Sunday, December 15, 2019

Week of December 16th

UAI Staff News

Volume VII
Issue 18
December 16th, 2019


Last Blog Post of 2019.  It is hard to believe that another entire year has gone by, but we are at the final blog post of 2019!!  I know this time of year can be hard for both students and staff alike.  We are tired from running at full tilt since September.  Our students have building anxiety as the end of the semester and the holidays approach.  It can be rough - particularly if we only focus on what's hard.       BUT      If we take a minute to look ahead, we make the time to see our horizon.  We are 5 school days away from 12 uninterrupted days of vacation.  These are 12 days in which we can relax, spend time recharging, hang with family and friends, and celebrate the end of the year.  In the midst of this celebration and rest, I know that many of you will also use this time to get a jump on the spring term, which will in turn, become an investment in an easier spring term.

Let's end this last week strong for our students and our school.  Look ahead to next week's rest and dig deep to plan and deliver the last five lessons of 2019!!  I look forward to seeing your best and brightest work as we visit classrooms this week!!

Superintendent's Visit.  I wanted to make a point to reiterate that this latest visit from our Superintendent was one of the best ones we've had to date!  Throughout classrooms and subject areas, she saw students engaging in rigorous tasks, asking questions, forming ideas, and discussing them with their peers to construct new understandings and skills.  She also saw a team of committed professionals who are working tirelessly to bring the best quality learning experiences to our students.  A special shout out goes to Annie & Jen who skillfully told the story of their teams' work around social emotional learning, college planning, student activities, parent engagement, discipline, attendance and instruction to provide Debbie with a complete picture of the work we do as a school community each and every day.  I'll be sharing in more explicit detail at our next full day PD in January, but for now, take a look at the statistics on our school I shared with Debbie.  We have had four years of sustained growth in all major metrics.  We are on track to have a 5th year of the same!  On both qualitative and quantitative metrics, we are well on the path to continuing our growth & achievement.

Staff Holiday Party.  Many thanks for all of you who were able to join in our annual staff winter celebration!  It was yet another fun times had by all!! For those who could not come, you were certainly missed!

Thursday's Craft & Carol-oke.  This Thursday, our Girls Inc and the UAI PTA is hosting their annual craft fair with karaoke caroling.  Please join us in the celebration.  There will be crafts, snacks, singing and fun!  Come close out 2019 with UAI at this wonderful celebration with staff, family, students, and friends!

To-Do This Week

Blog Review.  Congratulations Kelly (since you missed last week's fun)!  You get to review the BLOG today!

Monday Professional Development.  This Monday, we're going to launch the first of a 3-part series aimed at supporting teachers in planning and executing high quality turn and talks in their classes.  For this series, teachers will be working in subject teams (see groups below).  The first of the three parts will use the protocol of teacher consultancies to help the presenting teacher plan for the turn ad talk.  When we return after the break, the subject team will help the teacher rehearse the lesson, paying particular attention to teacher moves and execution.  The final part on January 13th, will be a review and reflection of the lesson.  Teachers will have the opportunity to either visit or watch a video recording of the planned turn and talk before hand.

Teacher Core Subject Teams -Note:  For this round of subject teams, we're going to focus on core subject turn and talks and integrate breadth & elective subjects into the core teams.  This is strictly for planning and preparation logistics in running these consultancies

  • (8) MS ELA - Sarah M (Presenting), Marsha (Facilitating), 
    • Phillan, Kristina, Christina, Cassandra, Laura, Pauline
  • (8) HS ELA - Joey (Presenting) Rebecca C (Facilitating) 
    • Tiffany, Rebecca F, Damon, Elana, Jessica, Juelle
  • (9) MATH - Jamie (Presenting), Kiri (Facilitating) 
    • Alison, Cherry, Matthew, Danielle Ro, Joanna, Nina, Judy
  • (9) SCIENCE - Amanda (Presenting), Rachel (Facilitating)  
    • Sarah R, Amy, Emma, Nick, Tom, Elena, Jelissa
  • (9) SOCIAL STUDIES - Brodie (Presenting); Annie (Facilitating)
    • Jake, Natalie, Kelly, Suzannah, Nadine, Giselle, Brenda
Monday Agenda
  • 3:00-3:05 - Blog Announcements
  • 3:05-3:10 - Setting Out Intention - Why the focus on Turn and Talks?
  • 3:10-3:20 - Taking Stock - How and when do you use Turn and Talks in your Class?
  • 3:20-4:05 - Teacher Consultancies
    • 3:20-3:30 - Presenting Teacher Presents Lesson & Ideas for Turn & Talk
    • 3:30-3:40 - Clarifying & Probing Questions
    • 3:40-4:00 - Team Discussion & Planning
    • 4:00-4:05 - Presenting Teacher Reflection & Commitments to Next Steps
  • 4:05-4:10 - Staff Journal & Reflection

Tuesday Family Outreach.  Please share with all families that we are hosting our Annual Parent Craft, Snack, & Karaoke night on Thursday, December 19th.

