week

Happy Birthday To:
Monday, 19APR21:  Jen
Saturday, 24APR21:  Phil

Student Birthdays
Sunday, 18APR21:  Zoe N(8)
Monday, 19APR21: Najlaa M (9)
Tuesday, 20APR21: Arryenna (9), Kirsten
(8) Zariah J(6)
Wednesday, 21APR21: Tiffany B(9)
              Saturday, 24APR21: Fatimata L(11), Otaesha (10), Lisa J (7), Aidan (8)

Staff Circles Committee  (Members: Annie, Jennifer, Juelle, Marsha, & Nakita)
The Circles committee met last week to begin planning for the next staff circle, which will be centered on chapter 6 of Dr. Love’s book. See agenda/minutes here.

School Restructuring Committee (Members: Annie, Courtney, Jen, Kiri, Laura, Marsha, Nadine, Nina, and SarahM).  The SRC agendas & minutes are always open for staff access.  No new updates this week.

The Equity Team (Suzannah, Nina, Elana, Kelly, Phillan, Annie, Nakita, Rebecca C, Damon, Ms. King (Kianna’s mom), Ms. Barnes (Alyssa’s mom), Ms. Martuscello (Veronica’s mom), Kianna King, Emily Payamps, Jerlai Tyner, Jamilah Alshawish, Salia Naschel).   This week the Equity Team met to discuss how the UAI community can become more active in social justice movements.  We discussed the most recent killing of 20-year-old Daunte Wright by police in Minnesota and want to figure out how we can become more active in the fight against systemic racism and killing of Black and Brown people in our country. 

Thursday's meeting was focused on revising the grading policy that the 10th-grade teachers are going to test pilot during the 4th MP.  10th grade teachers will be piloting a grading policy that focuses more on feedback and student mastery of content and skills learned.  

School Opening.  Tomorrow, we will be the last time we have a reopening this year!  Thank you to everyone who has been updating Annie and me (and the schedule) to provide us with information we need.  The next and final phase is to see who actually shows up, and then to input all the changes into Skedula (beginning on Thursday, so that they will be finished by Monday 26APR21).  

MP3 Grades Due Wednesday. Please review the UAI grading policy and make time in your week to grade and provide feedback to students each week.  Grades should be posted weekly, as a reminder.  All grades needs to be submitted via PADS by the EOD of Wednesday, 21APR21.

The Final Marking Period. We are finally in the last lap!  It has been quite the marathon of a year, but this final marking period will allow us to pull it all together and ensure that our students successfully land.  As you reflect on student progress this year, and in this final marking period, frame your thinking about their growth in an asset-based mindset.  In place of examining their deficits, search out what they achieved this year.  

In my own check-ins with folks on teacher evaluation, I've had the joy of listening to so many of you dig deep into your own achievements throughout the year.  Whenever we begin something new, we are never proficient and there are lots of different ineffective and developing aspects to beginning to master a new skill.  Remote teaching was brand new to all of us.  Therefore, I wanted to explicitly see where you were able to carve out success in the first round of teaching like this.

Similarly, Remote Learning was completely alien to our students.  There's probably a lot of things that went awry for kids, and for some, they are still trying to find their footing.  However, that doesn't mean that they haven't had their own share of success - just like their teachers.

So, this marking period, encourage yourself to resist the urge to analyze the deficits.  In this topsy turvy year of COVID, there are so many deficits to choose from, that it can be unproductive to chase them all down.  Conversely, chasing down the achievements and analyzing how and why those achievements happened will lead the way to leveraging students strengths and getting them to better understand what they are good at doing and how they can end the year for themselves in a place of confidence and strength.

Per Session Postings

To Apply for any of the following per session opportunities, please COMPLETE THIS FORM and email the appropriate point person listed in this posting.  

Summer College Advisor Posting closes next week, 25APR21

This position is for 48 hours this summer to work with bridging students to college and supporting

11th grade onboarding to the college application process. Must be a DOE pedagogue and have

college counseling expertise. Please complete per session interest form and email Kiri.

Summer School Per Session Post.

We are still looking for teachers, but here are the postings so far.

Please complete the per session interest form and email Kiri 

  • 2 Administrators (Must have Admin certification) - Marsha & Brodie

  • 1 Teacher Coordinator of Summer School - Kelly

  • 4-7 Teachers (subject to student enrollment): Suzannah, Nadine, Cherry, Joey

Please CLICK HERE to indicate that you’ve read all the blogpost for this week.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Week of April 12th

UAI Staff News

Volume VIII
Issue 36
April 12th, 2021

Principal's Message

This week is the final week of the 3rd marking period.  The 4th Marking Period will be shorter than the other marking periods, and the SRC will finalize the schedule during our meeting tomorrow so that we can get the final End-of-Year calendar to everyone this week.

