Sunday, October 30, 2022

Week of 31OCT22

UAI Staff News

Volume X
Issue 10
October 31st, 2022

Happy Halloween & Wrapping Up MP1. It is a UAI tradition to dress up for Halloween.  For sure, you are not required to do so!  Many do not, and that's ok!  

As we finish out the last day of October, it is hard to believe that we are through two of the 10 months of school already.  Some days, it feels like it's been 2 years, but before you know it, we'll blink and it will be Christmas.   It is so true.

At this point in the fall, the shiny promise of September has faded away, and we are all feeling the weight of how much challenge our students face and how much work we need to do to meet them where they are and push them to where they need to be.  It is a huge job - and with any challenge, there will be times that we fall short of our goals AND then, there will be times when we knock it out of the park!

We need to make it a priority to value both the journey and the destination - in both the work of our students and ourselves.   The process (journey) is our learning experience.  We practice, we fail.  We experiment, we learn, we may fail or get lucky - but either way we refine and try again.  We keep trying until we are satisfied that we've met our goals well.

Remember to honor both the learning growth AND the achievements - in both yourself and your students.  That is the intersection of Joy and Power - to be able to honor & celebrate both.

Important dates. 

  • Monday, 31OCT22.  Halloween - Costume Parade
  • Wednesday, 02NOV22.  Social Studies Instructional Rounds
  • Thursday, 03NOV22.  Thursday PD:  Grading For Learning in Google Classroom (Amanda)
  • Saturday, 19NOV22.  In-Person UA Fair
  • Thursday, 10NOV22.  Last Day of MP1
  • Monday, 14NOV22.  First Day of MP2
  • Wednesday, 16NOV22.  MP1 Grades Due at 3PM
  • Thursday, 17NOV22.  Evening Parent Conferences - 5PM
  • Wednesday, 23NOV22.  Rapid Dismissal at 2:30 
  • Thursday, 24NOV22.  Thanksgiving Recess - NO SCHOOL
  • Friday, 25NOV22.  Thanksgiving Recess - NO SCHOOL

Announcements & To Dos

UAI Teacher's Choice.   All staff will be reimbursed up to $250 for teacher selected school materials.  If you have already spent the funds, start gathering up your receipts.  You will be reimbursed for everything (except tax - if you didn't use the tax exempt form).   If you have yet to spend, please reach out to Dai for the Tax Exempt form/number.    Stay tuned for directions on how to submit your receipts for reimbursement.  These will all be due the Friday before Thanksgiving (with reimbursement checks expected to come just before the winter holidays!)

<<Repost>> First Round of Evaluative Observations Begin.   First round of informal observations continue this week.  Please review Danielson and the UAI Look For Document.  Our goal is to complete the round of informal observations by November 8th.  As a reminder, the observation requirements are:
  • Tenured Teachers - minimum of 1 fall informal and 1 spring term informal observations (unscheduled min 15min observation)
  • Untenured teachers - minimum of 4 observations (2 in fall and 2 in spring) - 3 informal observations and 1 formal observation (scheduled, full period observation)
All teachers are welcome to ask for more observations - these are just the minimum.

Thanksgiving Charity.  As the festive season is quickly approaching, Aisha, Jen, and Jelissa are again seeking your assistance in putting smiles on the faces of some of our students as we did last year with our food hampers and turkey giveaways.

If you were not part of Team UAI last year, through the contributions of staff and through ground work from Miss Jay and her significant other,  we literally turned our main office into a farmers market. Many of our students were able to walk away with bags of fruits and vegetables and turkeys for Thanksgiving. 

We know that this year things have changed significantly and prices have increased exponentially, nonetheless, we still want to try to gift our students with turkeys again this season.

So again, we seek your assistance in donating whatever you are able to in an effort to assist us in being a blessing to some families this year.

We will accept cash, or you can cash app your donation to $AHuggins4. Of course, we will keep a record of all monies sent and the final figure will be presented to all who donated. A HUGE THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE.

Yours in unity:
Miss Aisha
Miss Jen
Miss Jelissa

UAI Instructional Rounds Begin.  This week the Social Studies team will conduct their instructional rounds (IR).  Good Luck IR teams!  We're all looking forward to what you learn and we look forward to you sharing your work so that we may all benefit and collectively leverage up the quality of classroom instruction across UAI!

E-Waste Pick Up.  Before the end of the month, we are removing e-waste from the building.  Do you have e-waste (100% useless tech) in your classroom / office? Do you have something that might be e-waste but you're not sure?  Please set it aside, label it, and then contact Jason ( in a separate email.  He will retrieve your e-waste and move it to a central location for DIIT.   Please contact me in a separate email and I'll inspect the tech.  If everyone quickly scans their classrooms and offices, we can complete this task before the end of the day on October 25th. Let's work together to reclaim space in the building!

Interim Assessments Continue.  This week we will be starting our MAP Math assessments for students in grades 6-11.   Students who have not yet completed the DRP can continue their work this week, but both MAP Math and DRP must be completed by Friday.
  • Week of Oct 24.  The MAP Math test will be launching for grades 6-11.  As with the DRP, students will take this exam during Learning Lab.  Amanda is our testing coordinator for the MAP Math exam and will be reviewing how we will administer the test in Monday 24OCT22's PD.
  • Monday Oct 31.  The DESSA is a social-emotional skills inventory that teachers complete about students.  We will use PD time on 31OCT to complete this inventory.  Jen is our testing coordinator for the DESSA and will lead staff through what it is and how to complete it during PD.

<<Repost>> Student Password Reset.  Any UAI staff member can reset a student's email and look up their DOE email account.  With your DOE credentials, you should have access to reset a student's DOE password (you don't need the email - just a student's OSIS - which you can find on their schedule)

  1. Go to external link) and sign in with your DOE credentials. If you don’t have access, scroll down to the bottom of the page for instructions.
  2. Enter the student’s OSIS ID number.
  3. Enter a password for the student.
  4. Provide the password to the student. 
  5. When you give the password to the student, tell them to sign into the Student Password and Account Management tool(Open external link) and reset their password to something unique (if you gave them a generic password).
  6. Once they reset their own password and set up their account, they are all set and can begin accessing DOE digital learning platforms.

Per Session Postings

For ALL per session activities (view all 2022-23 postings here),
please complete Per Session Application For

11OCT22 Posting
UAI After School Supervisor.  This position would be the person supervising UAI after school courses on Wednesday & Thursdays from 3-5PM.  The role would be to manage any communications with home around pick up making sure parents kids who need pick up are picked up, and managing any issues that may arise during after school (mediating any conflicts, assisting teachers with needed resources, monitoring student movement throughout the after school spaces).  This position would operate out of the deans office and would be in charge of managing all UAI after school activities on these two days.  Two positions available for the year.

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