Monday, May 30, 2022

Week of May 31

UAI Staff News

Volume IX
Issue 33
May 31st, 2022

Last Power Up Period of the Year.  This week we enter into the final PowerUp period for grades 8-12 and soon after that, the middle school will be entering into their own final PowerUp Period.

On the one hand, we can be exciting that the year is winding down and we are getting that much closer to a much deserved summer break...

On the other hand - every end of the Spring Term brings an overwhelming sense of stress, angst, and frustration as we try to wrap up the year.  In normal times, the May/June period of the year is a little crazy.  In COVID (post-ish COVID?) times, the crazy times are truly next level.

To that end, we are all feeling the burn.  Each of us are running on fumes and pushing our hardest (through COVID!) to get to the end of this year.  One things that will certainly help ALL of us get there in one piece is if we can find ways to pull together and act as one.

So some key things
  •  If you see something, say something.... Our kids who struggle the most in school are in peak avoidance behavior which often translates into verbal disputes and lots of drama.  If you hear anything bubbling up, please say something to the deans.  Please also say something to the kids themselves - remind them that choosing to invest their time into this drama will not help them do what they need to do for your class, and if they choose the drama, they will inevitably be putting themself into summer school or repeating the grade.
  • Hold down the fort... Please make sure that you are aware of who is in your class at all times.  Several times last week, teachers reported to me that they did not know that a student had left.  That's not ok!  Keep those teacher eyes open and aware at all times.  Also - please do not send students out of your class during the LAST or FIRST 10 minutes of class for any reason.  If there is a medical emergency that cannot wait for 10 minutes please let the deans know.  Bathrooms are closed and deans are clearing halls during this time.  So please help us keep the halls clear and moving by refraining from sending students out.
  • Give Them Something To Shine About...All students have something going well - no matter how big or small!  A little praise goes SOOOOO much further than punishment in terms of helping kids reorient themselves to the correct decisions.  Find ways to reengage your most struggling students this week by finding ways to help them shine.  
To be clear, students engaging in violent or bullying behavior will receive the consequences outlined in the NYCDOE  discipline code.  HOWEVER, if we all find ways to encourage and commend the smallest victories or achievements in our students who are the most disengaged, those words far outweigh whatever the DOE has in store for poor choices.  So, leverage the good - it'll make you feel good AND it will definitely give our kids who are struggling a real reason to make better choices.

We got this UAI!


Important dates this month & next. 

  • Wednesday, 01JUN:  Regular Classes - Trips Encouraged!

  • Monday, 06JUN:  Final Full Staff PD
    • Final Circle Committee Report
    • Final Hiring Committee Report
  • Tuesday, 07JUN:  Correction to Calendar - we DO have school!

  • Tuesday, 07JUN:  Final Day of Regular Classes for Seniors
    • Senior Course Tracking Document
    • All teachers who have a student that is currently failing but NEEDS to pass the course in order to graduate have received direct communications from Kiri.  All Advisors have been copied.  Any senior who is passing as of today will be assumed to be passing for the year unless teachers talk to Kiri to let her know otherwise.

  • Thursday, 09JUN:  Brooklyn Queens Day - Remote PD Day

  • Tuesday, 14JUN:  Last day of classes grades 9-11

  • Thursday, 16JUN:  High School Graduation at 11AM @ City Tech
    • 6th & 7th grade student & teachers will attend!!
      • Exact schedule TBD
    • Exact Assignments for all staff TBD

  • Week of 15JUN-24JUN:  Regents Week - Regular Classes for Grades 6 & 7
    Here are the exams we are giving:
    • Wed 15JUN:  
      • 9AM:  ELA Regent Exam
      • 1PM:  Living Environment Regent Exam
    • Thu 16JUN:
      • 9AM:  ALG 1 Regent Exam
    • Fri 17JUN: 
      • 1PM:  EARTH SCI Regent Exam
    • Tue 21JUN: 
      • 9AM: GEOMETRY Regent Exam
      • 1PM: LOTE Regent Exam 
    • Wed 22JUN:  
      • 9AM:  ALG 2 Regent Exam

  • Friday, 17JUN:  Last Day for Teachers Going on Vacation!
    • Must Complete End of Year Exit Sheet Prior to End of Day

  • Monday, 20JUN:  Juneteenth - NO SCHOOL

  • Tuesday 21JUN:  Middle School Portfolio (ELA/MATH) week begins (Schedule TBD)

  • Monday, 27JUN:  Last Day for Students 

  • Tuesday, 28JUN:  Last Day for Staff (Remote Day!!)

Committee Updates

Scheduling Committee. The scheduling committee is currently working on making sure students meet pre-requisites for required courses.  They will be presenting their work to staff next Monday 23MAY to provide folks with a progress report.  You can see the agenda and notes here.  

The Hiring Committee.  Our next fair is On May 24, 2022.  Please SHARE OUT THIS FLIER to anyone you know who may be looking for a job in teaching next year!   
    • You can always view our notes and decisions on THIS DOC

Equity Team. Please complete the survey that Joey sent out. The com.  Agenda

Circles Committee.  No Updates this week

Consultation Committee.  Next meeting is TBD -  at 3PM in room 403.  See consultation committee notes.   

Instructional Leadership Team. Mock Regents dates have been set (see below for details).  Also, all teachers with formal observations should be meeting with their ILT leader to prepare for their final observations with Kiri & Annie.  Committee Notes and Agenda


Monday Full Staff Meetings.  On Monday, we will once again meet in the library to continue our work to build up our general community connections.  This will continue each Monday for the remainder of the year.  For the upcoming Mondays, here are the topics of the meetings.
  • 06JUN - Final Staff Circle Report & Hiring Committee Report
    • DESSA Rating
  • 13JUN - Regents Schedule Review for HS Staff - No meeting for MS Staff

Small Group Instruction. Please email me a list of students who are still failing your course by this Friday at 3PM.  These students will be required to attend school during regents week.  You will have assigned time to work with them to complete work in lieu of proctoring assignments.