Much has been written about the gaps and deficits that expanded during this year of COVID.  However, as Annie & I are meeting with each of you in our summative teacher evaluations, we are hearing countless stories of achievement and growth.  In short, what we used to value and seek out as excellence before the pandemic was linked to standards and assigned significance of a different time.  This pandemic has shown us many things, but with respect to instruction, while we haven't covered as much content as pre-COVID state standards dictate, we have all definitely delved deeper than ever into investing in our relationships with students & families and we have refined our skills at uncovering and better understanding students struggles and hurdles to learning. 

As we wrap up this 3rd marking period and prepare for the final grading period, I recognize the question many of you have around grade standards and students achievement.  When we step back and think about it, there is no student in our building this year that mastered all the content that is outlined by NY State Standards.  However, that doesn't mean that we failed.  The NYS standards were build for another era - not one that was mostly remote, physically isolated learning.  Therefore, that metric is the wrong metric, and as a result the state exams are the wrong tools - even the state and city recognize this.

So, it's time for us to do the same.  Assess student achievement with an eye to the current context of learning.  What have students done and achieved that may not be currently measured by NYS standards (because they have yet to catch up to a world where nearly 100% of students are now learning through technology)?  As you move into MP4, what are the key skills and knowledge required for students to begin next year with the strongest footing and the best chance to accelerate their growth (for example, now is the time to push on skills (closing learning gaps, extending critical thinking, etc.).  

The goal is to end the year honoring what our students have achieved in light of incredible challenge and to provide them with clear, honest, and forthright feedback about what they need to do in order to continue to maximize their growth.   In so doing, you will also find ways to honor your own achievements and hone in on the areas where you, too, want to continue to grow.

Don't Forget To Scroll To the Bottom to See This Week's Per Session Postings

Birthdays This Week

No Birthdays this week!
If you have a Bday this week, I don't have it on my calendar!
Send me an email So I can Add it!

Student Birthdays
Sunday, 11APR21:  Ashley GC (9)
Monday, 12APR21: Abigail P (11)
Tuesday, 13APR21: Ayama P (10)
Wednesday, 14APR21: Krimson (8), TiaYana (8), Hikari (6)
             Thursday, 15APR21: Jamia D (15)
 Saturday, 17APR21: Kiara C (8)

Staff Circles Committee  (Members: Annie, Jennifer, Juelle, Marsha, & Nakita)
No updates this week

School Restructuring Committee (Members: Annie, Courtney, Jen, Kiri, Laura, Marsha, Nadine, Nina, and SarahM).  The SRC agendas & minutes are always open for staff access.  The SRC will be finalizing the EOY calendar for sharing out to staff on Tuesday, and we will be reviewing our progress on planned goals and work to share back with staff in next week's blog.

The Equity Team (Suzannah, Nina, Elana, Kelly, Phillan, Annie, Nakita, Rebecca C, Damon, Ms. King (Kianna’s mom), Ms. Barnes (Alyssa’s mom), Ms. Martuscello (Veronica’s mom), Kianna King, Emily Payamps, Jerlai Tyner, Jamilah Alshawish, Salia Naschel).   This week the Equity Team met with teacher leaders from The Unison school to pick their brains about their recent grading policy change.  The Unison school is also working towards a mastery-based grading approach and just embarked on implementing grading policy changes this year.  The UAI Equity Team has started drafting our new grading policy and will test the mastery-based grading approach starting the 4th quarter with some of the 10th-grade teachers. Also on Friday during Grade Teams, we will announce changes to the Participation category in the grading policy that will be starting the 4th quarter.  Based on our research and feedback from the staff we have found that the participation grade is highly subjective to implicit bias and removing it is one step we can take to increase equity in our grading policy.  Please see the attached agenda slideshow to review our notes on the readings.   

Ramadan Begins. On Monday (12APR), the period of fasting, reflection and community commemorating revelation of the Q'uran begins for many of our Muslim students and families.  During this time, many of our students will be fasting throughout the day with only two meals (suhoor - an early morning pre-fast meal and iftar - the meal breaking the daily fast at sunset).  Many of our young students will be at home participating in family events throughout this month, and we should certainly increase communication and flexibility to this month to help our students successfully complete quality work.  This week, check in with your students to see if they have any special needs during this month and work with them and families to support them all during Ramadan.