<<REMINDER>> Gradebook Audits.  Because MP 3 is credit bearing if students pass, we need to make sure all gradebooks follow school grading policy, which is submitted to the NYCDOE and Superintendency each year.  We will be randomly checking grade books throughout this month and January to ensure all gradebooks are in alignment.  As a reminder,
  • Grades are cumulative - Grades are a reflection of work students have been doing since September.
  • The Lowest grade for anything is a 50.  So, in other words, we do not use zeros or any grade less than 50.
  • The Only failing grade on report cards is 55.  If a student's overall average is between 55 and 65, teachers must choose to give the student a 55 OR a 65.  

Social-Emotional Learning Updates

No Updates This Week

Per Session Opportunities

Holiday Craft Party.  If you are interested in working the Annual PTA Craft and Karaoke party on December 19th, please let Jen know ASAP.  We are looking for folks to run craft tables (whatever you'd like!) or any other artistic/holiday related activity.  Please see Jen for details.


Monday, December 9, 2019

Week of December 9th

Gradebook Audits

UAI Staff News

Volume VII
Issue 17
December 9th, 2019


Happy Birthdays! Happy Birthday to Nina, 10th/12th Grade Math  (Wed 11DEC) and Amy 8th Grade Liv Env. & AP Bio (Fri 13DEC).  Have a wonderful week, and congratulations on another trip around the Sun!!

Lesson Observations.  Annie and I are doing classroom walk throughs and Val, Annie and I will be finishing fall observation this month and in January.  As a reminder, ALL classrooms should be structured to have students:
  • Successfully Engage with rigorous texts and concepts.  
    • What are you putting in front of your students for each lesson?  What literacy and/or reasoning skills does the text require?  Are those skills grade appropriate?  Could you find more complex texts (meaning literature, charts, graphs, images, etc.) that get at the same concepts but also challenge students?  How could you support student access to those 
  • Maximize Discourse to deepen understanding and make connections
    • How often do students speak in your class?  Who spends more time speaking - adults or students (time yourself to find out - it should be the kids who talk more ALL the time!).  How do students use discourse in the class?  Are they only telling things or are they working to figure things out (or make connections/new understandings)? [Use discourse to help students figure things out -use your lesson look fors to help you do that!]
  • Perform DAILY Writing Tasks that prompt students to consolidate learning
    • Students need to be writing their ideas down every day. The easiest way to get them to do this is by embedding this expectation in your tasks (or exit tickets).  Higher order questions that demand students explain, justify, predict, etc. are the types of questions you want to pose to students as a summative assessment that allows them to show their thinking and understanding of the lesson.  
  • Effectively utilize discipline-and-grade-level specific vocabulary
    • All disciplines have course-specific vocabulary.  Make sure you are not only asking students to learn the new words, but more importantly, they need to be using the vocab in their Turn and Talks and writing.
  • Finally, Help us ALL make passing periods shorter.  
    • End your classes on time (use timers and keep yourself on pace).  Start your classes on time (make Do Nows that allow you to be at the Door to welcome students and start on time).

To-Do This Week

Blog Review.  Congratulations Kelly!  You get to review the BLOG today!

Staff Holiday Party.  This Friday from 4-6PM will be our annual Staff Holiday party at Commonwealth Bar in Park Slope.  We'll be having an open bar AND Tacos!  So that I can get a good head count for food, please RSVP HERE.  You can pay $25 anytime this week!

Monday Professional Development.  We are going to have another round of Grade Team Meetings this Monday to give the PD committee one more week to finalize planning around the next series of PD (Planning Effective Turn and Talks).  Please come prepared with your suggestions for student of the month for January, and with the student work/data you need to write your January PLOPs.  Here's Monday's Agenda
Tuesday Family Outreach.  Please share with all families that we are hosting our Annual Parent Craft, Snack, & Karaoke night on Thursday, December 19th.

Gradebook Audits.  Because MP 3 is credit bearing if students pass, we need to make sure all gradebooks follow school grading policy, which is submitted to the NYCDOE and Superintendency each year.  We will be randomly checking grade books throughout this month and January to ensure all gradebooks are in alignment.  As a reminder,

  • Grades are cumulative - Grades are a reflection of work students have been doing since September.
  • The Lowest grade for anything is a 50.  So, in other words, we do not use zeros or any grade less than 50.
  • The Only failing grade on report cards is 55.  If a student's overall average is between 55 and 65, teachers must choose to give the student a 55 OR a 65.  