Awards Night. We celebrated a BEAUTIFUL awards night for our highest achievers and greatest growers last Thursday.  Many, many thanks to Jen and her team (so sorry I can't name you all - I'm not sure who all pitched in, but I do appreciate you all) for putting together a spectacular event.  It was so amazing to see so many of our families together and in person once again.  

Culture Day. Another big shout out to Jen and the student team responsible for organizing and executing a FABULOUS culture day.  Special shout out to DJ Jazzy J (yes that's what I'm calling Ms. J now) and all the staff who joined in on the fun and enjoyed the day with our students!  It was a wonderful way to celebrate our community and our kids together!


To Do This Week

This is the stuff that requires your attention AND it's stuff you need to do!

Do Small Group Outreach.  All teachers with small groups must call families on Tuesday to let them know that small groups will launch on Tuesday.  Please update the form  HERE once outreach is complete.  If you have any issues or problems with outreach, please contact Kiri directly!  

Promote Summer School.  If you know students who are looking for something fun to do this summer, look below for all the teachers who are running summer programs.  Send the kids their way to get a jump on summer enrollment!

Per Session Postings

Please complete THIS PER SESSION INTEREST FORM and email Kiri to let her know that you are applying for a per session position.

School Organization.   We are now ready to begin organizing stuff! Dai will be supervising all efforts, but I've appointed chiefs of certain areas to work with her.  

Science Supplies Chief - Liza with Team:  Judy, Tom, Sarah R, Nina, Phillan
Student Schwag Supplies Chief - Kelly with Team:  Jen, Elena, Aisha

2022 UAI SUMMER Camp.  


  1. Jenetta (Summer School Coordinator, Social Justice Course) - Staffed - Social Justice Course
  2. Kelly (Summer School Coordinator, Regents Prep Coordinator) - Staffed (Summer/Regents Coordinator)
  3. Jelissa (SYEP, Student Recruitment) - Staffed - SYEP coordinator, Student Recruitment
  4. Adelle (Student Recruitment) - Student Recruitment
  5. Freida (Summer Arts Elective) = Staffed Summer Arts Elective
  6. Nina (Regents Prep) - Staffed - Regents Prep
  7. Nicole (SYEP, Student Recruitment)- Staffed - SYEP Support,Student Recruitment
  8. Juelle (Student Recruitment) - Staff Student Recruitment
  9. Brodie (Summer School Administrator) - Staffed - Summer School Admin
  10. Shana (STEAM Summer Elective) - Staffed - STEAM Summer Elective
  11. Rebecca (Pottery with a Wheel)- Staffed - Pottery
  12. Olympia (Creative Writing) - Staffed - Creative Writing

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Week of May 23rd

UAI Staff News

Volume IX
Issue 32
May 23rd, 2022

Final Week of May!  This is the final week of May and it is the LAST 5day teaching week of the year.  

  • Next week is a 4-day week (Memorial Day)
  • The week after is another 4-day week (Brooklyn Queens Day)
  • The week after that is Regents Week (some 7th graders will be taking the Earth Science Regent, so NO 7th graders will be in attendance on 15JUN an 17JUN for the Practicum and Exam testing.
  • The week after that is another 4-day week (Juneteenth)
  • There is not week after that- it's just one last day with students and the last staff day is remote!
We're almost there!  I know we're all exhausted and the kids are feeling it too.  But we are all ... the end!

We are working hard to keep smooth operations.  However, last week, we averaged a LOT of staff attendance issues.  Whenever we have that many subs and coverages, student behavior becomes challenging across everyone's classes.  To help, Jen, Annie, and I are stationing ourselves in the hallways to complete our work, which includes meeting with teachers, families, kids, and zooming!!  

However, we all need to take part in this final push to the end of the year.  For the remainder of the year, please make it a point to
  • End your classes on time so you can stand at your doors to welcome in the next classes
  • If you are assigned Hall Duty, please report to Annie for your assignment at the start of your period
  • Please do NOT send out more than one student at a time from your room - for any reason.
  • Please do NOT send students out of your room (for any reason other than absolute emergency) during the first or last 10 minutes of class.

The end of every year brings student anxiety and stress to new levels for so many different and varied reasons.  These last few years have been extraordinarily uncertain for all of us, but in particular have had enormous impact on our students.  Increasing structure and creating predictable patterns (in classrooms and halls) will help our students self-manage and help all of us to create a stable, smoother end to the school year - which is a thing for our entire community.

Commit to the small acts - being at your doors and starting and stopping classes on time will do A LOT to support the school climate this week.  Additionally, we will have out-of-classroom staff on hand this week and posted in halls and stairwells to continue supporting our students as they transition.

This is our last 5-day week of normal instruction.  Let's make it the strongest one yet!


Important dates this month & next.  

  • Monday, 16MAY:  Full Staff Meeting in the Library at 3PM
    • Scheduling Committee Report Out

  • Mock Regents: Please Review the Mock Regents Schedule
    • Monday, 23MAY:  Algebra I Mock Regents 12:10-2:50PM
    • Tuesday, 24MAY:  Science (Earth/Living) Mock Regents 9:00-11:10AM
    • Thursday, 26MAY:  ELA Mock Regents 9AM-11:10AM

  • Monday, 23MAY:  Full Staff Meeting in the Library at 3PM
    • Scheduling Committee Report Out
      • SOC & MATH Teams report to rooms to complete Regents Exam Grading
        • SOC - Report to Room 507
        • MAT - Report to Room 511

  • Monday 30MAY:  Memorial Day
    • No School

  • Wednesday, 01JUN:  USH Regents Exam Day - NO CLASSES

  • Monday, 06JUN:  Final Full Staff PD
    • Final Circle Committee Report
    • Final Hiring Committee Report
  • Tuesday, 07JUN:  Correction to Calendar - we DO have school!

  • Tuesday, 07JUN:  Final Day of Regular Classes for Seniors
    • Senior Course Tracking Document
    • All teachers who have a student that is currently failing but NEEDS to pass the course in order to graduate have received direct communications from Kiri.  All Advisors have been copied.  Any senior who is passing as of today will be assumed to be passing for the year unless teachers talk to Kiri to let her know otherwise.

