Teacher Evaluation 2015-2016
MOSL and MOTP Selection
I found a better MIddle School MOSL selection guide HERE and a better High School selection guide HERE
Here's the cliff notes on how teacher evaluations currently work:
- 40% of your overall evaluation is based on tests (MOSLs). Half of this rating is selected by the state (or me as the agent of the state, and half is selected by you (typically a MOSL committee, but for this year, I'm going to make suggestions and if you do NOT want that MOSL, then let me know and we can sit down and discuss)
- 60% of your overall evaluation is based on classroom observation (MOTP). Your options are HERE
Here's the rule on MOSLs
- You can only be judged by the same assessment for both state and local measure if the population is different. For example, you elect to have the ELA Regent for both measures if on one hand you choose "School" and on the other you choose "Individual/Grade/Lowest 3rd". Otherwise, you must have different assessments
- If you teach a course that terminates in a NYS exam, you will be evaluated by the exam.
Here's who will be your primary evaluator this year:
Colleen- All ELA + Language teachers (Except Tenuring Teachers who will be observed by Kiri). Kiri & Val will be visiting all ELA & Language teachers in November and December to cover for Colleen while on maternity leave.
Val- All ISS, Social Studies, PE, and Art teachers. (Except Tenuring Teachers who will be observed by Kiri)
Kiri- All Math & Science teachers plus ALL tenuring teachers
Kiri's Suggested MOSLs
Here are my suggested MOSL selections. The state MOSLs are locked in. If you do not want your LOCAL measure, email me immediately and let me know what you would like instead.
Course State Local
- 6th/7th/8th Writing NYS ELA - Individual/Growth NYS ELA - School/Growth
- 6th/7th/8th Reading NYS ELA - Individual Growth NYS ELA - School/Growth
- 6th/7th/8th Math NYS Math - Individual/Growth NYS Math - School/Growth
- 6th/7th Science NYS ELA - Individual/Growth NYS 8th Science - School/Growth
- 8th Science NYS 8th Sci. - Individual/Growth NYS 8th ELA - Individual/Growth
- 6th/7th/8th History >>> Same as 6th/7th/8th Reading<<<
- MS Art/PE/Health NYS ELA - School/Growth NYS Math - School/Growth
- 9th/10th/12th ELA NYS ELA Reg - School/Growth NYC Perf. Task- Indiv/Growth
- 11th ELA NYS ELA Reg - Indiv/Growth NYS ELA Reg - School/Growth
- 9th Algebra NYS Alg I Reg - Indiv/Growth NYS All Math Reg - School/Growth
- 10th Geometry NYS Geo Reg - Indiv/Growth NYS All math Reg - School/Growth
- 11th/12th Math NYS Alg I Reg - School/Growth NYS All math Reg - School/Growth
- 9th/10th Global NYS Glo Reg - School/Growth NYS All SS Reg - School/Growth
- 11th USH NYS USH Reg - Indiv/Growth NYS All SS Reg - School/Growth
- 12th SS NYS All SS Reg - School/Growth NYS Bundle All Regents - School/Growth
- 9th Liv Env. NYS LE Reg - Indiv/Growth NYS All Sci Reg - School/Growth
- 10th Earth Sci NYS Earth Sci - Indiv/Growth NYS All Sci Reg - School/Growth
- 11th/12th Science NYS All Sci Reg - School/Growth NYS Bundle All Regents - School/Growth
- 10th/11th Lang NYS Bundle All Reg - Indiv.Growth NYS Bundle All Regents - School/Growth
- HS PE NYS Bundle All Reg - Indiv.Growth NYS Bundle All Regents - School/Growth
- ISS Teachers NYS Alg 1 - School/Growth NYS ELA - School/Growth