Sunday, January 31, 2016

Week of February 1st

UAI Staff News

Volume III
Issue 21
Week of February 1st, 2016

(Short post today ... )

UAI Celebrations

Fall Term Complete.  Congratulations on the successful completion of the fall term.  Tomorrow we kick off a quick 8-day period before the Midwinter Recess and when we return, we will be well into the swing of the Spring Term.  Time will fly, so it's important that we make sure to keep our focus on our goals ahead.  We've already made some key gains in the first half of the year. Take a look!

  • There are 26 instructional days until the March Predictive Benchmarks for the MS and then there will be 11 instructional days until the NYS ELA exams and 17 instructional days until the NYS Math exams.  We have already made some significant growth.  I can't wait to see what we do come April! Take a look:
    • 2015 NYSELA Proficiency:   6th =   8%;  7th = 11%; and 8th = 33%
    • 2016 Bench2 ELA Predicted: 6th = 16%; 7th = 16%; and 8th = 23%
    • 2015 NYSMath Proficiency:   6th =   5%; 7th =   4%; and 8th =   3%
    • 2016 Bench2 Math Predicted: 6th = 28%; 7th = 13%; and 8th = 18%
  • There are 26 instructional days until the March Benchmark3 for the HS and then 36 instructional days until the May Predictive Exams.  After the predictives, there will only be 11 school days until High School Final Exam Period (and last chance for kids to practice for the Regents exams).  Here's where we are now so far with the 5 core Regents Exams:
  • Algebra CC Bench 2 Predicted:  44% of 9th Graders are on pace to pass (41% in June 2015)
  • Living Env. Bench2 Predicted: 57% of 9th Graders are on pace to pass (77% June 2015)
  • Glo History Bench 2 Predicted: 29% of 10th Graders are on pace to pass (71% June 2015)
  • US Hist. Bench2 Predicted (only Group U data entered): 4% of 11th Gr are on pace (64% June 2015)
  • English Bench 2 Predicted:  62% of 11th Graders are on pace to pass (83%  June 2015)


Middle School Recruitment Day.  This Saturday, February 6th is our 6th Grade Recruitment Day.  We are aiming to increase our 6th grade enrollment by working hard to get those families who ranked us 1st or 2nd to commit to our school and show up in the fall.  The first step of that is to set a strong first impression with our prospective families.  Please pitch in if you can!  

Staff PD Day.  The Agenda is set for tomorrow's PD.  Breakfast won't be here until 8:45.  So, I'm bumping the agenda a little bit.  CLICK HERE to see the Agenda.

Teacher To Dos

Benchmarks Scores.  If you have not yet completed data entry on the January Benchmarks, please do so today.  CLICK HERE to access the document.

Important Dates

  • Monday, 01FEB15.  Full Staff PD See AGENDA HERE.  8:30AM-2:50PM
  • Wednesday, 03FEB15.  Black History Month Winterfest Night (6-8PM)
  • Tuesday, 02FEB15.  First Day of Spring Term.  Start of MP4
  • Monday, 08FEB15.  Chinese Lunar New Year, NO SCHOOL
  • Wednesday, 12FEB15.  Black History Month Assembly Full School (1:45-2:30PM)
  • Monday, 15FEB15 thru Friday 19FEB15.  Midwinter Recess, NO SCHOOL
  • Monday, 22FEB15.  POD Cycle Launch and Grade Team Meetings
  • Monday, 29FEB15.  1st Pod Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
  • Monday, 07MAR15. 2nd Pod Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
  • Friday, 11MAR15.  4th Marking Period Ends
  • Monday, 14MAR15.  5th Marking Period Begins
  • Wednesday, 16MAR15. MP4 Grades are Due at 3PM
  • Monday, 14MAR15. 3rd Pod Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
  • Thursday, 17MAR15 and Friday, 18MAR15.  Benchmark 3 (This will be MS Predictive)
  • Monday, 21MAR15. 4th Pod Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
  • Thursday, 24MAR15.  Women's History Month Full School Assembly (1:45-2:30PM)
  • Friday, 25MAR15.  Good Friday, NO SCHOOL
  • Monday, 28MAR15. 5th Pod Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
  • Monday, 04APR15. 6th Pod Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
  • Tuesday, 05APR15 thru Thursday, 07APR15.  Middle School NYS ELA Exam
  • Wednesday, 13APR15 thru Friday, 15APR15.  Middle School NYS Math Exam
  • Friday, 15APR15.  5th Marking Period Ends
  • Monday, 11APR15. Pod Prep and Grade Team Meetings
  • Monday, 18APR15. Pod Share - Grade Team Meetings moved to Tuesday
  • Monday, 18APR15.  6th Marking Period Begins
  • Wednesday, 20APR15.  5th Marking Period Grades Due at 3PM
  • Friday, 22APR15.  5th MP Progress Report Distributed 8th Period
  • Friday, 22APR15.  Poetry Slam Full School Assembly 1:45-2:30PM
  • Monday, 25APR15 thru Friday 29APR15 - Spring Recess, NO SCHOOL
For All UAI School Important Dates, please add "UAI School" calendar to your google calendars.