  • Thursday, 09JUN:  Brooklyn Queens Day - Remote PD Day

  • Tuesday, 14JUN:  Last day of classes grades 9-11

  • Thursday, 16JUN:  High School Graduation at 11AM @ City Tech
    • 6th & 7th grade student & teachers will attend!!
      • Exact schedule TBD
    • Exact Assignments for all staff TBD

  • Week of 15JUN-24JUN:  Regents Week - Regular Classes for Grades 6 & 7
    Here are the exams we are giving:
    • Wed 15JUN:  
      • 9AM:  ELA Regent Exam
      • 1PM:  Living Environment Regent Exam
    • Thu 16JUN:
      • 9AM:  ALG 1 Regent Exam
    • Fri 17JUN: 
      • 1PM:  EARTH SCI Regent Exam
    • Tue 21JUN: 
      • 9AM: GEOMETRY Regent Exam
      • 1PM: LOTE Regent Exam 
    • Wed 22JUN:  
      • 9AM:  ALG 2 Regent Exam

  • Friday, 17JUN:  Last Day for Teachers Going on Vacation!
    • Must Complete End of Year Exit Sheet Prior to End of Day

  • Monday, 20JUN:  Juneteenth - NO SCHOOL

  • Tuesday 21JUN:  Middle School Portfolio (ELA/MATH) week begins (Schedule TBD)

  • Monday, 27JUN:  Last Day for Students 

  • Tuesday, 28JUN:  Last Day for Staff (Remote Day!!)

Committee Updates

Scheduling Committee. The scheduling committee is currently working on making sure students meet pre-requisites for required courses.  They will be presenting their work to staff next Monday 23MAY to provide folks with a progress report.  You can see the agenda and notes here.  

The Hiring Committee.  Our next fair is On May 24, 2022.  Please SHARE OUT THIS FLIER to anyone you know who may be looking for a job in teaching next year!   
    • You can always view our notes and decisions on THIS DOC

Equity Team. Please complete the survey that Joey sent out. The com.  Agenda

Circles Committee.  No Updates this week

Consultation Committee.  Next meeting is TBD -  at 3PM in room 403.  See consultation committee notes.   

Instructional Leadership Team. Mock Regents dates have been set (see below for details).  Also, all teachers with formal observations should be meeting with their ILT leader to prepare for their final observations with Kiri & Annie.  Committee Notes and Agenda


Regents Exams.  The NYSED has ruled to expand the appeals process to all students.  Now, ALL students who sit for a Regent exam this year or next year and score between 50 and 64 will be eligible for an appeal.  In a low-score appeal, students are able to satisfy exam graduation requirements with a score between 50-64.  

In short, it has been absolutely verified that it will be very easy to pass the exams this year.  ALL students should sit for their associated regent exam because ALL students have the ability to satisfy graduation requirement with a minimum score of 50.

Students are always able to retake exams for higher scores, but this expansion is for a limited time only, and will ONLY apply to students who sit for exams this year or next year.  So, please share this news with students and encourage all students to sit for regents that they have not yet passed (or been waived out of).

Monday Full Staff Meetings.  On Monday, we will once again meet in the library to continue our work to build up our general community connections.  This will continue each Monday for the remainder of the year.  For the upcoming Mondays, here are the topics of the meetings.
  • 23MAY - Scheduling Committee Update & Regents Grading
    • Math Team Reports to Room 511 to Grade Short Response ALG 1 Mock
    • Social Studies Team Reports to Room 507 to Grade Short Answer USH Mock
  • 06JUN - Final Staff Circle Report & Hiring Committee Report
    • DESSA Rating
  • 13JUN - Regents Schedule Review for HS Staff - No meeting for MS Staff

Small Group Instruction.  All small groups are launched MP4 Small Groups.  No one escalated any problems in outreach to me!  I am currently going through grade books to see how students are performing.  For grades 8-12, this is the final week of new instruction before we begin our final PowerUp period.  Please make sure all grades are up-to-date by this Friday at 3PM.  

Staff PicnicOur first ever Staff Family Picnic was this Saturday, May 21st at 11:30 in Prospect Park. It was loads of fun on a beautiful hot summer-like day.  Many folks were not able to make it, but for those who did, we had an absolute blast!!!   Many thanks to Juelle, Jen, and Elena for organizing.  


To Do This Week

This is the stuff that requires your attention AND it's stuff you need to do!

Do Small Group Outreach.  All teachers with small groups must call families on Tuesday to let them know that small groups will launch on Tuesday.  Please update the form  HERE once outreach is complete.  If you have any issues or problems with outreach, please contact Kiri directly!  

Please Celebrate Our Students.   Our Student Awards Ceremony is in two weeks and we still need nominations...Please take a minute to nominate a student!

Per Session Postings

Please complete THIS PER SESSION INTEREST FORM and email Kiri to let her know that you are applying for a per session position.

School Organization.   We are now ready to begin organizing stuff! Dai will be supervising all efforts, but I've appointed chiefs of certain areas to work with her.  

Science Supplies Chief - Liza with Team:  Judy, Tom, Sarah R, Nina, Phillan
Student Schwag Supplies Chief - Kelly with Team:  Jen, Elena, Aisha

2022 UAI SUMMER Camp.  


  1. Jenetta (Summer School Coordinator, Social Justice Course) - Staffed - Social Justice Course
  2. Kelly (Summer School Coordinator, Regents Prep Coordinator) - Staffed (Summer/Regents Coordinator)
  3. Jelissa (SYEP, Student Recruitment) - Staffed - SYEP coordinator, Student Recruitment
  4. Adelle (Student Recruitment) - Student Recruitment
  5. Freida (Summer Arts Elective) = Staffed Summer Arts Elective
  6. Nina (Regents Prep) - Staffed - Regents Prep
  7. Nicole (SYEP, Student Recruitment)- Staffed - SYEP Support,Student Recruitment
  8. Juelle (Student Recruitment) - Staff Student Recruitment
  9. Brodie (Summer School Administrator) - Staffed - Summer School Admin
  10. Shana (STEAM Summer Elective) - Staffed - STEAM Summer Elective
  11. Rebecca (Pottery with a Wheel)- Staffed - Pottery
  12. Olympia (Creative Writing) - Staffed - Creative Writing

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Week of May 16th

UAI Staff News

Volume IX
Issue 31
May 9th, 2022

Final Two Full Weeks!  These are the final two full weeks of new instruction. This has been another super challenging year, and we are in the final stage of the year.  