Social-Emotional Learning Updates

Per Session Opportunities

Holiday Craft Party.  If you are interested in working the Annual PTA Craft and Karaoke party on December 19th, please let Jen know ASAP.  We are looking for folks to run craft tables (whatever you'd like!) or any other artistic/holiday related activity.  Please see Jen for details.


Sunday, December 1, 2019

Week of December 2nd

UAI Staff News

Volume VII
Issue 16
December 2nd, 2019


Happy Birthdays! No birthdays this week!

It's December!  We are well into the swing of the 3rd marking period.  There are 27 days remaining in this marking period, and they are well organized into two chunks of uninterrupted instruction.  This is the perfect opportunity to get into instructional patterns and flow that optimally support student achievement.  In addition, there are a couple of important reminders about this marking period to keep in mind:

  • Students who are passing this marking period are guaranteed their fall credits (even if they fail in the spring).  Looking at your students who failed (or nearly failed) MP2, think about the interventions and supports they need to flourish for MP3.  It is never too late.  Ever!  With two large stretches separated by a sizable winter holiday (12 glorious days), there is plenty of time for students to catch up and make up for past failures.  For this final MP, make sure to attend to the needs of our neediest students, and if you need support, please reach out to Annie or myself for extra help!
  • Grades DO matter for this MP.  Students applying to colleges or programs for the summer or spring will be using this report card to demonstrate academic achievement.  For ALL students, think about opportunities in your class to excel.  This does not need to be extra work.  Rather, think about ways to make sure that your students maximize performance on their existing tasks.  Provide:
    • Clarity around grading expectations (e.g. rubrics and model responses), 
    • Significant instructional supports (e.g. class discourse, multiple opportunities for formative assessment and feedback), and 
    • Multiple summative assessment opportunities (and modalities via speaking and/or writing)
      NOTE:  When YOU are crystal clear about what you want students to produce (i.e. your lesson look-fors or the model responses that you created for your various tasks), then you are that much better able to communicate your expectations to students.  When your students understand what you want, they are better equipped to perform at high levels.  

Preparing for A Superintendent's Visit.  While I have not yet heard from Deb or Fred about a visit, I am sure that they are going to make their rounds to UAI soon!  I will share more specific information as I get more details from them, but one of the big foci of this year is how we plan and how those lesson plans lead students to

  • Successfully Engage with rigorous texts and concepts.  
    • What are you putting in front of your students for each lesson?  What literacy and/or reasoning skills does the text require?  Are those skills grade appropriate?  Could you find more complex texts (meaning literature, charts, graphs, images, etc.) that get at the same concepts but also challenge students?  How could you support student access to those 
  • Maximize Discourse to deepen understanding and make connections
    • How often do students speak in your class?  Who spends more time speaking - adults or students (time yourself to find out - it should be the kids who talk more ALL the time!).  How do students use discourse in the class?  Are they only telling things or are they working to figure things out (or make connections/new understandings)? [Use discourse to help students figure things out -use your lesson look fors to help you do that!]
  • Perform DAILY Writing Tasks that prompt students to consolidate learning
    • Students need to be writing their ideas down every day. The easiest way to get them to do this is by embedding this expectation in your tasks (or exit tickets).  Higher order questions that demand students explain, justify, predict, etc. are the types of questions you want to pose to students as a summative assessment that allows them to show their thinking and understanding of the lesson.  
  • Effectively utilize discipline-and-grade-level specific vocabulary
    • All disciplines have course-specific vocabulary.  Make sure you are not only asking students to learn the new words, but more importantly, they need to be using the vocab in their Turn and Talks and writing.
  • Finally, Help us ALL make passing periods shorter.  
    • End your classes on time (use timers and keep yourself on pace).  Start your classes on time (make Do Nows that allow you to be at the Door to welcome students and start on time).

To-Do This Week

Blog Review!  For Grade Team PLOP/Attendance Meetings, we'll skip the blog review to maximize work time for teams.

Monday Professional Development.  This Monday is the first Monday of the month!  So, that means grade team PLOP writing, attendance team check in, and selections of student of the month.  Please come prepared with your suggestions for student of the month, and with the student work/data you need to write your PLOPs.  Here's Monday's Agenda

Tuesday Family Outreach.  Please share with all families that we are hosting our Annual Parent Craft, Snack, & Karaoke night on Thursday, December 19th.

Social-Emotional Learning Updates

No Updates this week.

Remember:  Save the Date for the Staff Party on 13DEC19.  Location still TBD, but for $25, drinks and food from 4-6PM will be available!

Per Session Opportunities

Holiday Craft Party.  If you are interested in working the Annual PTA Craft and Karaoke party on December 19th, please let Jen know ASAP.  We are looking for folks to run craft tables (whatever you'd like!) or any other artistic/holiday related activity.  Please see Jen for details.