UAI Staff News
Volume VII
Issue 15
November 25th, 2019
Happy Birthdays! No birthdays this week!Schedule Student Led Conferences. SLCs are now complete. We ended up seeing 59% of our families which is slightly down from last year's overall rate. To see the full analysis, you can see click on the SLC Analysis tab in the SLC Appointment Sheet. If you haven't already done so, sign up for a free account with Remind to help you contact your students' families more efficiently! All you need is their cell phone or email, and one message can go to all! Try it out. We are looking into buying the school version to launch in the spring. So testing it out now is the perfect low-risk prep for something that is coming soon!
Many, many thank you to all of you who worked hard to get your families in. It is not easy working around their schedules, and in some cases, working around anxieties parents may feel about coming in to school. You all did an amazing job making our families feel welcome and partners in their children's learning. As we work towards uncovering our biases to improve classroom learning and school culture overall, our work with families plays a crucial role in this work. The more we find ways to reach out and engage with families, the more we do to build strong relationships and erase the potential of negative biases from all sides. The more we work together, the more we know each other. The more we know each other, the stronger the UAI community is for our young people! It is not easy work, but it is necessary. Don't let the outreach wane. Keep at it. Each small piece of outreach matters!!!!
To-Do This Week
Monday Professional Development. On Monday, we will be having a well-being workshop centered on appreciation and thanksgiving. As many have heard me say on several occasions, our attention to problems and issues is a natural phenomena, and probably an evolutionary advantage. As humans, we are particularly astute at problem solving, which involves being pretty good at focusing on problems and issues - always having our gaze focused on what is wrong.
Psychologically, that can be a heavy burden, and let's face it - it's a total bummer - particularly when you can't find an easy solution. Teaching and pushing our girls to overcome seemingly endless hurdles is never going to be easy. That doesn't mean that it doesn't have its rewards.
So, for Monday, we are going to take a beat (while getting some eats), and think about the things we appreciate, feel the appreciation from others, and take the time to appreciate the reasons we are all here at UAI - our students.
Please bring your journals for reflection and your favorite pen for some writing. Also, bring your snack of choice (from easy, simple and/or purchased to complex and homemade - bring whatever you can to add to the feast). Its the UAI Snacktathalon!
Tuesday Family Outreach. Please use this time to set up a free Remind account and add your families into it. Play around with it and/or ask your colleagues to show you the ropes (I think Damon & Jamie use it pretty often? ... anyone else??)
Benchmark Grading. Grading is largely complete. I'll be tapping some folks to use their professional periods this week to finish it up. We should have them done by the end of the day, Monday.
Benchmark Grading. Grading is largely complete. I'll be tapping some folks to use their professional periods this week to finish it up. We should have them done by the end of the day, Monday.