We're all feeling the stress right now.  The kids's skills are behind where they would normally be in a school year with COVID, and they know that as much as we know that.   We, as adults, have had our own bucket of struggles as each of us navigated a sea of personal stress & challenge with the backdrop of COVID still looming large.

Dude... this has been a hard year...after year... after year...

BUT - The finish line is finally in site.  We have only 11 instructional days left in May, and when we get to June there's only 8 teaching days left for the high school (and 11 for the middle school).   June 1-14 will be our final Power Up "week" for the high school (with June 21st for the MS).  

These next two weeks are our opportunity to grasp for and root some level of normalcy for ourselves and our students.  
  • Kids will continue to test us and push the boundaries - which is normal - because they're teenagers
  • Teachers & Paras will continue to find new ways to cajole, encourage, challenge and motivate their students - which is normal - because you're awesome at what you do
  • Counselors will continue to listen, guide, and push our students to reflect on their choices, learn from their mistakes, and make better paths for themselves as they grow and develop - both normal and essential!
  • School Support Teams will continue to manage all of the endless pieces of operation that allow the school to run - so normal and soooo endless!
  • School Leadership will continue to find ways encourage and push everyone to be their best in their roles at UAI - which is admittedly annoying at times - but also super normal and what is to be expected.
After a sea of uncertainty, I reach for these elements of normalcy like life rafts bringing stability and centeredness.  In these next few weeks, we will all be in our feels at some point or another, but I encourage you to step out and look at those reactions in the context our larger experience this year.  We have a lot to fix, but we also have to honor what we have achieved in light of what we have all experienced together.

UAI, we got these next few weeks because we've had this all year long!!  

In the words of my 14 year old boy ---- Let's gooooooo!


Important dates this month & next.  

  • Monday, 16MAY:  Full Staff Meeting in the Library at 3PM
    • Scheduling Committee Report Out

  • Mock Regents: Please Review the Mock Regents Schedule
    • Friday, 20MAY:  US History Mock Regents 12:10-2:50PM
    • Monday, 23MAY:  Algebra I Mock Regents 12:10-2:50PM
    • Tuesday, 24MAY:  Science (Earth/Living) Mock Regents 9:00-11:10AM

  • Monday, 23MAY:  Full Staff Meeting in the Library at 3PM
    • Hiring Committee Report Out
    • Regents Exam Grading

  • Monday 30MAY:  Memorial Day
    • No School

  • Wednesday, 01JUN:  USH Regents Exam Day - NO CLASSES

  • Monday, 06JUN:  Final Circle PD

  • Tuesday, 07JUN:  Correction to Calendar - we DO have school!

  • Tuesday, 07JUN:  Final Day of Regular Classes for Seniors
    • NOTE:  List of Seniors Failing Your Class Due on 03JUN so we can communicate programming for students mandated to small groups

  • Thursday, 09JUN:  Brooklyn Queens Day - Remote PD Day

  • Tuesday, 14JUN:  Last day of classes grades 9-11

  • Thursday, 16JUN:  High School Graduation at 11AM @ City Tech

  • Week of 15JUN-24JUN:  Regents Week - Regular Classes for Grades 6 & 7
    Here are the exams we are giving:
    • Wed 15JUN:  
      • 9AM:  ELA Regent Exam
      • 1PM:  Living Environment Regent Exam
    • Thu 16JUN:
      • 9AM:  ALG 1 Regent Exam
    • Fri 17JUN: 
      • 1PM:  EARTH SCI Regent Exam
    • Tue 21JUN: 
      • 9AM: GEOMETRY Regent Exam
      • 1PM: LOTE Regent Exam 
    • Wed 22JUN:  
      • 9AM:  ALG 2 Regent Exam

  • Friday, 17JUN:  Last Day for Teachers Going on Vacation!
    • Must Complete End of Year Exit Sheet Prior to End of Day

  • Monday, 20JUN:  Juneteenth - NO SCHOOL

  • Tuesday 21JUN:  Middle School Portfolio (ELA/MATH) week begins (Schedule TBD)

  • Monday, 27JUN:  Last Day for Students 

  • Tuesday, 28JUN:  Last Day for Staff

Committee Updates

Scheduling Committee. The scheduling committee is currently working on making sure students meet pre-requisites for required courses.  They will be presenting their work to staff next Monday 16MAY to provide folks with a progress report.  You can see the agenda and notes here.  

The Hiring Committee.  Our next fair is On May 24, 2022.  Please SHARE OUT THIS FLIER to anyone you know who may be looking for a job in teaching next year!   
    • You can always view our notes and decisions on THIS DOC

Equity Team. Please complete the survey that Joey sent out. The com.  Agenda

Circles Committee.  No Updates this week

Consultation Committee.  Next meeting is on Thursday 19MAY -  at 3PM in room 403.  See consultation committee notes.   

Instructional Leadership Team. Mock Regents dates have been set (see below for details).  Also, all teachers with formal observations should be meeting with their ILT leader to prepare for their final observations with Kiri & Annie.


Mock Regents.  The instructional leadership team finalized dates for Mock Regents for students who will be taking exams in June.  Teams should have already heard from their ILT leads.  (ELA - I am still waiting to hear back from your team on a date...).  We don't have the capacity to hold Mocks for all the regent exams, so we're holding them for the exams required for graduation:  ELA, USH, ALG 1, Earth/Living.  

The main goal of a mock regent is to provide students an experience with extended time testing.  Students have not tested for longer than a single class period for years, at this point.  By creating a schedule to imitate Regents testing conditions, teachers will have the opportunity to coach students to build stamina and persistence throughout the exam.  These are not actual exams, the point of these exams is to help students develop the testing resilience they need to accurately demonstrate what they know.

