Monday, May 27, 2019

Week of May 28th

Staff Picture on Tuesday at 3:15PM

UAI Staff News

Volume VI
Issue 37
May 28th, 2019
(11 HS Instructional Days Remaining)
(18 HS Instructional Days Remaining)


The Final Lap.  Now that Memorial Day is here, June is just around the corner, and the checkered flag is waiving as we enter the final lap of the school year.   For the high school, there are only a few (10) instructional days remaining until we get to Final Exams (in class exams - no special schedule) on June 13th and 14th.  For the middle school, you have a few more (18) before Stepping Up and HS graduation (which will both be half days for kids).  This year has been super busy, very hard, and never had one dull moment.  As a result, we're all tired, BUT it did make the time fly!  As we gear up for the end, remember, it will go fast.  You'll be tempted to put things off (because you are tired), but that will only make it harder and more stressful.  Like the last mile in a marathon, dig deep and keep putting one foot in front of the other.  When we reach the finish line of our graduation on the last day of school, it will feel epically awesome! 

UAI STAFF PICTURE DAY.  On Tuesday 28MAY19, we are going to be taking a UAI Staff Picture on the front steps of the school.  Please wear your favorite UAI t-shirt or gear and report to the school front steps at 3:15PM.  We'll be using these pictures for special end-of-the-year events!

Staff Out This Week
    • No One Planned Out
  • Wednesday 29MAY:
    • Joanna Out - SPED Liaison Meeting
    • Rebecca C Out - AP for All PD
  • Thursday 30MAY:   
    • Megan Out - Graduation
    • Annie Out - Professional Development with Ken
  • Friday  31MAY: Final School Assembly 7th Period
    • No One Planned Out

    To Do This Week

    Tuesday Outreach.   Please continue to use Tuesday time to contact any and all students who are currently failing your classAs a reminder,  for Promotion In Doubt records, we need to document our interventions.  Your contact home is part of that intervention.  Please make sure to enter your outreach into Skedula

    Important Upcoming Dates in the Last Few Weeks of School (Please let me know stat if I got any dates wrong!!)
    • Week of 28MAY19 - 
      • Monday 27MAY19 - Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
      • Tuesday 28MAY19 - Thursday 30MAY19 - Normal School Days - no holidays or trips
      • Friday 31MAY19 - 
        • Last Assembly of the Year - NO Classes 7th Period
        • Half Day for 8th Graders (dismissed after lunch) for 8th Grade Prom
    • Week of 03JUN19 - 
      • Monday, 03JUN19
        • Global History Regents - No HIGH SCHOOL classes; 
        • MS Classes are in regular session.
      • Tuesday,  04JUN19 - Eid al Fitr (end of Ramadan) - NO SCHOOL
      • Wednesday, 05JUN19 - 
        • 8th Grade Field Trip to Holocaust Museum - No 8th Grade Classes; 
        • Springfest @ 6pm
      • Thursday, 06JUN19 - Brooklyn Queens Day - Chancellor's PD Day - NO CLASSES
        • AM:  Uncovering Bias - Teacher Consultancies
        • PM:  Preparing to Move
          • 6th & 7th Grade Teachers pack classrooms with 8th gr teacher help
          • 11th Grade Teachers pack classrooms with 9th & 10th gr teacher help
      • Friday, 07JUN19
        • No 7th Grade Classes
          • 7th Grade College Trip to John Jay (Jake, Kristina & Christina' Advisories)
          • 7th Grade Advisory Trip (Cherry & Megan painting field trip)
        • Low Attendance 8th Grade Classes
          • 8th Grade Trip to Dorney Park (35 Students)
        • No 12th Grade Classes
          • Senior BBQ
        • Del's Retirement Party @5pm
    • Week Four - Week of 10JUN19 - 
      • Monday, 10JUN19 - Normal Classes, No Trips
      • Tuesday 11JUN19 
        • 7th Grade Trip to Roller Skating at Brooklyn Bridge Park
      • Wednesday, 12JUN19
        • Welcome New Students (6th & 9th) to Night of Stars
        • Senior Awards Night
        • Honor Roll Breakfast for students observing Ramadan
      • Thursday, 13JUN19 
        • High School Final Exams (in classes) Day 1; 
        • Normal MS Classes; 
        • 12th Grade Graduation Rehearsal @ 9:30AM
      • Friday, 14JUN19 
        • 8th Grade BBQ; 
        • 12th Grade Graduation Rehearsal @ 9:30AM; 
        • UAI Staff Party at 5PM
    •  Week Five - Week of 17JUN19 - 
      • Monday, 17JUN19 - 
        • Last day of classes for grades 8-12; 
        • 12th Grade Grad Rehearsal and Prom Ticket Distribution; 
        • Spanish Regents Administration [LOTE]; 
        • End of MP6 
      • Tuesday, 18JUN19 - 
        • Regents Week Day 1;    AM Test: US History         PM test:  Living Environment
        • Normal 6/7 classes
      • Wednesday, 19JUN19 - 
        • Regents Week Day 2;   AM Test: ELA                   PM test:  CC Algebra I
        • Normal 6/7 classes
      • Thursday, 20JUN19 - 
        • Regents Week Day 3;   AM Test: Trans. Global    PM test:  Earth Science
        • Normal 6/7 classes; 
        • All Final Grades Due @3PM & MS Promotional Portfolios Due @3PM
      • Friday,  21JUN19 - 
        • Regents Week Day 4;  AM Test: Geometry          PM test:  CC Algebra II
        • 7th Grade Trip to Coney Island/Luna Park; 
        • 8th stepping Up rehearsal
    • Week Six - Week of 24JUN19 - 
      • Monday 24JUN19 - All staff prepare classrooms for summer and we close out in PD; 8th gr stepping up rehearsal; Normal 6/7 classes
      • Tuesday, 25JUN19 - 8th Gr Graduation; 6/7 dismiss after lunch at 11:15AM
      • Wednesday, 26JUN19 - HS Graduation; 6/7 dismiss after report card collection and report to LIU by 10:30AM; All staff dismiss after HS graduation (last day of school); some staff will remain at school to distribute final report cards to grades 8-11.