Holocaust Remembrance Day.  Last Thursday (08APR21) was Holocaust Remembrance Day.  Over 60 years ago, WWII ended and nearly 2/3 of the Jewish population (nearly 6 million people) lost their lives to the atrocities of Nazi Germany.  Today, we continue to see atrocities and genocide occur, remembering and connecting the suffering of those at the hands of others convinced of their "right" can be emotionally weighty and difficult, but simultaneously, turning away only adds to the persistence of this in our world.  This week, I encourage you to first take time to educate yourself more about the Holocaust (if you don't already feel well-versed).  The connections of the suffering of Jews in Nazi Germany to the suffering and genocide of cultures that came before them (African Diaspora & Slavery and the Eradication of Native American Peoples) and after (the Rwandan genocide of 1994) are many, and demonstrate what happens when those in power are able to proceed unchecked.  In the end, the study of the Holocaust and remembering what happened to the millions who dies is the study of stopping it from happening again.  So, this week, make time to first education and deepen your understanding in remembrance of the Holocaust.  Then, make time in advisory this week during a circle to remember the events and actions of a period in history that can never be repeated again.

The Peer Mentoring Team (Damon, Emma, Jelissa, Kristina, Laura, Nina, Phillan, and Krystal - Girls Inc.)  
The Peer Mentoring Team has successfully launched the Peer Mentoring program! Mentors have been selected from all grades and they began meeting and training as mentors on March 8th. The week before break they were matched with and met their mentees to create a weekly check in schedule and collaborate on where their mentee needs support. A HUGE thanks to all of you who have been referring mentees to us and encouraging them to take the big step of reaching out and accepting support from a peer. The team could not have launched this without you and the students will ultimately be the beneficiaries of all of your collaboration and work behind the scenes.   Going forward we will be contacting you about mentees who are your advisees who may not be connecting with their mentors. It takes a village, and your ongoing support and encouragement of mentees to stay engaged with their mentor will be a crucial role we will all play in making this a successful and sustainable program that we can continue to expand next year. The team is already talking about ways to expand and refine the program next school year and the future looks exciting! 

School Opening.  The results of the opt-in survey  are in, and all names have been added to the program. This week, we need your help to finalize all changes so that we can welcome back all students on Monday 19APR21.

  • Names in Blue.  According to the survey, several students have opted back in.  However, I do know that there have been conversations that may supercede what they put on the survey. The problem is, I don't know which is most current.  Your conversation or the survey.  Accurate lists are key to creating the program.  So, unless we hear from you otherwise, we'll assume that the list that we have is accurate.  So, advisors, by EOD on Tuesday, 13APR21, please do the following:
    • Look at the "Student Groups & Advisors" tab on the Spring 2021 Program
    • For the students in blue, please confirm with the (1) they want to be in person, and (2) the number of days (4 is assumed) they want to come in.
    • Also review all of your students.  Please make sure the lists are accurate.  
    • If you see something that needs to be updated, please record your notes on the tab called "Advisor Notes 13APR21"
  • Program Changes. As I announced in Grade Team meetings, all staff who are not currently on staff accommodations should expect to report back to school on Monday, 19APR21, the 1st day of MP4.  As I receive notifications of student list changes, this will mean that teacher programs may change. Continue with your current programs as is this week.  You will see changes happening in live time, but these changes will not go into action until Monday, 19APR21.

Post Grades Weekly. Please review the UAI grading policy and make time in your week to grade and provide feedback to students each week.  Grades should be posted weekly, as a reminder.

Per Session Postings

To Apply for any of the following per session opportunities, please COMPLETE THIS FORM and email the appropriate point person listed in this posting.  

Summer College Advisor

This position is for 48 hours this summer to work with bridging students to college and supporting

11th grade onboarding to the college application process. Must be a DOE pedagogue and have

college counseling expertise. Please complete per session interest form and email Kiri.

Graduation Assistants.

Position Closed: Staffed to Danielle R and Jen

Summer School Per Session Post.

We are still looking for teachers, but here are the postings so far.

Please complete the per session interest form and email Kiri by March 23, 2021. 

  • 2 Administrators (Must have Admin certification) - Marsha & Brodie

  • 1 Teacher Coordinator of Summer School - Kelly

  • 4-7 Teachers (subject to student enrollment): Suzannah, Nadine, Cherry, Joey

Please CLICK HERE to indicate that you’ve read all the blogpost for this week.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Week of 05APR21

 UAI Staff News

Volume VIII
Issue 35
April 5th, 2021

Principal's Message

Welcome back from the Spring Recess!  Hopefully, you all found time to rest and recharge over the break.  The time away from school, particularly this time, is essential for developing our stamina to sustain the work through to the end of the year.

There are 60 school days remaining to our year, and each day we are moving closer back to full in-person learning.  The results from the recent round of the Pfizer kids-version vaccine is extremely promising AND reports are promising that those may even be available by summer.

NYC is vaccinating nearly 100K people each day now, and has already administered 4.4 million doses!  This news coupled with the promise of the vaccine outcomes for children is definitely brightening the light at the end of this incredibly challenging tunnel of a school year!

So, as we step into the last chapter of this school year, when the work feels overwhelming, take a step back, lift up your nose from the grindstone, smell the blossoms of the springtime and remember, each day we are closer to being back in our school, building a better, brighter learning experience for all of our kids, staff and families.