Framing the exams is important for students.  Teachers should definitely use the following information to help frame the exams in a positive frame for students so that we limit anxiety and maximize student ability to show us what they can do and what they really know.
  • Generous Grading Curves.  It is highly likely that given NYS wanted to suspend regents again this year (the Federal Government said no) that the state will create more generous curves on the Regents Rubrics.  So, it's very possible that students could end up scoring very well on the exams this June - despite having had huge disruptions in learning this year.

  • Unknown Content & Strategic Thinking.  Disruptions in learning this year (remember our late start and almost non-existent instruction during Omicron in December & January) were unavoidable.  So, it's also unavoidable that kids will run into concepts that they may not have fully mastered (or even covered).  However, students have acquired the reasoning and thinking skills necessary to make educated guesses.  The mock regent is a time to engage students with building their test-taking strategies to eliminate answers and make educated guesses!

  • Format & Stamina.  Students have not yet had a full experience of a multi-hour exam this year. This mock regent is designed to provide teachers the opportunity to teach into the format of the entire exam and to coach students during testing to build their stamina and resilience - e.g. finding the students who are putting their heads down and giving up and giving them feedback and ideas on how to regroup and keep trying.  Certainly things can't happen during the actual exam, but as this is their first extended testing experience - a lesson on learning how to manage the experience is required.
Another goal of mock regents, of course, is to provide teachers with the content data needed to tailor the final days of instruction for their classes.  Staff will have time to grade regents exams during PD time, and if necessary, per session hours.

Special Notes:  
  • SCIENCE TEACHERS:  Many of the kids on your lists already have a science regent exam (except 8th graders - all 8th graders must sit for their science regent).  However, traditionally, students have had the greatest success with a 2nd science for their Plus One.  Students who need a science regent or a Plus One will automatically be registered to take their science exam.  Science Teachers will have the option to make final recommendations for lists, factoring in student needs and performance on the Mock Exams.

Calendar Changes.  In reviewing the calendar, and then double checking with the powers that be, June 7th is a REGULAR school day for us.  The clerical day is for schools with only grade 6-8 or K-12, not 6-12.  So, we have a regular school day that day!

STARS Updates.  Please check your class lists - Gen Ed and Special Ed.  There were some mistakes in students who were assigned to teachers.  To be honest with the staffing changes that happened (Teachers resigning, being hired) and the new programming model we used this year, it was super hard to track everything that was in motion.  However, I did finally get to this item that was constantly pushed off my plate - which was to check and double check STARS assignments.  There are a million tiny moving pieces in the program - just ask anyone on the scheduling committee!  So, please raise up any mistakes you see to me as soon as you seen them.  Jennifer & I tried to catch as many as we could, but we are mere humans.  We need multiple eyes to catch everything. So please help!

Monday Full Staff Meetings.  On Monday, we will once again meet in the library to continue our work to build up our general community connections.  This will continue each Monday for the remainder of the year.  For the upcoming Mondays, here are the topics of the meetings.
  • 16MAY - Scheduling Committee Update
  • 23MAY - Hiring Committee Update & Regents Grading
  • 06JUN - Final Staff Circle
  • 13JUN - Regents Schedule Review for HS Staff - No meeting for MS Staff

<<REPOST>>Small Group Instruction.  All small groups are launched MP4 Small GroupsFor students who are not responding to outreach or who are not attending small groups, please escalate those names to Kiri by Friday, 13MAY22.  If you missed that deadline, please email me before EOD today. Before escalating, please make sure that you have attempted to call home with the student first (e.g. pulled the student and called home with them from their cell phone).    As a reminder, students who are still failing by May31st will be assigned to attend school for extra help in small groups during Regents Exam testing days in June.

Staff PicnicOur first ever Staff Family Picnic is this Saturday, May 21st at 11:30 in Prospect Park. Look out for a details in an upcoming email from the planning team!  Please bring your own food and drink & something to sit on! 


To Do This Week

This is the stuff that requires your attention AND it's stuff you need to do!

Do Small Group Outreach.  All teachers with small groups must call families on Tuesday to let them know that small groups will launch on Tuesday.  Please update the form  HERE once outreach is complete.  If you have any issues or problems with outreach, please contact Kiri directly!  

Please Celebrate Our Students.   Our Student Awards Ceremony is in two weeks and we still need nominations...Please take a minute to nominate a student!

Per Session Postings

Please complete THIS PER SESSION INTEREST FORM and email Kiri to let her know that you are applying for a per session position.

School Organization.   We are now ready to begin organizing stuff! Dai will be supervising all efforts, but I've appointed chiefs of certain areas to work with her.  

Science Supplies Chief - Liza with Team:  Judy, Tom, Sarah R, Nina, Phillan
Student Schwag Supplies Chief - Kelly with Team:  Jen, Elena, Aisha

2022 UAI SUMMER Camp.  


  1. Jenetta (Summer School Coordinator, Social Justice Course) - Staffed - Social Justice Course
  2. Kelly (Summer School Coordinator, Regents Prep Coordinator) - Staffed (Summer/Regents Coordinator)
  3. Jelissa (SYEP, Student Recruitment) - Staffed - SYEP coordinator, Student Recruitment
  4. Adelle (Student Recruitment) - Student Recruitment
  5. Freida (Summer Arts Elective) = Staffed Summer Arts Elective
  6. Nina (Regents Prep) - Staffed - Regents Prep
  7. Nicole (SYEP, Student Recruitment)- Staffed - SYEP Support,Student Recruitment
  8. Juelle (Student Recruitment) - Staff Student Recruitment
  9. Brodie (Summer School Administrator) - Staffed - Summer School Admin
  10. Shana (STEAM Summer Elective) - Staffed - STEAM Summer Elective
  11. Rebecca (Pottery with a Wheel)- Staffed - Pottery
  12. Olympia (Creative Writing) - Staffed - Creative Writing

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Week of May 9th

UAI Staff News

Volume IX
Issue 31
May 9th, 2022

Happy Mother's Day!  Happy Mother's day to all of your mothers and all of you who are mothers!  

Mother's are often our very first teachers.  Our first lessons focused on the necessary and fundamental such as eating and walking.  As we grow, mothers are often those who teach us about the power of emotions and connections (both the positive and negative!).  Mothers are our guides, inspirations, sounding boards, and #1 cheerleaders (and at times, our chief critics).

