Sunday, February 9, 2025

Week of 10FEB

UAI Staff News

Volume XII
Issue 20
February 10th, 2025

Black History Month.  This morning while scrolling through my phone, I came across a real showing the white house press secretary, Karoline Leavitt, saying, "As far as I know, this White House certainly still intends to celebrate, and we will continue to celebrate American history and the contributions that all Americans, regardless of race, religion, or creed, have made to our great country.  And America is back."  This was her response to a reporter's question, "As we’re dealing with anti-DEI, anti-woke efforts, we understand this administration could — is thinking about celebrating Black History Month.  Have you got any word on that?  Anything that you can offer to us?"

Then, I did a little googling to try to figure out what was happening, and found President Trump's official proclamation of February 2025 as National Black History Month. 

Frankly, it's all confusing and more than a little messed up.  But when things get crazy like this, that is the time when we most need to cling to what is right and what is good for our kids and families.

Black History is American history, and is part of the American Identity more than just the 28 short days in February.  Black History is permanent, pervasive, and powerful. History books highlight the George Washingtons, John F. Kennedys, and George Bushes (either one), and right alongside those men's achievements were the achievements of Frederick Douglasses, Martine Luther King, Jrs., and Barack Obamas.  The problem with "celebrating 'all Americans'" is that it usually is never "regardless of race".  Historically, it has been focused on a single race (and gender), but just because that's where the focus is (or has been), it doesn't mean that there weren't always many folks of many races and identities achieving amazing things in our collective American story.

The stories of Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, and Stacey Abrams illustrate the power of people who strive to change America for the better for all Americans.  The work and achievements of the Katherine Johnsons, the Thurgood Marshalls, and the Shirley Chisholm of our history has done just as much if not more to push forward the progress of our American society than those who make it into the history books and newspaper articles.  When we turn the spotlight to examine their work and their achievements, it's not being "woke", it is simply understanding a broader, truer, and more realistic perspective on our world today.

As we continue through our month of celebrating Black History this week, please make it a point to draw back the curtain and broaden the spotlights for our students.  Being able to see reflections of themselves in the fabric of the greatness that really is America is key to their own sense of power and belonging, and that power is critical to their success.

When the world gets cray cray (or even it will), our job is to be the anchor and light for our kids and families (and each other).  Our charge is to lift up the strength and power from our shared histories, and provide the mirrors they need to see in order to see themselves as essential, innovative, and powerful pieces of this American puzzle that we all call home.   

Someone else can only define our reality if we allow it.  We are the definers of what greatness in American truly is.  We help the future understand how the world could be, and we equip them with the skills, knowledge, and passion to realize those dreams of a better, stronger, future.  Never forget your power in this, and always remember your work is the work that brings about a brighter future!

  • FRI 14FEB - 
    • Valentine's Day & Senior Snow Tubing Trip & 
    • Rapid Dismissal at 2:30PM

  • Upcoming Staff Appreciation Dates
    • 01APR-04APR - Paraprofessional Appreciation Week
    • 07APR-11APR - Assistant Principal Appreciation Week
    • 21APR-25APR - Administrative Professionals Appreciation Week
    • 05MAY-09MAY - Teacher Appreciation Week

  • Prepare to Pivot to Remote.  DOE Central folks seem to think that the snow that is coming may trigger a snow day ... or as it is now known...a remote day for all.  To prepare...
    • Check to ensure that ALL students know how to access your Google Classroom
    • Please announce (on Google Classroom and in Person) that students will be required to log in and submit attendance for your class and complete assigned work.  
    • For this first remote snow day, please assign asynchronous work.  Your attendance can be a simple google form, but you will need to enter period attendance into GAMA. 

  • Conference Interest Forms.  Thank you for completing the ASU/GSV Conference Interest FormI'll be reviewing the responses over the break and working with UA to confirm final participant list.  You can expect to hear back from me after the break!  

