2013-2014 School Year Schedule
Hello All
I realize that many of you have waited patiently for this program. We originally had a program in place to present to you on 13JUNE, but after our budget meeting with the network, we were unable to overcome the budget shortfall and fully staff that program. Much of this shortfall stems from the DOE's restructuring of special education funding. Many of our special education students were moved from full-time funding to part-time funding, resulting in a significant loss of money.
As a result, the following program is being proposed.
To optimize period length and to get classes to meet everyday, the proposed schedule is a 7 period schedule.
- Teacher days are 6 hours and 20min with 37.5 mins of Extended Day Tutoring (by Advisory group of no more than 10 kids) Mondays - Thursdays. The School Day is 8:25AM-2:45PM
- The 8th grade has been split up. Three grades of teachers will teach across grade, but all of these teachers will have their own classrooms (not move).
- Grade 6 Teachers teach 1 section of 8th grade
- Grade 7 Teachers teach 1 section of 8th grade
- Grade 10 Teachers teach 1 section of 8th grade. - Three grades will not teach across section, but will have to share and/or move between classrooms.
- 9th grade teachers will share and/or move classrooms (teach all 4 sections)
- 11th grade teachers will share and/or move classrooms (teach 3 sections & push into 1)
- 12th grade teachers will share and/or move classrooms and have multiple preps
(e.g. Teach Govt/Econ and English; Teach Math and Science; Teach Writing and Special Ed) - I still have to finalize exactly where Preps/Professionals periods go based on teacher Prof Period Assignment, but essentially (barring any errors that I find as I comb through the schedule, and barring any further budget and/or staffing dilemmas).
- This 7 period schedule requires and SBO. In emailing with Mary Wade over the weekend, she mentioned to me that the only SBO deadlines she knew about was the Extended Day time. She expressed that she thought that the SBO season was over, but I also shared with her that other schools were still working on SBOs. In fact, we were still working on our SBO last June. When I verified that she was the schools' district rep who provided SBO approval, Mary replied, "Yes, based on information directly from the UFT members in the school. As you know an SBO must be agreed upon by both the DoE and the UFT."
Click Here To view the Schedule Proposal