Per Session Posting

NO new postings

Monday, January 18, 2016

Cabinet Meeting Minutes Spring 2016

UAI Cabinet Meeting Minutes

Agenda 20JAN16
  • 3:00-3:20 Announcements Grade Team Shares (Updates, Concerns and Celebrations)
  • 3:20-3:55 Continued Data Dive - Looking at Survey Data
  • 3:55-4:00 Wrap Up and Next Steps


Grade Team Shares (See Blog Post for the Celebrations).  Below are the concerns raised at cabinet by team leaders.  In blue are the responses from school leadership.

11th/12th Grade and 10th/12th Grade Teams.  Teachers are concerned about progress of IEP students in terms of credit accumulation and Regents passing.
  • Analysis of Student Performance for kids with IEPs.  This has been a persistent problem at UAI for some time.  Last year, we implemented Workout plans in all subjects and saw a correlative improvement in student achievement.  This year, workout plans are not as prevalent.  I will task subject teams to review the fallout of Workout plans and to figure out why we no longer use them to intervene in student achievement.  Additionally, I will task subject teams to review fall unit arcs and activities to evaluate how they have been differentiated and how effective those methods have been to address student needs.
  • Targeted AIS.  Starting in the Spring, I will create small pull-out groups to directly address students who are below reading level.  Using the math benchmarks (both MS and HS) I will also create numeracy intervention groups for pull out.  With state assessments only 35 teaching days away for the Middle School, I am prioritizing resources there first.  If you click on "Academic Intervention" in the new program, you'll see the groups there (math is still TBD because benchmarks have not yet happened).  
8th and 9th Grade Teams.  Both teams are looking at consistency.  They are concerned about making sure that there is consistency among teachers in terms of setting clear expectations and following through with positive redirection when student behavior falls short of expectations.  They are looking for ways to get on the same page.
  • Analysis of S
11th/12th Grade and 10th/12th Grade.  Teachers are concerned about progress of IEP students in terms of credit accumulation and Regents passing.
  • Analysis of S


Agenda 14JAN16
  • 3:00-3:20 Grade Team Shares (Concerns and Celebrations)
  • 3:20-3:55 Data Dive - Looking at Survey Data
  • 3:55-4:00 Wrap Up and Next Steps


Grade Team Shares (See Blog Post for the Celebrations).  Below are the concerns raised at cabinet by team leaders.  In blue are the responses from school leadership.

6th Grade:  How do we provide AIS support with three separate co-teachers?

  • Schedule Change:  Starting this spring (02FEB16), we are making some changes to the schedule to address this (and other) issues.  Phillan will be the 6th grade ISS Support Teacher (Joanna will be 7th and Christina will be 8th).
  • Consistent UR and Conferences:  As noted in this week's blog, Tier One Interventions are not happening with consistency.  The grade team should support each other (share strategies visit each other's classes) to develop systematic CUR and Conferences for all classes, with double UR and Conferences for students who show High Need or Some Need on the DRP data.
  • Workout Plans:  The grade team needs to launch workout plans to provide students with activities that build background abilities in literacy and numeracy.  These workout plans should be focused on reading and math, but should be available to student in all classes.  There are only 35 days from the start of the Spring Term until the first NYS State Tests begin.  Example of workout plans can be fluency based (e.g. practice Oral Reading Fluencies, Math Fact Practice, Measurement Activities), stamina based (e.g. timed activities that build the time of focus on a task, e.g. 3 min CBMs to 5 min CBMs, to 7min CBMs, or problem sets that grow in number)
  • Scheduled Student Work Review:  To keep an eye on the progress of students who struggles, the team should create a weekly agenda item presenting work of students (especially their assessment performance) to review progress.  Teams should also review Conference and UR records to track trends in student learning. 

