UAI Staff News
Volume VI
Issue 22
January 28th, 2019
(85 instructional days remaining)
SEO Resumes on Tuesday! SEO resumes their after school program on Tuesday. Those teachers who share classrooms with SEO should prepare!
To Do This Week
Joanna's First Solo Regents Run. This past Regents week went incredibly smoothly and it was Joanna's first time running the whole shebang from soup to nuts sola! From her initial planning, to her clear communication, Joanna made Regents week smooth for all involved. Please do share any feedback with her so that we can continue to grow and get even better! Thank you Joanna!!
Report Cards Distributed Last Period on Tuesday 29JAN. MP 3 is complete. As per our grading policy, any student who earned a passing grade retains their credits, regardless of their performance in June. Report cards will be distributed during last period classes, however, regents scores will not be on them (they were not all yet in as of Friday afternoon). Students will be able to see grades in Skedula, however. As they come in, we will continue to refresh. All scores should be in no later than Wednesday.
Chancellor's PD on 28JAN19. Here's the agenda for tomorrow:
[Repeat Post] Preparing for Mid-Year Conferences. In the afternoon of Monday, 28JAN19, Annie and I will begin holding our Mid-Year Conferences. This year the conferences will focus on your planning and lesson execution. In particular, please bring a copy of a lesson and unit plan from the Fall and that you've done this year that you are most proud of. Also, bring a copy of a lesson (and it's unit plan) for the Spring that you would like to be observed. Be prepared to discuss
Report Cards Distributed Last Period on Tuesday 29JAN. MP 3 is complete. As per our grading policy, any student who earned a passing grade retains their credits, regardless of their performance in June. Report cards will be distributed during last period classes, however, regents scores will not be on them (they were not all yet in as of Friday afternoon). Students will be able to see grades in Skedula, however. As they come in, we will continue to refresh. All scores should be in no later than Wednesday.
Chancellor's PD on 28JAN19. Here's the agenda for tomorrow:
- 8:00-8:30AM Breakfast (optional)
- 8:30-9:30AM State of The School Address (All staff report to 409)
- 9:30-9:40AM Break
- 9:40-11:20AM Workshops
- LDC Teachers Work with Marsha & Rebecca on Aligning Expectations in Student Work
- All other staff join Joey & Tiffany on Effective Circulation and Using Strategic Feedback to Maximize Student Learning Throughout the Lesson
- 11:20-11:30AM Break and then meet back in 409
- 11:30-12:00PM The Spring Sneak Peak on Supportive Environment Work
- 12:00-1:00PM Lunch Provided for All by LDC [Thank you Jamie Rice and the LDC Crew!]
- 1:00-2:30PM PM Workshops
- LDC Teachers continue AM work
- All other staff have Independent Work Time on Lessons & Units
(Plus scheduled Mid Year Review Conferences with Annie or Kiri)
- 2:30-2:50PM Closure for the Day in Room 409
- Key Take-Aways for the Day
- Feedback Forms
[Repeat Post] Preparing for Mid-Year Conferences. In the afternoon of Monday, 28JAN19, Annie and I will begin holding our Mid-Year Conferences. This year the conferences will focus on your planning and lesson execution. In particular, please bring a copy of a lesson and unit plan from the Fall and that you've done this year that you are most proud of. Also, bring a copy of a lesson (and it's unit plan) for the Spring that you would like to be observed. Be prepared to discuss
- Intellectual Engagement: What do you do to maximize the time students spend engaging in high levels of thinking throughout the lesson.
- Formative Assessment: How do you make student thinking visible to you and what do you do to assess student thinking throughout the lesson
- Using Student Work to Inform Instructional Moves: How do you to respond to student thinking throughout the lesson and how does your feedback impact student achievement both throughout the lesson and unit.
- New Question that you'll be working on during PD: How do you connect to the mission of UAI in your daily work? What is your personal vision for your role in achieving UAI's mission?
Here's the schedule for the afternoon
- 1:00-1:15 Alison (Kiri), Megan (Annie)
- 1:15-1:30 Cherry (Kiri), Damon (Annie)
- 1:30-1:45 Matthew (Kiri), Tom (Annie)
- 1:45-2:00 Nina (Kiri), Meaghan (Annie)
- 2:00-2:15 Danielle (Kiri), Tracy (Annie)
- 2:15-2:30 Judy (Kiri), Elana (Annie)
- Tuesday 29JAN19:
- With Kiri in 401: Matthew, Sarah, Phillan, Kristina, Christina, Cassandra, Tiffany, Joey,
- With Annie in 201: Jake, Natalie, Zack, Suzannah, Kelly, Nadine, Elena, Giselle
- Wednesday 30JAN19:
- With Kiri in 401: Marsha, Rebecca C., Amanda, Kristi
- With Annie in 201: Rebecca F., Freida, Laura