    Student Support Services Update 

    No Updates this Week. 

    Per Session Posting

    No New Postings this Week


    Sunday, May 19, 2019

    Week of May 20th

    UAI Staff News

    Volume VI
    Issue 36
    May 20th, 2019
    (17 Instructional Days Remaining)


    Attendance.  Being away from students and out of the building means that our students receive instruction from people who are not their regular teachers (or depending on the quality of the substitute teacher, they receive almost zero instruction at all).  In some cases, our absences are necessary - like Professional Development and/or Professional Meetings that help improve our practice and/or are part of our responsibilities and duties.  In other cases, absences are unavoidable due to leaves, medical issues, or illness.  Finally, in some cases, personal business needed to happen during the school day, causing more absence.

    Regardless of the reasons, our students are still sitting in classes without their regular teachers.  When this happens, it makes it that much harder for them to excel and achieve. 

    As a math and science school leader, it seems appropriate to share the math.  This year alone there have been

    • 536 Absences:  
      • 258 teachers absent from work (coverage costs = $47,743)
      • 168 Teachers/Staff at PD or meetings (coverage for 84 classroom staff = $15,542)
      • 110 out-of-classroom staff absent from work (no coverage required)
    • 233 Fractional Absences (partial day absences)
      • People leaving early or coming late or leaving mid-day to return
      • This also costs $$ but I'm still working on the analysis for this one

    There are 180 schools days, and each of our students have teachers for 6 periods each day and there are 7 grades.  so 180*6*7= 7560 - which is the total number of periods our students are offered in the course of one school year.  Just counting the absences (536) and each teacher teaches 4 periods (536*4= 2144 periods of less than ideal or completely lost instructions).  That means (2144/7560) this year, our students have lost nearly 30% of their quality instruction due to staff absence.

    We have to stop this.  We have to show up and be present and be there for our girls.  I know it's not easy.  I know things will pop up.  We only have 9 instructional days left this month, and even fewer in June.  All I ask is that we try to be here on time and everyday for our students.  Particularly for grades taking regent exams, these last days of instruction are crucial for them.  They need you.  You are the best teacher for them.  When you are gone, they feel it, and their achievement diminishes.   Even worse, they are presented with models of chronic absenteeism in the form of their teachers, something that cannot be underestimated as having a massively negative impact on their own attendance. 

    Let's stop the slide and let's pull together UAI for our students, for our colleagues, and in a collective effort to end this school year the strongest one yet.  Make a commitment to yourself, your colleagues, and your students to be here everyday for the rest of the year.  To the extent possible, move appointments to after school or on days where there are no classes (like EID or Brooklyn Queens Day).  Get lots of rest and take care of yourselves.  We are in the home stretch and we can make this happen!

    Staff Out This Week
    • Monday 20MAY: 
      • Juelle out - Personal Business
      • Meaghan out - Personal Business
      • Marni out - Recruitment Visits to new 6th grade Admits
    • Tuesday 21MAY: 
      • Meaghan out - Personal Business
    • Wednesday 22MAY:
      • Kiri Out - Superintendent's Principal Meeting
      • Natalie Out - Sustainability Field Trip
      • Tom Out - Sustainability Field Trip
    • Thursday 23MAY:   
      • No one - let's try to make this a day of 100% attendance for everyone!!
    • Friday  24MAY: 
      • Joanna Out - Professional Development - Test Coordinator PD
      • Tom Out - Personal Business

      To Do This Week

      Monday PD.  This Monday's PD is changed.  The last LDC PD will happen with our LDC team in room 305, and teachers on the SLT will meet in 145 for the last SLT meeting of the year.  Everyone else, you'll have Independent Work Time.  We'll all meet in Room 409 to begin the PD with the reading of the blog, and then we'll split up into our respective assignments.