Don't Forget To Scroll To the Bottom to See This Week's Per Session Postings

Birthdays This Week

No Birthdays this week!
If you have a Bday this week, I don't have it on my calendar!
Send me an email So I can Add it!

Student Birthdays
Sunday, 05APR21:  Jenelle P (12)
Tuesday, 06APR21: Valedia F(7)
Wednesday, 07APR21: Qiyana G(9), Kai AC(8)
Thursday, 08APR21: Nareah A(7)
             Friday, 09APR21: Yalishka R (9), Maranda V (7)
 Saturday, 10APR21: Enaas S (12), Lyric D(9)

Staff Circles Committee  (Members: Annie, Jennifer, Juelle, Marsha, & Nakita)
No updates this week

School Restructuring Committee (Members: Annie, Courtney, Jen, Kiri, Laura, Marsha, Nadine, Nina, and SarahM).  The SRC agendas & minutes are always open for staff access.  The SRC will be continuing working on developing supports for SPED/ENL students as well as review the work of subcommittees (Hiring, COVID Lessons Learned, and Scheduling).  This week, the SRC will review and finalize the year-end calendar for release to all staff in next week's blog.

The Equity Team (Suzannah, Nina, Elana, Kelly, Phillan, Annie, Nakita, Rebecca C, Damon, Ms. King (Kianna’s mom), Ms. Barnes (Alyssa’s mom), Ms. Martuscello (Veronica’s mom), Kianna King, Emily Payamps, Jerlai Tyner, Jamilah Alshawish, Salia Naschel).   This week the Equity Team met to discuss the 50% grade floor at UAI.  We read relevant readings about grade scales from Fair Isn't Always Equal and Grading For Equity and then discussed our perspectives about the matter.   We also brainstormed some questions for Dr. Bettina Love.  Please see the attached agenda slideshow to review our notes on the readings.  

School Opening.  As you know, the DOE released the opt-in survey once more to all students and families to give them a chance to elect into in-person learning.   The survey closes on Wednesday, April 7th.  Please reach out to your advisory families to make sure they know about the survey, and if you have students who wish to opt back in please let Annie know ASAP.

Soft Opening Weeks.  While this survey has been released, there has been no explicitly stated date of return for MS or HS students electing to start in-person again.  That said, we will definitely accommodate students as much as possible, so the sooner we know who wants to come back, the sooner we will be able to adjust.  All students are invited to return to 4 days of instruction, but if they desire, students can choose to come in on Monday & Tuesday or Wednesday & Thursday.  For the next two weeks as we discover the numbers and names of students wishing to return, we will have to make program changes to accommodate.  To the extent possible, we will make only necessary changes, and we will communicate those changes as soon as possible.

That said, please look at these next TWO WEEKS as a "Soft" opening for MS and HS.   Here are some things to keep in mind

  • The NX Institute for grades 8th -12th grade will not start until MP4 (on April 19th).  
    • This will give teachers time to meet & plan and prepare for those institutes.
    • This will also give time for teachers and advisors to communicate changes.
  • Students are going to be assigned to specific rooms and advisors.  Please keep them in those assignments.  If there is a reason something needs to change, please communicate with Kiri directly BEFORE promising anything to the student or family.  With so many changes happening right now, we need to have a tight hold on shifts to best protect the health and safety of staff and students.  So, please, please, please, communicate (text is best).
  • This soft opening period is a period of flux as we figure out which students are returning.  The goal is to make sure all changes are in place for the start of MP4.  However, in order to make this happen, we need staff to understanding and be prepared for switches and changes as we strive to create balance and maintain COVID safety protocols for in-person staff and students.

Family Conference Data. Thank you all for working hard to connect with our families. Collectively, we completed 340 of 497 conferences with our families and students.  Well done all!  Please use this data we collected during conferences to continue to assist in your outreach and understanding of who can and cannot reasonably use videos during live zoom class time.

Post Grades Weekly. Please review the UAI grading policy and make time in your week to grade and provide feedback to students each week.  Grades should be posted weekly, as a reminder.

Per Session Postings

To Apply for any of the following per session opportunities, please COMPLETE THIS FORM and email the appropriate point person listed in this posting.  

Summer School Per Session Post.

We are currently preparing for summer school and looking for the following positions. 

We are planning to run summer school July 12th through 29th, Mondays thru Thursdays.

Hours are still TBD and precise program offerings are still being determined and will be

driven by student needs. We are looking for up to 10 positions. 

Planning & prep time in addition to teaching time will be paid for teaching staff. 

Please complete the per session interest form and email Kiri by March 23, 2021. 

  • 2 Administrators (Must have Admin certification)

  • 1 Teacher Coordinator of Summer School

  • 4-7 Teachers (subject to student enrollment)

Please CLICK HERE to indicate that you’ve read all the blogpost for this week.