    This has spurred interest in other conferences.  When fiscally possible, I do try to put aside some funds to support staff attending conferences like the ASU/GSV.  That said, without UA's help, we wouldn't be able to go to ASU/GSV at all.  However, if there are conferences that you are interested in attending, please complete THIS FORM.  They will have to be for conferences that are NEXT year.  The way the budget deadlines are structured with school budgets means that budgets are closing down in the next couple of weeks, and we are pretty much finalized for the 2024-25 school year.  24-25 Budgets close on March 14th for the roll over to 25-26, and we actually start planning for 25-26 budgets in April.  So, it's too late to go to a conference this year, but not too late for next year.

    Because we would be using school funds to support conference attendance and travel, conferences and subsequent work must be tied to furthering the work towards our CEP goals.  Please review the CEP goals thoroughly in order to complete THIS FORM for your conference request.

  • LAST WEEK to Complete your teacher preference form.  Please take a few minutes to submit your preference sheet for the 2025-26 school year.  The form is due at 3PM on Friday 14FEB. 

    As a reminder, you are submitting your preferences.  Preferences do not guarantee placement.  Student needs drive the program, and the best match to student programs drive placement.  One of the things that makes the best match is teacher preference, so we prioritize matching folks to their choices as much as possible.  That said, there are times when we cannot match everyone to their first choice.  So, many thanks and appreciation in advance for you understanding!

  • School Leadership Opportunities.  There are a number of committees in which folks are invited to apply to take on more of a leadership role within the school.  Some are funded with per session and some are funded with increased salary differentials (e.g. teacher leadership positions).  Here are the teacher leadership positions open to folks right now:

    • ILT - Instructional Leadership Team.  These are comprised of 5 team leaders that Kiri & Annie select.  They are invited to apply to the teacher leadership positions and are provided a period reduction and extra compensation as per contract.  They are also expected to work increased hours before school starts.  Their main mission is to provide teachers with support needed to develop and reach school instructional CEP goals.  Kiri & Annie lead this team.

    • Student Activities & Student Government.  These are per session positions posted at the beginning of this year.  The main mission of this work is to plan, design, and execute activities and experiences that enrich the student experience and elevate student voice at UAI so that our school culture and community is strengthened and trust, belonging, and safety is elevated (as demonstrated on LES survey data).  FYI - folks can still join if interested!  Just send Kiri an email! Marsha & Shan lead this team.

    • RPET - Restorative Practices and Equity Team.  These are per session positions posted at the beginning of the year (and yes, you can still join - just email Kiri).  The main mission of the RPET is to uplift our schools' core value of Equity and celebrate cultural diversity and inclusion.  Sue (& Kelly while she's out) lead this team.

    • Individual Staff Leadership.   There have been folks who have launched incredible opportunities for our kids and are single-handedly managing the work load.  These are per session positions, and they include 
      • All The CLUBS and Extra Curricular Activities.  Theater, Badminton, Dance, Step, D&D, Green Team, Farm To Table, National Honor Society, YLC, Woodworking, and sooooo many more!!  Thank you ALL for stepping up this year to lead these activities.  ALWAYS there is opportunity to do more.  So, if you're interested, just shoot Kiri an email! 
      • Coordinators.  Testing Coordinator, Programing & Scheduling Lead, AMNH Coordinator, NYU Tandon Partnership, Girls Inc Liaison and College Board Coordinator are two positions that we have this year.  They are pretty skill specific and also not super popular positions, so I cannot express how appreciative I am to Liza, Tiffany, Jen and Sue for stepping into these roles

    • SST - Student Support Team.  The student support team currently consists of our counselors and deans.  They currently meet during the day and review the academic and social-emotional needs of students.  The main mission of this team is to create a robust safety net for our neediest students.  Annie leads this team.

      I want to expand the work of the SST to take over Huddle Management.  I'm opening up positions for teachers and paraprofessionals to join this committee to engage in the work needed to track and follow up on student progress.  This means keeping a close eye on academic progress, attendance, and behavioral outcomes.  It also means taking on the work of working closely with students and families to pivot choices to stronger ones and keep kids moving on positive trajectories.  This will be a per session opportunity and if you are interested, please email Annie and complete THIS PER SESSION interest form.