    7th Grade:  Can we clarify the different roles of Admin?  How can we make leadership more visible to the kids?
    • Admin Visibility:  There are several places where students see us and can learn about us.  First, we can post our bios from the TO I made earlier this summer on our office doors.  Second, hallway and classroom presence is a chance to meet kids and tell them what we do.  Finally, full school assemblies is a time where we can assert leadership definitions for students.  Are there other ways the team is seeking?
    • Teaching Into Admin Roles:  Kiri is outside everyday at dismissal for both middle and high school.  Given that there are 33 teachers spread across 7 floors, face time is going to be spread thin.  To support that, I'm asking teachers to actively support student learning of who does what, by teaching into student questions.  For example, when kids ask, "Who is this [admin]?" Teachers should say something along the lines of the following:
      • Ms. Kiri is the principal of the whole school. You see her everyday at dismissal and you can find her in room 401, just above Ms. Val's office.  Ms. Kiri works with everyone, but she works a lot with the Math & Science teachers as their primary evaluator.
      • Ms. Val and Ms. Colleen are assistant principals.  Ms. Val is responsible for all the Scheduling and Compliance Work while Ms. Colleen is in charge of Teacher PD and Testing.  Ms. Colleen works with all the English & Language teachers, and Ms. Val works with Social Studies, Special Ed, and Breadth teachers (PE and Art).
      • Ms. Jen is our Supervising Social Worker and she is in charge of student affairs and discipline.  Our deans (Ms. Martine, Ms. Doris, and Ms. Channay) report to her as do our counselors & social workers (Ms. Jennifer, Ms. Sara, Ms. El, Ms. Marni, and Ms. Lori).  In addition to supervising all counseling both individual and group, Jen is responsible for things like student discipline, Social Emotional Learning, Student Activities, and Student Recruitment.
      • Ms. Kree and Mr. Chris supervise our partner programs (Girls Inc and Carrera)
      • We have three lovely ladies in the main office.  Ms. Carol is our parent coordinator.  Ms. Nancy is our pupil accounting secretary and deals with metrocards, student blue cards, lunch forms, etc.  Ms. Del is our purchasing & payroll secretary and helps teachers buy supplies and get teachers paid.
      • Ms. Mara is our college coordinator and works with our high school girls to get into college.  She also works with our seniors to mentor our 7th & 8th graders.

    8th Grade:  Can we incentive attendance improvement?  What are the intervention protocols? Can Admin relaunch the social norms?  What is the deal with the bathroom policy?
    • Attendance Incentives:  We can incentivize attendance improvement.  The attendance committee meets on Tuesdays.  We will task them with developing ideas around this.
    • Admin Relaunch of Social Norms:  Kiri & Jen will visit with the 8th grade team to learn more specifics about this.   Will the team email us a time and place to meet?
    • Bathroom Policy.  The bathroom policy remains consistent.  Students should only use the bathroom during work time, and the bathroom is closed the period after lunch.  Please encourage students to use the bathroom during lunch when they leave your classroom at the end of 3rd period.
    • Intervention Protocols:  Here are our interventions:
      • Tier One - this is an intervention available to all students.  All students should be receiving double UR groups and Conferences.  In addition, students in need of AIS need to have modified unit contracts to make space for them to work on Workout Plans to build background ability and foundational fluency.
      • Tier Two:  Grade Team Interventions.  These interventions will vary, but are the result of team analysis of student need (e.g. looking at student work, data like DRP, benchmarks, etc.).  Interventions may be things like assigned tutoring (with tutor or para or at lunch), parent phone calls home (with feedback on how to support student learning), SEL strategies, team meeting with student (to develop goals and next steps).
      • Tier Three:  Admin Interventions.  These are major interventions and should be used when all other interventions have been tried and have failed.  This is an extended intervention that aims at shifting the mindset and self-concept of students to change persistent negative achievement/behaviors.

    9th Grade:  Are their 9th digital versions of the locker contracts, electronics policy and other rules for students?  What is the follow through on detentions and other consequences?
    • The UAI Staff Handbook: This resource has in digital form all school policies and links to forms like locker contracts, exit slips, and electronics permission slips.
    • Consequence Followup:  Typically, deans and admin will follow up on consequences in Skedula.  We're not always perfect, and sometimes miss the follow through.  Deans will meet this week (Thursday 21JAN) to review the system and improve reporting back to grade teams. 