As folks who work with kids along their range of  academic and social emotional development, we share many of these same roles in different manners.  We often play the school parent with our students- pushing & guiding, cajoling & reprimanding, celebrating & disciplining.  

So as you pause today to celebrate mothers in your own life, take a moment to honor yourself and the role you play in the lives of our students as we all lift them up to become their best selves!


Important dates this month.  

  • Monday, 09MAY:  Full Staff Meeting in the Library at 3PM
    • Equity Team Presentation
      • See Equity Team Email for Specific Updates

  • Monday, 16MAY:  Full Staff Meeting in the Library at 3PM
    • Scheduling Committee Report Out

  • Monday, 23MAY:  Full Staff Meeting in the Library at 3PM
    • Hiring Committee Report Out

  • Monday 30MAY:  Memorial Day
    • No School

Committee Updates

Scheduling Committee. The scheduling committee is currently working on making sure students meet pre-requisites for required courses.  They will be presenting their work to staff next Monday 16MAY to provide folks with a progress report.  You can see the agenda and notes here.  

The Hiring Committee.  Our next fair is On May 12, 2022.  Please SHARE OUT THIS FLIER to anyone you know who may be looking for a job in teaching next year!   
    • You can always view our notes and decisions on THIS DOC

Equity Team.  The Equity Team read another passage from Pushout this week to start thinking about which specific policies are causing disproportionality in our discipline data and how we might revise these policies.  The team will reconvene to discuss the reading this week.  Agenda

Circles Committee.  No Updates this week

Consultation Committee.  Next meeting is on Thursday 19MAY -  at 3PM in room 403.  See consultation committee notes.   

Instructional Leadership Team. No Updates this week


Monday Full Staff Meetings.  On Monday, we will once again meet in the library to continue our work to build up our general community connections.  This will continue each Monday for the remainder of the year.  For the upcoming Mondays, here are the topics of the meetings.
  • 16MAY - Scheduling Committee Presents
  • 23MAY - DESSA Final round & Hiring Committee Presents
  • 30MAY - No Meeting (Memorial Day - No School)
  • 06JUN - Final Staff Circle
  • 13JUN - Regents Schedule Review for HS Staff

Small Group Instruction.  All small groups are launched MP4 Small Groups.  For students who are not responding to outreach or who are not attending small groups, please escalate those names to Kiri by Friday, 13MAY22.  Before escalating, please make sure that you have attempted to call home with the student first (e.g. pulled the student and called home with them from their cell phone).  

Staff PicnicOur first ever Staff Family Picnic is this Saturday, May 14th at 11:30 in Prospect Park. Look out for a details in an upcoming email from the planning team!  Please bring your own food and drink & something to sit on! 


To Do This Week

This is the stuff that requires your attention AND it's stuff you need to do!

Do Small Group Outreach.  All teachers with small groups must call families on Tuesday to let them know that small groups will launch on Tuesday.  Please update the form  HERE once outreach is complete.  If you have any issues or problems with outreach, please contact Kiri directly!  

Please Celebrate Our Students.   Our Student Awards Ceremony is in two weeks and we still need nominations...Please take a minute to nominate a student!

Per Session Postings

Please complete THIS PER SESSION INTEREST FORM and email Kiri to let her know that you are applying for a per session position.

School Organization.   We have received a TON of stuff from our various orders.  Also, we have a TON of closets in need of organization.  So, if you're interested in joining the UAI organization extravaganza please submit via the per session interest form (link above) and email Kiri.  We're looking for volunteers to organize the science closet, the basement closets and any other closet or storage area that we can locate in the building.  If you're available to work after school or Saturdays, please let me know.  Once we have the team of folks together, we'll put together the plan and get everyone targeted on specific projects!

2022 UAI SUMMER Camp.  <STILL OPEN> This summer will build on what we started last summer in our effort to create highly engaging and challenging summer programming for our students.  Mandatory make-up programs have been moved into June and we are replacing the punitive form of summer school with programming that is aimed at enriching, exciting, and getting kids thrilled to be in school again!

We are looking for summer school teachers to offer programming this summer.  We will offer elective credit to the courses.  The courses can be anything that interests you, and classes will be limited no more than 15 students per class.  

We are looking for teachers to teach elective classes in:
  • Arts:  Creative Writing, Art (visual, performing, or movement), Poetry, Storytelling, Photography etc.
  • Social Justice:  Community Organizing, Protest Art, Social Media Campaigns, Etc.
  • STEM:  Finance, Engineering, Drones, Rockets, 
  • EntrepreneurialMedia:  Podcasting, YouTubing, Social Media Management, Documentary Film Making
  • Open Call:  Have an Idea?  Submit it!!

Days 11JUL-29JUL , Mondays-Thursdays ONLY
Hours (Max) 5 hrs per day 
    (90 min classes with an hour prep for each class up to two classes a day)
    Total possible hours = 60 hours    Minimum possible hours = 30 hours

(Applied)/ Staffed: 

  1. Jenetta (Summer School Coordinator, Social Justice Course) - Staffed - Social Justice Course
  2. Kelly (Summer School Coordinator, Regents Prep Coordinator) - Staffed (Summer/Regents Coordinator)
  3. Jelissa (SYEP, Student Recruitment) - Staffed - SYEP coordinator, Student Recruitment
  4. Adelle (Student Recruitment) - Student Recruitment
  5. Freida (Summer Arts Elective) = Staffed Summer Arts Elective
  6. Nina (Regents Prep) - Staffed - Regents Prep
  7. Nicole (SYEP, Student Recruitment)- Staffed - SYEP Support,Student Recruitment
  8. Juelle (Student Recruitment) - Staff Student Recruitment
  9. Brodie (Summer School Administrator) - Staffed - Summer School Admin
  10. Shana (STEAM Summer Elective) - Staffed - STEAM Summer Elective
  11. Rebecca (Pottery with a Wheel)- Staffed - Pottery
  12. Olympia (Creative Writing) - Staffed - Creative Writing

Monday, May 2, 2022

Week of May 3rd

UAI Staff News

Volume IX
Issue 30
May 3rd, 2022

Eid Mubarak!  Happy Eid to all who observe, and many happy warm celebrations to all in general!  