      Teacher Development Facilitator with AMNH
      .  As part of our partnership with the American Museum of Natural History, we are opening up five new teacher leadership positions. AMNH is joining the DOE in rolling our the new Empire Teacher Residency Grant and we are making tweaks to the program to meet Grant requirements.  One of these tweaks is creating a TDF role for each mentor.

      These are specific to our science team (that's the nature of the partnership), but each member of the team who applies and is accepted will receive $3000 in additional compensation.  I'm still hammering out the final details with AMNH, but the requirements for being selected in this role are

      • MUST have completed 3 years of Effective or Highly Effective teaching by September 2025.
      • Preference given to science teachers who have already hosted AMNH residents in the past (which is basically all of the science folks)
      • Commitment to fulfill all AMNH mentor requirements
      • Commitment to fulfill all of the expectations as a mentor of new science teachers.

        So basically - Liza, Sarah R, Tom W, Cam & Thomas - this one's for you!

      School Based Professional Learning Committee
      .  On the agenda for this week's Consultation Committee Meeting is an School-Based Staff Development Committee (or an SDC). According to the MOA signed by the DOE in 2020, this committee "
      serves as an instructional leadership team in consultation with the Principal. Such committee will include the Chapter Leader and consist of equal number of committee members selected by the Chapter Leader and the Principal, respectively. 

      Principal Selections will be the ILT (Instructional Leadership team), and the Chapter Chair (Laura) is charged with selecting an equal number  (5) UFT members for the committee.  

      Also per the MOA, "the Principal shall review the committee’s work and shall have final approval", so this committee's role is an advisory role. 

      Because (as per the MOA) "committee members must be given sufficient time during the day to meet", this committee will meet on the First Monday of the month during OPW time.   Because it is written into the MOA that meeting time occur during the day, there is no extra remuneration for this committee.

      Because we are starting this advisory committee late, membership on this committee will extend into the 25-26 school year.


Black History Month Week TWO.  Thank you to everyone who pitched in to make last week's activities a real success!  This week's events promise to be equally or maybe even MORE exciting and awesome.  Check out the flier here.  Here's what on the docket for this week:
                • MON 10FEB:
                  A Celebration of Black Music:  Staff and Student Karaoke Party (Cafeteria 3:00-3:30PM)

                • THU 13FEB:
                  HBCU Banner Decorating Party & A Different World S1 Ep. 1 (4th Period - Room 509)

                • FRI 14FEB:
                  BHM Lunch Movie Series Part 2:  Remember the Titans (4th Period - Room 509)

Monday PD.
  We are moving our follow up PD with Lynn Juedy from the UA to the Monday after break (just need more time to finish planning with RPET and her).   So, this Monday's PD we will give time for folks to complete the survey.  There will be a very special announcement at the beginning of PD on Monday so ALL staff must report to the Farm at 3:30PM (please be on time).  Our first Huddle will then be the First Monday in March, and we'll do a monthly cadence on huddles from that point on.

Also - Please bring some snacks to share.  We'll make it an impromptu Snack Luck PD and Survey Completion day!

School Visits.  The Regents' Visit on Tuesday to see Project Cafe went exceedingly well.  Many thanks to Patricia, Judy, Liza, Kelly, Fatima and Marsha for sharing their work with Regents Dr. Lester Young and Hosani Pratts.  They were extremely impressed with the work that we are doing and are excited to continue learning more.  Congrats!!  As a reminder, here are the remaining school visits scheduled thus far.
  • Project Cafe Visits.  Folks are super interested in what we're doing the the AI-Powered Video Enabled teacher feedback system that leverages the CLASS rubrics to accelerate teacher growth.  
    • Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) Visits on Friday 14MAR

  • School Site Visits CUNY/UA Affinity (our District) is super interested in the work we are doing in teacher preparation & development, special education and co-teaching, and in math.  Here are those dates
    • Principal Lever Visit - Tuesday, 18MAR (Teacher Prep & Development)
    • IM Math Visit - Exact day and focus still TBD - but March is the target
    • ICT Think Tank Visit - Exact day and focus still TBD - but Spring Term!