    10th/12th Grade:  Is it possible to have hallway supervision on the 5th floor?  What is the follow through on detentions and other consequences?

    • 5th Floor Hallway Supervision:  We usually have 2 ATRs assigned to our school.  Lately, it's been Donna (science license) and Carmine (ATR social worker).  Martine is assigned to the 5th floor, but often her work pulls her from the floor.  Kiri, Jen, and Carmine are assigned to the 4th floor.  Donna is assigned to the save room.  Doris is on the ground floor, and Channay, Val, Colleen, and Jennifer are all on the 3rd floor.  Deans will meet this week (Thurs 21JAN) to revisit assignments and figure a way to get some coverage to the 5th floor.

    • Consequence Followup:  Typically, deans and admin will follow up on consequences in Skedula.  We're not always perfect, and sometimes miss the follow through.  Deans will meet this week (Thursday 21JAN) to review the system and improve reporting back to grade teams. 

      11th/12th Grade: Sometimes people only email announcements to grade team leaders and leaders sometimes miss emails that the team should know about.  Can we make sure important emails get sent to the whole team?

      • New Group Email Nomenclature:  Kiri is revamping the groups in gmail.  The teacher groups are now working.  All teacher groups begin with "teachers" and then an underscore "_" and then the team name.  So, for example, the 11th and 12th grade team would be "".  Student emails are in creations right not.  All student emails will be by their cohort.  So for example the Class of 2016 will be ""


        Data Dive.  Using a modified Data Driven Protocol, the various team leaders reviewed the data that we got back from the various surveys.  We need more time to put together concrete approaches, but we did uncover some trends and initial ideas to address these trends.

        Overarching Trend - Each team uncovered themes that relate to a lack of strong, positive relationships at UAI.  Each survey revealed a slightly different perspective, but this is concerning given that we are a small community.
        • Admin Team - Parent Survey
          • Initial Findings:  From parent response, our communication is frequent, but the majority of it is corrective vs. celebratory or empathetic.  The majority of our calls home are about not being in school on time, a student is failing/missing work, a student has behavioral problems.
          • Initial Ideas:  
            • When calling home for corrective behavior, use a "Feedback Sandwich" approach so that we are sure to include strengths with each communication home.
            • Create Paper Versions of our Newsletters to post up and send home so that parents have more options to see what we do celebrate.
            • Make time on the Grade Team Agenda (or have it be part of the Celebrations) to share successful phone calls.
        • Subject Team Leaders - Teacher Survey
          • Initial Findings:  There is a disconnect between teacher views and students views on culturally relevant curriculum.  The teachers think we're doing a great job, but the students completely disagree.
          • Initial Ideas:   
            • Develop a survey to better understand student attitudes and thinking
            • In subject teams, work to build student engagement in the curriculum
            • High light strong female role models
        • Grade Team Leaders - Student Survey
          • Initial Findings:  Students feel that they do not have positive, promotive relationships with their teachers. 
          • Initial Ideas:  
            • Focus on small, daily activities to build relationships - e.g. having lunch with teachers, creating time in class for affirmations, using positive language to encourage student redirection
            • Plan relationship/community building activities (e.g. field trips)
            • Investigate how teacher perceptions/attitudes towards students impact the student/teacher relationships and thus the impact on student learning.


        Wrap Up.  Next week's Cabinet meeting will be on Wednesday where we will continue to flesh out plans to address trends uncovered in the Data Dive.

        End of Cabinet Notes.  In attendance:
        • Grade Team Leaders:  Meredith, Wendy, Kerry, Danielle, Brodie
        • Subject Team Leaders:  Meredith, Wendy, Ilyana, Damon, Mike, Elena, Darby, Christina
        • Admin:  Val, Colleen, Kiri, Jen
        • Other Teachers:  Erick, Jamie

        Week of January 18th

        UAI Staff News

        Volume III
        Issue 19
        Week of January 18th, 2016

        UAI Celebrations

        Middle School.  In December, the middle school had a series of wonderful events that continued to build a sense of community for our girls and their families.  The 6th grade hosted a family potluck where all the teachers reached out to girls' families and over 20 families joined our 6th graders for a wonderful in-day potluck. The 7th graders had a blast at Star Wars, and the 7th grade team was especially proud to usher in a new generation's appreciation of a long-standing phenomenon.  The 8th graders enjoyed a wonderful Ice-Skating Trip that brought the grade together!  School is meant to be an enjoyable, fun experience alongside the work we do every day.  Great job MS team for creating these special experiences for our girls.

