Mid Year Meetings
Now that we are officially launched into the 2nd semester, it's time to reflect. The agenda for these meetings will be the same and the goal is to talk about your teaching performance thus far and goals for the spring term.
The Agenda
- Teacher reflection on progress towards goals (10min)(both school & teacher goals set at the beginning of the year).
How well are you progressing? What are your proudest achievements thus far? What are you currently working on? What have been your biggest struggles?
Describe to me your progress towards meeting your goals (either the goals established at the beginning of the year or the goals that developed via our conference check ins - your choice). Bring with you some artifacts that demonstrate your growth (can be anything you choose, student work, conference record, assessment performance, etc).
Show me what standards you've covered to date (via any format - lesson, CUR, conference, share, learning group). This can be in any format of your choosing but should reflect the standards already covered and the standards yet to be covered. (again - something I can keep)- this can be a simple checklist (with dates taught and assessment used to measure mastery - e.g. unit exam, writing assignments, project, etc.) - Teacher reflection on student response to intervention (10min)
Bring me a copy of your Unison Reading and Conference Tallies along with a sample of a conference record and unison reading record that best exemplifies the quality of CUR and your conferences. Please show me the tally breakout by marking period so that we can look at your growth over time together. Please bring me physical or digital copies that I can keep.
Share with me your plans for addressing student failure in the classroom. What interventions did you try this past fall? To what extent did they succeed/fail? What's your plan for making sure the kids who failed in January have sufficient interventions to get back on track by June? Please bring me a copy of student work that you think best exemplifies your struggle and/or your successes with interventions and student failure. - Admin reflection on Teacher progress (10min)
Review of Teacher Evaluation Rubrics and Conference Check-ins
Review of Teacher data (Course Passing Rates, Benchmark Assessment Growth)
Review of Teacher conference check-in goals and achievements
Also for you at this review, we'll go over the ratings that have been officially entered as part of your evaluation thus far. Again, this is a conversation. If at any point you want to have a rating removed, we can redo that particular visit. In the end, the focus is to improve your skills and pedagogy. The better you do, the better you rate! We all want everyone to be their best possible for our girls. - Spring Goal Setting and Next Steps (10min)
At the end of the conversation, you'll be making goals for the spring term. In addition to your own growth goals, please keep in mind the school goals from the beginning of the year. Think about what you need to meet both individual and school goals and what focus (or foci) would best help you get there.