Intervention Group Updates.  All 8/9 and 6/7 groups have been adjusted to start on Monday 03FEB.  Kelly, Marsha and Jennifer (thanks for the assist!!) are working on the 10-12 groups (look for those this week), and we'll push to start those on Monday after the break.    Look at the UAI schedule (find link on Google classroom) to see the complete lists (which will be there by Monday AM)

FOR ALL PER SESSION JOBS:  You must apply by completing THIS FORM

NEW LEADERSHIP OPTION ->. I want to expand the work of the SST to take over Huddle Management.  I'm opening up positions for teachers and paraprofessionals to join this committee to engage in the work needed to track and follow up on student progress.  This means keeping a close eye on academic progress, attendance, and behavioral outcomes.  It also means taking on the work of working closely with students and families to pivot choices to stronger ones and keep kids moving on positive trajectories.  This will be a per session opportunity and if you are interested, please email Annie and complete THIS PER SESSION interest form.

REPOST:  Hiring Committee.  It's that time again!  We're looking for folks to join our Hiring Committee.  We're looking for a team of 6-10 folks to participate in Hiring Activities.  Hours will range.  There will be meetings as the committee to norm on expectations and review outcomes.  Committee members will be tapped to participate in demo lessons and debriefs.  Committee members must be available for zoom hiring events in the evenings and weekends.   If interested, please complete THIS FORM 

REPOST:  Summer School Planning is Starting.  Summer school planning is beginning.  We will not be hosting Girls Inc and DYCD summer camp this summer, and our students who need an all-day placement can register for DYCD programs at the Montauk School this summer.   

We are currently looking for folks who are interested in doing some enrichment work (6-12) this summer.  AND we will also have regents prep this summer.  If you are interested in working this summer, please complete THIS FORM no later than 14FEB.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Week of February 2nd

UAI Staff News

Volume XII
Issue 19
February 2nd, 2025

Appreciating our School Counselors This Week.  This week is national is National School Counselor Appreciation week.  We have a special line up of appreciation and celebrations happening for our dynamic team of student supporters.  Look to the AM announcements to see what's happening.  In the mean time, join in on the fun of celebrating these amazing colleagues by stopping by to share your appreciation in person, or sending a quick note via email (or text if you have their number!)

Jen Cusa, Director of Student Support Services 
Room 508,
At UAI for 10+ years

Let’s celebrate Jen, our Director of Student Support Services, for her exceptional leadership and dedication this year. She has guided our counseling team through complex student cases with compassion and expertise, while her innovative enrollment strategies resulted in a 70% increase in 8th graders ranking UAI as their top choice. Her work with Girls Inc. and the Student Government has enriched student life, fostering community and joy. We are grateful for her unwavering commitment to our students and staff!

Jennifer Jackson Robbins, Middle School Counselor, & STARS Support
Room B35,
At UAI for 10+ years
Join me in recognizing Jennifer for her outstanding support of our middle schoolers this year. She has taken on multiple responsibilities, creating a nurturing environment while effectively managing STARS programming and academic logistics. Her mentorship of our Fordham Social Work interns and dedication to building strong relationships with families ensure that students feel supported and valued. Jennifer embodies the spirit of a true educator, and her commitment to our school community deserves our celebration!

Tiffany Richards, College Counselor
Room 145E,
At UAI for 10+ years

Let’s highlight Tiffany for her incredible work as our College Counselor this year. Two years ago she transitioned into counseling from teaching, quickly mastered the complexities of post-secondary advising.  With her support 98% of our Class of 2025 completed their college applications (with one late admit still working). Her clear communication fosters reassurance and support among families, and her efforts have led to a 60% acceptance rate to four-year colleges—an impressive increase over last years group. Her dedication and ability to connect with students and families make her a UAI ROCK STAR!