        High School.  This month, the high school teams have been focusing on student achievement.  To celebrate both social emotional and academic growth and achievement, the 9th grade team elected their first students of the week (who are pictured just in front of 401).  Both 9th & 10th/12th grade teams have launched a mandatory lunch study period to intervene for students who are failing classes.  The 11th/12th grade team is proud to report that their work with Group U, their most struggling group, has resulted in improved grades across the group.   The end of the fall term is an important time.  Remember, students who are passing as of the fall do not lose their credits.  So, achieving a passing grade now is an important step towards securing credit accumulation and promotion to the next grade.  Great work HS teams!


        DRP Results and Getting Back to Basics.  In the last few months, I've observed over 20 different classes, and I've only seen a small handful of Unison Reading Groups and an even smaller amount of conferences.  In checking in with Val and Colleen, the trends are similar.  Couple that with our latest DRP results, and Houston....we have a problem.  Here's some data from the latest DRP:

        • 44% of 6th Graders are currently reading below grade level (vs. 72% in Sept)
        • 69% of 7th Graders are currently reading below grade level (vs. 72% in Sept)
        • 63% of 8th Graders are currently reading below grade level (vs. 59% in Sept)
        • 67% of 9th Graders are currently reading below grade level (vs. 84% in Sept)
        • 65% of 10th Graders are currently reading below grade level (vs. 70% in Sept)
        • 66% of 11th Grader are currently reading below grade level (vs. 56% in Sept)
        In terms of growth, the chart below shows the percentage of our students making or beating national average growth in each grade band 
        (OAGL = On or Above Grade Level; SBGL= Somewhat Below Grade Level; WBGL= Well Below Grade Level)

        % Meeting or Beating National Average Growth

        6th Grade 69% 63% 45% 60%
        7th Grade 29% 27% 48% 38%
        8th Grade 50% 41% 53% 48%
        9th Grade 58% 33% 40% 42%
        10th Grade 53% 38% 46% 47%
        11th Grade 20% 33% 38% 30%

        In almost every grade, 2 out of every 3 students in our classes are not reading at grade level.  Also, in almost every grade, less than half of these students are growing their reading skills enough to overcome their below level deficiencies.  This is a big deal, and we need to explicitly and immediately address it.

        Double doses of Unison and Conferences are the Tier One Interventions that we use at UAI.  Without consistent format execution, students are not guaranteed opportunities to build foundational skills in literacy.  A student who can't read at grade level cannot easily access the materials you provide them in work time, and thus cannot readily acquire new information and content knowledge that your subject area requires.  Literacy and Numeracy are foundational skills that every content area requires.  With so many of our students lagging behind the curve, we all need to become reading interventionists.  At UAI, that takes the form of Unison and Conferences.

        We need to get back to the basics.  Please use the next few weeks to plan to relaunch the formats and get back into the habit of scheduled conferences and UR groups.  To get us back on track, for the month of February, teacher observations will be exclusively these two crucial formats (Unison and Conferences).  If you are not in those formats when we arrive, we will conduct a review of your Unison and Conference records instead.  

        DRP data directly correlates to student achievement on NYS Middle School exams and NYS Regents exams.  If this many of our students are not achieving at grade level at the midyear point, we are in some pretty hot water for the end of the year assessments.  We need to act now to ensure our students' future success.

        Coaching Help is Always Available.  If you feel that Unison and/or Conferences have not been high quality for you or your students, there is help!  We have a lot of peer coaches available to help if you need it!  