      That means we have to bump our Bias work one more time.  We'll continue our work around developing strategies for combatting the negative impact of implicit bias in our classrooms.  Several teachers have volunteered to present their own dilemmas in small groups using the Consultancy Protocol.   Through the use of this protocol, teachers will collaboratively investigate dilemmas in which bias may be playing a part and support the presenting teacher in developing perspective and strategies for addressing the dilemma.  This will take place on our next (and final PD time of the year, June 6th, BQ day). 

      Tuesday Outreach.   Please continue to use Tuesday time to contact any and all students who are currently failing your class
        As a reminder,  for Promotion In Doubt records, we need to document our interventions.  Your contact home is part of that intervention.  Please make sure to enter your outreach into Skedula.  

        Important Upcoming Dates in the Last Six Weeks of School (Please let me know stat if I got any dates wrong!!)
        • Week One - Week of 20MAY19 - 
          • Normal Week - no holidays or trips.
        • Week Two - Week of 28MAY19 - 
          • Monday 27MAY19 - Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
          • Tuesday 28MAY19 - Thursday 30MAY19 - Normal School Days - no holidays or trips
          • Friday 31MAY19 - Last Assembly of the Year - NO Classes 7th Period
        • Week Three - Week of 03JUN19 - 
          • Monday, 03JUN19 - Global History Regents - No HIGH SCHOOL classes; MS Classes are in regular session.
          • Tuesday,  04JUN19 - Eid al Fitr (end of Ramadan) - NO SCHOOL
          • Wednesday, 05JUN19 - 8th Grade Field Trip to Holocaust Museum - No 8th Grade Classes; Springfest @ 6pm
          • Thursday, 06JUN19 - Brooklyn Queens Day - Chancellor's PD Day - NO CLASSES
          • Friday, 07JUN19
            • No 7th Grade Classes
              • 7th Grade College Trip to John Jay (Jake, Kristina & Christina' Advisories)
              • 7th Grade Advisory Trip (Cherry & Megan painting field trip)
            • Low Attendance 8th Grade Classes
              • 8th Grade Trip to Dorney Park (35 Students)
            • Del's Retirement Party @5pm
        • Week Four - Week of 10JUN19 - 
          • Monday, 10JUN19 - Tuesday 11JUN19 - Normal Classes, No Trips
          • Wednesday, 12JUN19
            • 7th Grade Trip to Roller Skating at Brooklyn Bridge Park
            • Welcome New Students (6th & 9th) to Night of Stars
            • Senior Awards Night
            • Honor Roll Dinner for students observing Ramadan
          • Thursday, 13JUN19 - High School Final Exams (in classes) Day 1; Normal MS Classes; 12th Grade Graduation Rehearsal
          • Friday, 14JUN19 - 8th Grade BBQ; 12th Grade Graduation Rehearsal; UAI Staff Party at 5PM
        •  Week Five - Week of 17JUN19 - 
          • Monday, 17JUN19 - Last day of classes for grades 8-12; 12th Grade Grad Rehearsal and Prom Ticket Distribution; Spanish Regents Administration [LOTE]; End of MP6
          • Tuesday, 18JUN19 - Regents Week Day 1; Normal 6/7 classes
            • AM Test: US History         PM test:  Living Environment
          • Wednesday, 19JUN19 - Regents Week Day 2; Normal 6/7 classes
            • AM Test: ELA                   PM test:  CC Algebra I
          • Thursday, 20JUN19 - Regents Week Day 3; Normal 6/7 classes; All Final Grades Due
            • AM Test: Trans. Global    PM test:  Earth Science
          • Friday,  21JUN19 - Regents Week Day 4; 7th Grade Trip to Coney Island/Luna Park; 8th stepping Up rehearsal
            • AM Test: Geometry          PM test:  CC Algebra II
        • Week Six - Week of 24JUN19 - 
          • Monday 24JUN19 - All staff prepare classrooms for summer and we close out in PD; 8th gr stepping up rehearsal; Normal 6/7 classes
          • Tuesday, 25JUN19 - 8th Gr Graduation; 6/7 dismiss after lunch at 11:15AM
          • Wednesday, 26JUN19 - HS Graduation; 6/7 dismiss after report card collection and report to LIU by 10:30AM; All staff dismiss after HS graduation (last day of school); some staff will remain at school to distribute final report cards to grades 8-11.