Nicole Phillip, Assistant Dean
Room 301,
At UAI for 3+ years

Give it up for Nicole!!  - For her exceptional leadership as a solo Dean for much of this year. She has skillfully navigated the challenges of working with our students, particularly in managing conflicts, while fostering a supportive atmosphere. Her growth in mediation and social-emotional learning has significantly impacted our school community. Known for her dedication, she is often the first to arrive and the last to leave, exemplifying her commitment to our students and ensuring a safe, joyful learning environment.

  • MON 03FEB - Chancellor Lester Young Visits UAI

  • TUE 04FEB - Urban Assembly Founder and Former CEO, Richard Kahn visits UAI

  • MON 03FEB-FRI 07FEB - School Counselor Appreciation Week

  • FRI 14FEB - 
    • Valentine's Day & Senior Snow Tubing Trip & 
    • School Visit by RIDE (Rhode Island Department of Education
    • Rapid Dismissal at 2:30PM

  • Upcoming Staff Appreciation Dates
    • 01APR-04APR - Paraprofessional Appreciation Week
    • 07APR-11APR - Assistant Principal Appreciation Week
    • 21APR-25APR - Administrative Professionals Appreciation Week
    • 05MAY-09MAY - Teacher Appreciation Week

  • IEP Calendar Invites.  Accept your Google Calendar invites for IEP Meetings.  In response to feedback from staff around the scheduling of IEP meetings, Mary & I met to plot our the meetings for the rest of the year.  IEP meetings are a part of every teacher's professional responsibility.  As such the meetings will be assigned.  

    All Annual reviews will be scheduled during OPW time on Mondays.  We're aiming to spread the load evenly so that all teachers have a manageable load for the semester.  Mary is doing her best to coordinate equitably!  Thank you Mary!  As a reminder, these IEP meetings are an official part of your professional responsibilities and a contractually agreed upon activity for Monday OPW.

    All Triennial reviews must occur on Tuesdays or Wednesdays during the day, when Irina, our school psychologist is here.  
    On the days meetings are assigned they will take the place of your professional period assignment for the day.  So, no matter where the meeting falls, you lose your professional time (so you swap your prep or lunch time that day if needed).  We are asking for flexibility on these days.  We have to gather multiple people, and that means we need to reassign periods on that day to accommodate those meetings.  We are trying to limit the number of these meetings any one teacher must attend this semester.  If you are assigned to more than 2 Triennial reviews for the remainder of the year, please reach out to me.

  • Complete ASU/GSV Conference Interest FormWe have an opportunity to take several staff to the ASU/GSV Ed Tech conference in San Diego on April 6th - 9th.  I am opening the opportunity to the full staff.  This conference will be heavily focused on how to leverage AI and AI-powered tools to level up teaching and learning.  If you are into learning more and then integrated new tools into your practice, please complete this form.  This is an opportunity that does come with some pre-requisites so please read carefully before completing THIS INTEREST FORM.

    • INTEREST.  You are very interested in using AI in your teaching practice and in helping students learn to use AI tools effectively and responsibly.  You have also demonstrated that interest by already taking advantage of AI and AI-powered tools at UAI (e.g. ChatGPT, PlayLab, Magic AI School)

    • PROJECT CAFE.  Preference will given to teachers actively participating in UA Project Cafe since UA is instrumental in helping us go to this conference.

    • FUTURE PD LEAD.  You are 100% committed to returning to UAI next year and actively participating in professional development planning and delivery of AI related training for the rest of the staff for next year (and perhaps the remainder of this year, but with there is no June PD day this probably will just be for next year).

    • FOCUS GROUP.  You are will to participate in the AI focus group aimed at developing a new AI Micro Credential in partnership with Hunter College and the Urban Assembly.

  • Complete your teacher preference form.  It's that time again.  Please take a few minutes to submit your preference sheet for the 2025-26 school year.  The form is due at 3PM on Friday 14FEB.  As a reminder, you are submitting your preferences.  Preferences do not guarantee placement.  Student needs drive the program, and the best match to student programs drive placement.  One of the things that makes the best match is teacher preference, so we prioritize matching folks to their choices as much as possible.  That said, there are times when we cannot match everyone to their first choice.  So, many thanks and appreciation in advance for you understanding!


