UAI High School Staff News
Volume II
Issue 8
Week of September 29th, 2014
Observation Catch Up. Observation Write Ups and Learning Culture Rubric Notes are coming out this week. If I missed yours, we'll reschedule for this week and next. Check your gmail. to see when.
Fire Drill this Week. Our first fire drill of the year is this Thursday, 02OCT14 at 9:30AM. Please make sure that students understand where to go PRIOR to the drill. Please also briefly review expected behaviors (moving quickly and silently out of the building).
With Unit 0 over, bring on Unit 1! Now that Unit 0 is complete, and the formats have formally been introduced, all classrooms should be formally into the routines and formats of Learning Cultures. Many of you have already launched into the formats smoothly (nicely done!), and starting tomorrow, we should all have launched successfully. From what I've seen already, your classes are off to strong starts! So, I'm really looking forward to the weeks to come! If you feel like you need a refresher - particularly around Responsibility Teams - please CLICK HERE to view Cynthia's videos on the formats. You can use my login - and password - uailc283.
Attendance Calls Home. After only one reminder, the rate of advisor calls home was perfect on Tuesday! All students who were absent from school received a phone call home, and the message was logged into Skedula. Nice work team! Keep it up and be sure to get Carol into the loop if you're unable to reach homes and/or you have a long-term absent student (e.g. she's at a wedding in Yemen for 3 more weeks...). Carol will be able to support you in finding working phone numbers and/or access our DOE attendance teacher to get in-person visits to the home.
Per Session Sheets are Due this Week. They are due to Del by the end of the day on Thursday, 02OCT14. You can click on the picture to the left if you need a copy of the per session sheet. DO NOT BE LATE turning this sheet in to Del. If you are late, you risk being disqualified from all per session positions for the remainder of the year. DO NOT BE LATE. (Yes, those are screaming CAPS).
Important Dates
- Monday, 29SEP14. 1st Class after Benchmark I. All formats should be up and running in full form!
- Thursday, 02OCT14. First Fire Drill at 9:30AM
- Tuesday, 07OCT14. Assessment Leads Day with Cynthia at UAI
- Wednesday, 08OCT14. Kiri out of the building at UA Principal's meeting.
- Thursday, 09OCT14. First Lock Down drill - time TBD.
- Monday, 13OCT14. Columbus Day - NO SCHOOL
- Wednesday, 15OCT14. Code Blue Leads Day with Cynthia at UAI
- Wednesday, 15OCT14. PSAT in AM or Grades 10 and 11 only.
- Friday, 17OCT14. End of First Marking Period
- Wednesday, 22OCT14. 1st MP Grades Due by 2:40PM
- Wednesday, 22OCT14. Professional Development Leads Day with Cynthia at UAI
- Friday, 24OCT14. Report Cards backpacked home
- Friday, 24OCT14. First High School Dance and Haunted House
- Wednesday 29OCT14. UAI High School Open House
- Tuesday 04NOV14. Election Day PD at Green Careers
- Wednesday 05NOV14. Student Led Conferences 5-8PM
- Friday 07NOV14. Student Led Conferences 12:00-2:40PM
Per Session Postings
No new postings at this time...
-----------Filled positions------------------
Before and After School Disciplinary Support. This position is for a high school dean to supervise breakfast and hold after school detentions. 1 hour per day for all school days. Ms. Pamela is filling this position.
After School Clubs. Clubs submitted and approved: Doris - Cultural Diaspora; Ilyana - Book Club; Sarah - ASL, Damon also is added!. It's very possible that your proposal got lost in my inbox. If I missed you, I'm still approving! So please submit. The hard deadline is the After school fair tomorrow at 1:30.
Before and After School Director of Student Social-Emotional Learning. This position has been filled by Jen.
-----------Filled positions------------------
Before and After School Disciplinary Support. This position is for a high school dean to supervise breakfast and hold after school detentions. 1 hour per day for all school days. Ms. Pamela is filling this position.
After School Clubs. Clubs submitted and approved: Doris - Cultural Diaspora; Ilyana - Book Club; Sarah - ASL, Damon also is added!. It's very possible that your proposal got lost in my inbox. If I missed you, I'm still approving! So please submit. The hard deadline is the After school fair tomorrow at 1:30.