          • For English, Science, and Social Studies folks:  Meredith, Darby, and Ilyana have consistently strong UR groups and have worked to support others in this format in years past and this year.  Each have also been trained on how to be effective peer coaches.  They all have professional periods available to help support you and if you all need more time, I can help with per session.
          • For Math & Language folks:   Danielle & Jamie have worked as peer coaches last year and have worked alongside other coaches to refine what UR looks like in math.  In math, there is often less to read, but the collaborative reasoning is still very much part of the format.  Similarly, Language breaches focus the students on the target language.  For both subjects, the principals of UR are exactly the same for UR in other subjects, but the execution looks slightly different.
          • For all subjects in Conferences:  Rebecca, Wendy and Marianna all have consistently strong conferences.  Social Studies, and Science teachers will have more in common with the Reading Conferences (Rebecca) while Wendy and Marianna may be better to help Math teachers.
          • Team Leaders:  Additionally, your grade and subject team leaders are there to help you troubleshoot your work anytime you need it.  All of our team leaders are experienced Learning Cultures teachers who have worked many years to adapt the formats to grade level and/or subject area needs. 
          • Establishing Social Norms to be able to hold formats:  The Dean residencies I mentioned last week are still in place.  Martine, Doris, and Jen can help you establish strong expectations for the classroom to more effectively be able to hold UR and Conferences during Work Time.
          • Administrative Support:  Finally, if nothing else seems to be working, reach out to me, Val, or Colleen.  We're around to help you, too, on anything that you need.

        Student Data Conferences and Building Student Buy-In to Format Relaunch. Speaking of conferences ... The midyear is the perfect time to review student data and set goals for the spring.  Additionally, connecting student performance on key indicators like the DRP, Benchmark Performance, and Course Grades will be an opportunity to establish student intention for formats like UR and Conferences and to develop a growth mindset.  Over the next few weeks, please leverage student conference time to review student data and progress.  Key data points to include are:  Benchmark Data from November, Attendance, Exit Slips, Classroom Assessments, CBM growth (Maze, Writing CBMs, ORFs, Math Fact Fluencies, etc.).  The goal of these conferences is to use tangible data points for students to use to set SMART goals towards end of the year achievement.

        Midyear Review Reminder.  The work you do with Unison and Conferences can be some of the data and growth that you share at your midyear review.   Last week, I outlined the expectations for this conference.  Please take a moment to review it again by CLICKING HERE.  Also, please take a moment to review how you will include your Unison Reading and Conference records to illustrate the work you've done with students and how it has impacted their learning.

        Teacher To Dos

        Benchmark Exams to ISS Teachers.  Copies of HS Benchmark exams need to be provided to proctors of extended time rooms by the end of the school day on Tuesday. 19JAN  Copies of middle school benchmark exams need to be submitted to Joanna for copying by Friday 22JAN.

        Submit Fall Unit Plans.  In preparation for Subject Team Work, I need copies of your unit and unit documents from this past semester.  Please upload the units you did this past fall and the associated documents (rubrics, resource maps, inquiry sheets, accountability forms, etc.) to this folder by the end of the school day on Wednesday 20JAN.

        Important Dates

        • Thursday, 21JAN15 and Friday, 22JAN15.  High School Benchmark 2 SCHEDULE
        • Monday, 25JAN15.  4th POD Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
        • Monday, 25JAN15.  End of Marking  Period 3
        • Tuesday, 26JAN15 thru Friday, 29JAN15.  Regents Week SCHEDULE.
        • Thursday, 28JAN15.  All MP3 Grades due at 3pm
        • Thurs., 28JAN15 and Fri., 29JAN15.  Middle School Benchmark 2 SCHEDULE
        • Monday, 01FEB15.  Full Staff PD See AGENDA HERE.  8:30AM-2:50PM
        • Wednesday, 03FEB15.  Black History Month Winterfest Night (6-8PM)
        • Tuesday, 02FEB15.  First Day of Spring Term.  Start of MP4
        • Monday, 08FEB15.  Chinese Lunar New Year, NO SCHOOL
        • Wednesday, 12FEB15.  Black History Month Assembly Full School (1:45-2:30PM)
        • Monday, 15FEB15 thru Friday 19FEB15.  Midwinter Recess, NO SCHOOL
        • Monday, 22FEB15.  POD Cycle Launch and Grade Team Meetings
        • Monday, 29FEB15.  1st Pod Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
        • Monday, 07MAR15. 2nd Pod Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
        • Friday, 11MAR15.  4th Marking Period Ends
        • Monday, 14MAR15.  5th Marking Period Begins
        • Wednesday, 16MAR15. MP4 Grades are Due at 3PM
        • Monday, 14MAR15. 3rd Pod Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
        • Thursday, 17MAR15 and Friday, 18MAR15.  Benchmark 3 (This will be MS Predictive)
        • Monday, 21MAR15. 4th Pod Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
        • Thursday, 24MAR15.  Women's History Month Full School Assembly (1:45-2:30PM)
        • Friday, 25MAR15.  Good Friday, NO SCHOOL
        • Monday, 28MAR15. 5th Pod Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
        • Monday, 04APR15. 6th Pod Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
        • Tuesday, 05APR15 thru Thursday, 07APR15.  Middle School NYS ELA Exam
        • Wednesday, 13APR15 thru Friday, 15APR15.  Middle School NYS Math Exam
        • Friday, 15APR15.  5th Marking Period Ends
        • Monday, 11APR15. Pod Prep and Grade Team Meetings
        • Monday, 18APR15. Pod Share - Grade Team Meetings moved to Tuesday
        • Monday, 18APR15.  6th Marking Period Begins
        • Wednesday, 20APR15.  5th Marking Period Grades Due at 3PM
        • Friday, 22APR15.  5th MP Progress Report Distributed 8th Period
        • Friday, 22APR15.  Poetry Slam Full School Assembly 1:45-2:30PM
        • Monday, 25APR15 thru Friday 29APR15 - Spring Recess, NO SCHOOL
        For All UAI School Important Dates, please add "UAI School" calendar to your google calendars.