        Student Support Services Update 

        Per Session Posting

        No New Postings this Week


        Sunday, May 12, 2019

        Week of May 13th

        UAI Staff News

        Volume VI
        Issue 35
        May 13th, 2019
        (22 Instructional Days Remaining)


        Happy Mother's Day!  This is gonna be a super short post.  Not gonna lie - it's Mother's Day and my family has asked me to stop working.  I'm sneaking this post in during shower time!  Happy Mother's Day to all you Mothers/Mother-Figures at UAI, and Happy Mother's Day to all of your own mothers and mother-figures!

        Staff Out This Week
        • Monday 13MAY:  AP BIO Test & Geometry Benchmark
          • Nina out - Personal Business
        • Tuesday 14MAY: DRP Testing Begins in English Classes
          • Nina out - Personal Business
          • Kiri out - UA Instructional Rounds Visit
          • Joanna out - IEP Teacher Training
        • Wednesday 15MAY:
          • Lauren Out - Professional Development
        • Thursday 16MAY:   
          • Brodie Out - Professional Development
          • Damon Out - Military
        • Friday  17MAY: 
          • Damon Out - Military
          • Natalie Out - Personal Business

          To Do This Week

          Monday PD.  This Monday we'll continue our work around developing strategies for combatting the negative impact of implicit bias in our classrooms.  Several teachers have volunteered to present their own dilemmas in small groups using the Consultancy Protocol.   Through the use of this protocol, teachers will collaboratively investigate dilemmas in which bias may be playing a part and support the presenting teacher in developing perspective and strategies for addressing the dilemma.

          Tuesday Outreach.   Please continue to use Tuesday time to contact any and all students who are currently failing your class
          As a reminder,  for Promotion In Doubt records, we need to document our interventions.  Your contact home is part of that intervention.  Please make sure to enter your outreach into Skedula.  

          Student Support Services Update 

          Per Session Posting

          No New Postings this Week


          Sunday, May 5, 2019

          Week of May 6th

          UAI Staff News

          Volume VI
          Issue 34
          May 6th, 2019
          (24 Instructional Days Remaining)


          College Match Day!  May 1st was National College Match day in which our seniors committed to their future colleges and universities.  The Class of 2019 has some pretty special outcomes including matching to schools like Barnard & Columbia.  Most significantly, our college advisors, Ms. Doris & Ms. Danielle worked hard with our students and families to match our young women to schools that best fit their skills, financial capacity, and interests!  Congratulations Class of 2019, and congratulations to Ms. Danielle and a special shout out to Ms. Doris who successfully completed her first year as a college counselor!

          Staff Out This Week
          • Monday 06MAY:  
            • Judy out - Algebra for All PD
            • Phil out - Personal Business
          • Tuesday 07MAY: 
            • Amanda out - Personal Business
          • Wednesday 08MAY: Mock Regents Day One
            • Rebecca F out - Personal Business
          • Thursday 02MAY: Mock Regents Day Two  
            • No One 
          • Friday  03MAY: Mock Regents Day Three
            • Jamie out - LINCT PD

            To Do This Week

            Monday PD.  This Monday will be our penultimate grade team meeting for the year!!  We will all meet in room 409 to do the following
            • Complete the 2019-2020 Preference Sheet if you didn't already do so.  We will be using these preference sheets to launch our end-of-the-year conferences which will begin later this week.
            • Complete the End of the Year DESSA (so please bring your laptops to PD)
            • Review the Summer School/Repeater Lists for the grade

            Tuesday Outreach.  As a reminder, Thursday May 9th is our next parent conference.  Please use Tuesday time to contact any and all students who are currently failing your class Please use prep time this week to update Skedula so that families and students have access to their performance data in your classes.  When you contact home, here are some points to address with their families:
            • How is there attendance to class?
            • How well are they participating in class, what can be improved?
            • How well are they performing on class assessments?  What can families do to help?
            • How well are they doing on class assignments?  What can families do to help?
            As a reminder,  for Promotion In Doubt records, we need to document our interventions.  Your contact home is part of that intervention.  Please make sure to enter your outreach into Skedula.  

            Final Parent Conferences Thursday, May 9th.  This final parent conference session will be structured like traditional parent conferences with teachers meeting with their classroom students (rather than their advisees) from 5-8PM.   Advisors and classroom teachers have been reaching out to families of parents who are failing classes, and we will be sending home targeted messages based on MP5 grades.  Please make sure you are prepared to hold meetings with students and their families to explain how students have progressed through the year, and what families can do to intervene and support student learning in this last marking period. 

            Student Support Services Update 

            Per Session Posting

            8th Grade "Prom".  We are looking for chaperones to chaperone the 8th grade "Prom" in our gym from 5:30-10PM.  If you are interested, please contact Jen for details.  The number of chaperones will vary depending on the number of students who RSVP.  Please reach out to Jen by the end of the day on Friday May 17th.