We have officially made it to May and are in our final 20 instructional days before reaching our final power up days in June.  I'll speak more to the end of the year calendar below, but first, I want to make this time to celebrate UAI, celebrate our staff, out students, and our community!

Prior to the break, Deputy Superintendent Debbie Afanadour came to do her final evaluative visit for the year.  Our instructional leadership team came together to show off our amazing teachers and programs!  In the middle of this visit, we had to shelter in for the morning to protect our community from external threats.  Despite the unexpected curveball, our teacher leaders rose to the occasion with calm, skill, and ease - making a deep impression with Debbie and leading her to write one of the best evaluations I've ever had as a school leader!  One of my biggest learnings over the last few years is that I don't have to do it all....our team is our truest strength, and having our superintendency recognize that strength in our school is amazing!  Thank you to:
  • All the teachers whose classrooms we visited (Alison & Nica, Joey & Olympia, Shana & Claire) 
  • Those who shared their curriculum (Marsha, Jenetta, and Kelly for African History)
  • To those who shared our committee work (Nakita & Rebecca)
  • To everyone who made the school run smoothly in the background of this visit with the backdrop of some crazy stuff on an insane day (Jen, Annie (from her sickbed!), Courtney, Jelissa, Nicole, Aisha, Dai, Jennifer, Marni, Danielle, Doris)
Like many schools, we have had a rough year.  Like a lot of schools, we have not been able to fill positions, teachers have resigned in the middle of the year, staff morale and health has been up and down, student health and morale has been up and down... It's been a roller coaster

BUT - our strength is in each other.  So many of you came together to showcase the amazing work we do in spite of the immense challenges we faced this year.  YET - this visit is only ONE part of the amazing work each of you do everyday

  • Student Roundtables launched!  Months ago, Claire had the idea to launch this, and at the time, the weight of the year was a bit too much for folks.  Last Tuesday, all the staff who work with a particular student came together after school on Tuesday to discuss and share strategies that work, things tried but ineffective, and to collaboratively build a coherent approach to support this student to end the year with success.  It was a great and productive meeting for this student in particular!  Thank you to all who joined that meeting to set the bar and blueprint for how to work together to build effective intervention & support with our students with the highest needs (Nina, Jenetta, Freida, Joey, Nakita, Marsha, Kelly, Nadine, and Jean).  Nadine will be coordinating meetings on Tuesdays to continue this work.  We won't get to everyone, but we will begin creating a practice and structure to carry in to next year!!

  • Lunchtime Connections and Main Office Shenanigans.  Over the last month, I've had the joy of spending many hours in the main office (while doing the very joyless job of MS test coordinating).  Dai, Denyea, Damaris, and Aisha have created a fabulous (and FUN) operations hub in our main office.  Their connections and support of one another is seamless and so inspiring to watch.  Similarly, the lunch crews that come in and out of the teachers lounge each day frequently erupt with laughter and joy.  I never heard what was said, but laughter is a balm that eases so many ills.  It is a true joy to hear it gurgling through the lounge and main office space at UAI.  It definitely shows the strength and trust that can build in unofficial, unmonitored settings - and often it is this informal community building that is the backbone of a much stronger and cohesive community.  I know COVID kept many out of the lounge, and we will endeavor to find other ways for folks to connect - maybe outside now that the weather is better - but the informal connections are in fact critical to our work.  It is important that we first recognize and see the humans we are and with whom we work!

It's time to make time to celebrate our community.  These stories are only the few (but amazing) that I've had the chance to see over the last couple of weeks.  This pandemic has been hard for so many.  It has become more common to commiserate than celebrate.

So, in the spirit of Eid al-Fitr, I invite us all to celebrate our community and ourselves this month.  Starting with
  • Tuesday 03MAY - Friday 06MAY - It's Staff Appreciation Week!

    • TUE 03MAY - Breakfast at UAI - Celebrate your Colleagues
      • Grab some breakfast and leave a note of appreciation for a colleague!
    • WED 04MAY - Lunch at UAI - Come Grab a Bite in the Backyard! 
      • Join us in the backyard for a good old chat and chew
    • THU 05MAY - Enjoy a Gift of Appreciation - Tiny Gifts of Thank Await You!
      • Drop into the main office & teacher's lounge for a gift and a treat
    • FRI 06MAY - Enjoy a Massage Break 
      • Annie will be sending the sign up soon!  Sign up for some relaxation!

  • Tuesday 03MAY @1PM:  Senior College Match Parade!

    • At about 1:05 we are going to hold our Senior Commitment Day Parade - this is an opportunity for our amazing Seniors to show-off - loud & proud- their post secondary choices and celebrate their hard work and the quickly coming to an end 4 years of high school!

      The plan is that the Seniors will start on the 5th floor - showcasing some homemade banners (and some other fun surprises)  and loop down  and around to the 4th and 3rd floors before heading outside. Teachers on floors 5, 4 and 3 - we're asking that you begin lining students up outside of your classrooms in the hallways (along the walls) at 12:50  so that when Seniors come around they can be seen and cheered on by their classmates  - we will make an announcement to remind everyone.

    • Teacher in the basement and 2nd floor - We are asking that you take your class outside the building and have them line-up outside - on Adams Street - starting at the corner of Adams and Johnson and have the line-UP move towards the Marriott - kids can be on both sides of the sidewalk, as long as the sidewalk is clear for people to walk .

    • The whole process won't take more than 20 minutes - students will report to their last period class at the end of the parade.

      Any questions, please let Jen know..bring your cheer and excitement!

  • Thursday, 26MAY @5:30PM:  Student Awards Night!

    • We are finally able to hold an in-person ceremony to celebrate our amazing students!  BUT we need some help.  There are still quite a few  folks that have not nominated any students for our student awards ceremony. Please take a minute to complete This form so that we can formally invite students and families to the ceremony!

There are 20 school days in May.  Challenge yourself, your students, and your colleagues to find 20 different things to celebrate - at least one thing per day for the month of MAY!