        Per Session Posting

        No New Postings This Week

        Sunday, January 10, 2016

        Week of January 11th

        UAI Staff News

        Volume III
        Issue 18
        Week of January 11th, 2016


        Dean Residencies.  This week Colleen will be working with Martine and Doris to launch residencies with our deans.  Using data from exit slips and incident reports, Colleen, Martine, and Doris will work with directly teachers to develop a wide variety of strategies used to de-escalate student behavior, productively redirect student choices, and establish strong foundations for positive, promotive classroom learning communities.  These residencies are opportunities to improve practice and to make our school community a more stable and nurturing environment.  If you are interested in signing up, please let us know!

        Mid Year Reviews.  Half of the school year is nearly complete!  So, now it is almost time for a mid-year check in.  The week we return from MidWinter Recess, you will be receiving an invite from your supervisor (me, Val, or Colleen) for your midyear review meeting.  These meetings will be no longer than 40 minutes, and I will be having them in 301/401.  All the meetings will start the week of February 22nd, so you have six weeks to prepare.  Please do not procrastinate.  You will be doing the majority of talking during this meeting, so please be prepared!  Here's the topics:
        • Accomplishments Towards School Goals.  What have you done thus far to further school goals (what's your evidence?)?  In particular, please share your proudest successes and achievements with Social Emotional Learning and Building Strong Family Ties.
        • Professional Growth.  Using your observation data (either official from me or unofficial from PODs or other observations), work in Pods, or other experiences, describe how you have grown in your practice this year, paying particular attention to your growth in mastery of the formats.  In reflecting, I would like you to select a format (or formats) in which you are most proud of growth - both in implementation and theoretical understanding.
        • Student Biographies.  This is a new piece aimed at building your capacity to understand and empathize with your students.  Please prepare two student biographies - one with whom you have a strong, positive relationship and one with whom you are frequently struggling.  The biography should include both personal and academic information.  The genre is of your choosing as are the particular details.  I will be sharing mentor texts of what these could look like at the February PD
        • Current Goals & Objectives.  What are your current goals and objectives with respect to your development as a UAI high school Learning Cultures teacher. How are you planning to measure your progress in reaching these goals (e.g. which student outcomes are you using to gauge progress?)  What do you foresee as obstacles or challenges in your pursuit of these goals? What supports do you need and how can I help?
          • Teachers who are coming up for tenure this year.  Please write me a brief narrative (1-3 paragraphs) explaining how your practice is highly effective and why you should be granted tenure.  Please reference this Framework for Tenure Decision-Making and speak to the criteria listed here.  Also, be sure to include the pieces of evidence you wish submitted with your tenure application request.
          • Teachers who were extended last year.  Please write a brief narrative (1-3 paragraphs) explaining how you have addressed your Areas of Focus from your extension letters you received at the end of last year.  If you need them, email me and I will get them to you.  In addition to this narrative, please also include the narrative described in the bullet above.

        Team Midyear Check Ins.  In addition to individual midyear check-ins, this is a good time to revisit the mechanics of our team functions.  Two years ago, I introduced the Five Dysfunctions of the Team, a business fable (which is a genre new to me!).  At the same time, we reviewed Paul Grice's Cooperative Principle.  You'll need to have a base understanding of each of these ideas for the full staff PD on February 2nd.  So, please take a few minutes to watch these two YouTube summaries of both - The Five Dysfunctions of a Team and Paul Grice's Cooperative Principle. Both will be instrumental in reviewing the results from upcoming surveys on team function and impact.  As you watch these two videos, think about how the concepts connect back to your grade and subject teams.  What observations can you make about your team dynamics and what are your ideas for norms or rules that would improve team function?