Kicking Off Black History Month.  Monday marks the start of our month long celebration of Black History Month!  Many thanks to Shan & Marsha for leading the work with our student governement and to the RPET (Sue, Crystal, and Kelly) who collabed with the Student Government dynamos to plan out an amazing month of wonderful activities!  Check out the flier here.  Here's what on the docket for this week:
                • MON 03FEB:
                  Black History Month Trivia (Cafe @3PM)
                • TUE 04FEB:
                  BHM Extravaganza Interest Mtg (509 @ 11:15)
                • WED 05FEB:
                  Black Owned Busn. Tote Bag Decor (Cafe@11:15)
                • FRI 07FEB
                  BHM Move:  Remember the Titans (509 @11:15)

Monday PD.
  Monday (03FEB), through Freida's work with our GSA and the LGBT Network, we have the opportunity as a school to receive free training on Transgender & Non Binary Experiences.  

This educational and interactive training will improve understanding of the unique experiences of people who identify as transgender, gender non-conforming and non-binary (TGNCNB). We will discuss some of the various ways in which TGNCNB people may or may not transition and how to support each person’s individual journey. Topics covered will include knowledge of the social and health needs of the community, creating safer and more affirming spaces, and identifying local TGNCNB affirming resources.  THANK YOU Freida for connecting our school to this amazing opportunity!!

Special NOTE: We'll be moving this PD to 3PM on Monday and OPW will start at 4PM and be remote!

School Visits.  I don't think you all realize how incredibly amazing you are...but folks are always wanting to come and visit.  This month seems to be all about project cafe, but in the months to come, the CUNY/UA Affinity will be coming to visit us three times, too!  The word is our UAI classrooms are rocking and that's because our UAI staff is an amazing team of STARS!  We have six visits over the next 4 months slated to happen - That's a lot of guests!!   Here's what's on the docket so far:
  • Project Cafe Visits.  Folks are super interested in what we're doing the the AI-Powered Video Enabled teacher feedback system that leverages the CLASS rubrics to accelerate teacher growth.  
    • NYS Board of Regents Visits on Monday 03FEB
    • Founder of the Urban Assembly Visits Tuesday 04FEB
    • Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) Visits on Friday 14FEB

  • School Site Visits CUNY/UA Affinity (our District) is super interested in the work we are doing in teacher preparation & development, special education and co-teaching, and in math.  Here are those dates
    • Principal Lever Visit - Tuesday, 18MAR (Teacher Prep & Development)
    • IM Math Visit - Exact day and focus still TBD - but March is the target
    • ICT Think Tank Visit - Exact day and focus still TBD - but Spring Term!

Intervention Group Updates.  All 8/9 and 6/7 groups have been adjusted to start on Monday 03FEB.  I'm still working on 10-12 groups (look for those on Monday), and we'll push to start those on Monday too, but be prepared for the possibility that I run out of time this weekend and have to push it to next Monday.  I'll update during Monday morning announcements.    Look at the UAI schedule (find link on Google classroom) to see the complete lists (which will be there by Monday AM)

FOR ALL PER SESSION JOBS:  You must apply by completing THIS FORM

Hiring Committee.  It's that time again!  We're looking for folks to join our Hiring Committee.  We're looking for a team of 6-10 folks to participate in Hiring Activities.  Hours will range.  There will be meetings as the committee to norm on expectations and review outcomes.  Committee members will be tapped to participate in demo lessons and debriefs.  Committee members must be available for zoom hiring events in the evenings and weekends.   If interested, please complete THIS FORM 

REPOST:  Summer School Planning is Starting.  Summer school planning is beginning.  We will not be hosting Girls Inc and DYCD summer camp this summer, and our students who need an all-day placement can register for DYCD programs at the Montauk School this summer.   

We are currently looking for folks who are interested in doing some enrichment work (6-12) this summer.  AND we will also have regents prep this summer.  If you are interested in working this summer, please complete THIS FORM no later than 14FEB.