Important dates this month.  

  • May is UAI's Celebration of Islamic Heritage - Stay Tuned to Specific Updates from Jen!
  • Wednesday, 04MAY:  8/9/10 Dance Field Trip to Moulin Rouge
  • Monday, 09MAY:  Full Staff Meeting in the Library at 3PM
    • Equity Team Presentation
  • Monday, 16MAY:  Full Staff Meeting in the Library at 3PM
    • Scheduling Committee Report Out
  • Monday, 23MAY:  Full Staff Meeting in the Library at 3PM
    • Hiring Committee Report Out
  • Monday 30MAY:  Memorial Day
    • No School

Committee Updates

Scheduling Committee. The scheduling committee met Wednesday to review the new schedule for the fall.  You can see the agenda and notes here.  

The Hiring Committee.  Our next fair is On May 12, 2022.  Please SHARE OUT THIS FLIER to anyone you know who may be looking for a job in teaching next year!   
    • You can always view our notes and decisions on THIS DOC

Equity Team.  The Equity Team read another passage from Pushout this week to start thinking about which specific policies are causing disproportionality in our discipline data and how we might revise these policies.  The team will reconvene to discuss the reading this week.  Agenda

Circles Committee.  No Updates this week

Consultation Committee.  Next meeting is on Thursday 19MAY -  at 3PM in room 403.  See consultation committee notes.   

Instructional Leadership Team. No Updates this week


Monday Full Staff Meetings.  On Monday, we will once again meet in the library to continue our work to build up our general community connections.  This will continue each Monday for the remainder of the year.  For the upcoming Mondays, here are the topics of the meetings.
  • 09MAY - Equity Team Workshop
  • 16MAY - Scheduling Committee Presents
  • 23MAY - DESSA Final round & Hiring Committee Presents
  • 30MAY - No Meeting (Memorial Day - No School)
  • 06JUN - Final Staff Circle
  • 13JUN - Regents Schedule Review for HS Staff

Small Group Instruction.  All small groups are launched MP4 Small Groups.  Please reach out to families to discuss student progress during Tuesday outreach.  Please make these PHONE CALLS or TEXT MESSAGES.  It's important that we document family responses - not just our outreach. 

Promotional conversations are often complex, and families and students will sometimes begin with "But the teacher never contacted me". To avoid this, I need you to document the outreach you made and the parent/family member response so that we can have more productive end-of-year conversations with families.
Teachers are expected to make weekly outreach to each student in their small group and update the document each week.  If students are absent from small groups, there must be phone calls home to let families know.  Families are very much our partners in this work, and our neediest students require strong and open communication between school and home if they are to fight their footholds for success!


To Do This Week

This is the stuff that requires your attention AND it's stuff you need to do!

Do Small Group Outreach.  All teachers with small groups must call families on Tuesday to let them know that small groups will launch on Tuesday.  Please update the form  HERE once outreach is complete.  If you have any issues or problems with outreach, please contact Kiri directly!  

Please Celebrate Our Students.  Jen and her team are working to create a student awards night to celebrate our students' hard work this year.  Nothing truly compares to the praise of their teachers.  So please take a few moments to COMPLETE THIS DOCUMENT by the end of this week.  It will mean so much to each student and their family AND it will make you feel great too! 

Per Session Postings

Please complete THIS PER SESSION INTEREST FORM and email Kiri to let her know that you are applying for a per session position.

School Organization.   We have received a TON of stuff from our various orders.  Also, we have a TON of closets in need of organization.  So, if you're interested in joining the UAI organization extravaganza please submit via the per session interest form (link above) and email Kiri.  We're looking for volunteers to organize the science closet, the basement closets and any other closet or storage area that we can locate in the building.  If you're available to work after school or Saturdays, please let me know.  Once we have the team of folks together, we'll put together the plan and get everyone targeted on specific projects!

2022 UAI SUMMER Camp.  <STILL OPEN> This summer will build on what we started last summer in our effort to create highly engaging and challenging summer programming for our students.  Mandatory make-up programs have been moved into June and we are replacing the punitive form of summer school with programming that is aimed at enriching, exciting, and getting kids thrilled to be in school again!

We are looking for summer school teachers to offer programming this summer.  We will offer elective credit to the courses.  The courses can be anything that interests you, and classes will be limited no more than 15 students per class.  

We are looking for teachers to teach elective classes in:
  • Arts:  Creative Writing, Art (visual, performing, or movement), Poetry, Storytelling, Photography etc.
  • Social Justice:  Community Organizing, Protest Art, Social Media Campaigns, Etc.
  • STEM:  Finance, Engineering, Drones, Rockets, 
  • EntrepreneurialMedia:  Podcasting, YouTubing, Social Media Management, Documentary Film Making
  • Open Call:  Have an Idea?  Submit it!!

Days 11JUL-29JUL , Mondays-Thursdays ONLY
Hours (Max) 5 hrs per day 
    (90 min classes with an hour prep for each class up to two classes a day)
    Total possible hours = 60 hours    Minimum possible hours = 30 hours

(Applied)/ Staffed: 

  1. Jenetta (Summer School Coordinator, Social Justice Course) - Staffed - Social Justice Course
  2. Kelly (Summer School Coordinator, Regents Prep Coordinator) - Staffed (Summer/Regents Coordinator)
  3. Jelissa (SYEP, Student Recruitment) - Staffed - SYEP coordinator, Student Recruitment
  4. Adelle (Student Recruitment) - Student Recruitment
  5. Freida (Summer Arts Elective) = Staffed Summer Arts Elective
  6. Nina (Regents Prep) - Staffed - Regents Prep
  7. Nicole (SYEP, Student Recruitment)- Staffed - SYEP Support,Student Recruitment
  8. Juelle (Student Recruitment) - Staff Student Recruitment
  9. Brodie (Summer School Administrator) - Staffed - Summer School Admin
  10. Shana (STEAM Summer Elective) - Staffed - STEAM Summer Elective
  11. Rebecca (Pottery with a Wheel)- Staffed - Pottery
  12. Olympia (Creative Writing) - Staffed - Creative Writing