        Teacher To Dos

        Teacher Survey. In preparation for a midyear check-in for how we're doing this year, I need some input from you.  Please take a few moments to complete this survey.  Your voice will be essential for figuring out where we need to focus and how we should improve.  Please CLICK HERE to complete the survey now.  It should only take you about 5-10 minutes.

        Benchmark Preparation.  Please make sure you are preparing for our next Benchmark administration.  For the high school, Benchmarks are next Thursday and Friday.  The middle school Benchmarks are the following Thursday and Friday, with Book II of the benchmarks occurring during classes (Reading and Math) on Wednesday.

        Important Dates

        • Monday, 11JAN15.  3rd POD Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
        • Monday, 18JAN15.  MLK Jr. Day, NO SCHOOL
        • Thursday, 21JAN15 and Friday, 22JAN15.  High School Benchmark 2 SCHEDULE
        • Monday, 25JAN15.  4th POD Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
        • Monday, 25JAN15.  End of Marking  Period 3
        • Tuesday, 26JAN15 thru Friday, 29JAN15.  Regents Week SCHEDULE.
        • Thursday, 28JAN15.  All MP3 Grades due at 3pm
        • Thurs., 28JAN15 and Fri., 29JAN15.  Middle School Benchmark 2 SCHEDULE
        • Monday, 01FEB15.  Full Staff PD See AGENDA HERE.  8:30AM-2:50PM
        • Wednesday, 03FEB15.  Black History Month Winterfest Night (6-8PM)
        • Tuesday, 02FEB15.  First Day of Spring Term.  Start of MP4
        • Monday, 08FEB15.  Chinese Lunar New Year, NO SCHOOL
        • Wednesday, 12FEB15.  Black History Month Assembly Full School (1:45-2:30PM)
        • Monday, 15FEB15 thru Friday 19FEB15.  Midwinter Recess, NO SCHOOL
        • Monday, 22FEB15.  POD Cycle Launch and Grade Team Meetings
        • Monday, 29FEB15.  1st Pod Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
        • Monday, 07MAR15. 2nd Pod Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
        • Friday, 11MAR15.  4th Marking Period Ends
        • Monday, 14MAR15.  5th Marking Period Begins
        • Wednesday, 16MAR15. MP4 Grades are Due at 3PM
        • Monday, 14MAR15. 3rd Pod Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
        • Thursday, 17MAR15 and Friday, 18MAR15.  Benchmark 3 (This will be MS Predictive)
        • Monday, 21MAR15. 4th Pod Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
        • Thursday, 24MAR15.  Women's History Month Full School Assembly (1:45-2:30PM)
        • Friday, 25MAR15.  Good Friday, NO SCHOOL
        • Monday, 28MAR15. 5th Pod Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
        • Monday, 04APR15. 6th Pod Debrief and Grade Team Meetings
        • Tuesday, 05APR15 thru Thursday, 07APR15.  Middle School NYS ELA Exam
        • Wednesday, 13APR15 thru Friday, 15APR15.  Middle School NYS Math Exam
        • Friday, 15APR15.  5th Marking Period Ends
        • Monday, 11APR15. Pod Prep and Grade Team Meetings
        • Monday, 18APR15. Pod Share - Grade Team Meetings moved to Tuesday
        • Monday, 18APR15.  6th Marking Period Begins
        • Wednesday, 20APR15.  5th Marking Period Grades Due at 3PM
        • Friday, 22APR15.  5th MP Progress Report Distributed 8th Period
        • Friday, 22APR15.  Poetry Slam Full School Assembly 1:45-2:30PM
        • Monday, 25APR15 thru Friday 29APR15 - Spring Recess, NO SCHOOL
        For All UAI School Important Dates, please add "UAI School" calendar to your google calendars.

        Per Session Posting

        Resilient Scholars PLC.  Jamie, Rebecca, Kerry, and Martine are doing a Teacher SEL PLC after school.  

        Other PLC Ideas.  If other teachers are interested in running/participating in another PLC, please let me know and we can fund it too!
        Dean Residencies