UAI Staff News
Volume XII
Issue 22
March 3rd, 2025
It's Women's History Month. The Pew Research Center published a report, The Enduring Grip of the Gender Pay Gap. It is a fascinating, albeit depressing read. The long and the short of it is that even though the gap has narrowed from women only making 65 cents on the dollar in the 80s to making 82 cents on the dollar today (as compared to men's earnings), the gap still persists and in fact, has had an overall negative trend down since 2010.
Yo...what gives?
When I read the article, what stood out most was all of the historical structures and systems that created the disparity in the first place. For example "A Woman's Place is in the Home" - this folksy "wisdom" seems to have new shape in the modern world. Women may be more present and equally capable in the work force, but when they go home, women overwhelmingly are the primary caregiver, chef, and homemaker - STILL. So, when measured against the same metrics as men (who don't have a second job at home)... it may seem to some that women don't "merit" pay equity.
Another point...women are still underrepresented in STEM fields, and in management! For me, this makes me wonder about misogynistic biases that run through all of us unaware. When we picture a scientist or engineer or hedge-fund manager, how many of us picture the face of one of our students? And if we're not all picturing it, are they picturing it for themselves?
With respect to management roles, I think similar internalized misogyny is at play. What characteristics do you think of when you think of a strong leader? Traditional stereotypes yield characteristics like decisiveness, problem-solving, confidence, and assertiveness. Which are good qualities of leaders, but are also the common characteristics of male leaders - who have dominated the field forever. question is - are these actually good traits of leaders, or just what we've come to expect? When women adopt these characteristics in leadership roles (e.g. being assertive), because of the cultural expectations around males holding leadership positions, women are often forced to contend with the backlash - so they don't get to be assertive...they are often described as the not nice female dog word.
But wait...There's hope!
These biases and ideas only exist because people persist in holding onto them and not confronting their own roles in upholding them. Well, the good news is that we ARE people and we are GOOD people and we can take strong looks at our own thoughts and actions to stop the infiltration of these biases within our own sphere of influence - which is UAI!
We can
- help shape the ideas of what is possible for our young people by giving them alternate narratives of who makes a strong scientist, mathematician, engineer, or manager.
- help our students see the strength and value in traditional female success traits like communication, relationships and community
- widen the margins of error for our kids - create a safe space and an honored and exalted space for those who have the bravery to make and learn from mistakes.
- Nurture our own UAI female leaders.
Embrace their success and bolster them up when they stumble. Your ILT, your assistant principal, your team leaders (Student Activities, RPET, and SST)- they are all women, and they are all amazing. None of them are perfect (none of us are), and all of them are excellent examples of the strength of female leadership. This month in particular, please make it a point to understand and perceive our UAI leaders through the lens of female empowerment, not male-associated traits that have historically colored the role. Circle around your leaders to lift them up when they stumble and honor their successes with your appreciation.
A truly strong organization uplifts both the workers and the management, creating a symbiotic relationship for the benefit of all, and the students & families we serve. Our UAI leaders work hard to do their best to support everyone and fulfill the directives of the city and district. I want us to take the opportunity of women's history month to uplift the other side of that relationship and create a symbiotic support system that leads us all to sustainably thrive.
- Monday 03MAR. Women's History Month Begins (Stay tuned for specific dates from RPET)
- Monday 03MAR. Ramadan Observances Begin at UAI (see below)
- Friday, 14MAR. Senior "Slumber" Party.
- Tuesday, 18MAR. CUNY/Affinity Principal Visit to UAI
- Thursday, 20MAR. IN PERSON Parent Conferences 5-8PM
- Friday, 21MAR. Remote day - all AM (8:30-11:50), PM Conferences 12:50-2:50 (remote)
- Tuesday, 25MAR. 2025-26 Student Course Selections Begin
- Saturday, 29MAR. Project Prom Giveaway
- Monday, 31MAR. Observation of Eid al-Fitr - NO SCHOOL
- Upcoming Staff Appreciation Dates
- 01APR-04APR - Paraprofessional Appreciation Week
- 07APR-11APR - Assistant Principal Appreciation Week
UPDATE moving this to 28APR-02MAY (Annie's going to be out of town 07APR-11APR) - 21APR-25APR - Administrative Professionals Appreciation Week
- 28APR-02MAY - Assistant Principal Appreciation Week
- 05MAY-09MAY - Teacher Appreciation Week
- New School Leadership Opportunities.
- SST - Student Support Team. The student support team currently consists of our counselors and deans. They currently meet during the day and review the academic and social-emotional needs of students. If you are interested, please email Annie and complete THIS PER SESSION interest form.
Teacher Development Facilitator with AMNH. As part of our partnership with the American Museum of Natural History, we are opening up five new teacher leadership positions. AMNH is joining the DOE in rolling our the new Empire Teacher Residency Grant and we are making tweaks to the program to meet Grant requirements. One of these tweaks is creating a TDF role for each mentor.
These are specific to our science team (that's the nature of the partnership), but each member of the team who applies and is accepted will receive $3000 in additional compensation. I'm still hammering out the final details with AMNH, but the requirements for being selected in this role are - MUST have completed 3 years of Effective or Highly Effective teaching by September 2025.
- Preference given to science teachers who have already hosted AMNH residents in the past (which is basically all of the science folks)
- Commitment to fulfill all AMNH mentor requirements
- Commitment to fulfill all of the expectations as a mentor of new science teachers.
So basically - Liza, Sarah R, Tom W, Cam & Thomas - this one's for you! - NEW LEADERSHIP OPTION ->. School Based Professional Learning Committee. The first meeting of the SDC will be in the farm at 3PM. If you are interested in working on the committee, please reach out to Laura ASAP.
- Stay Tuned for Women's History Month Activities from RPET
- RPET was super busy supporting Black History Month - They'll meet again on Tuesday after school. Please join in at 3PM in room 507 if you are interested in helping support celebrating Women's History Month! Yes per session is available for those who help!
- Ramadan Observances at UAI - 03MAR-28MAR
- With the leadership of the MSU (Muslim Student Union), headed by Class of 2025 Surraiya Sattar, here is the plan for supporting our students observing Ramadan this month.
- Here's the plan
Students will be allowed to have access to B35, our quiet room for the month of Ramadan, during the specific times outlined in this DOC. The room will only be open for 25 minutes each day. Kids who wish to use this room must have parental permission to miss class. - Week of 03MAR
- Students leave lunch early and arrive late to 5th period (no later than 12:27)
Room B35 will be staffed by Ms. Mahjabeen until 12:25. She is covering Sue this week, too. So, please expect her to be late to 5th period during those periods this week. Sue is returning next week. - Students MUST sign in when they arrive at B35. We will share this list out with everyone at the end of each day.
Debbie will use the list to call home to verify parent permission to miss class. - NOTE: With all the things going on this month, we didn't move fast enough to get approval prior. So, for the first week, folks can come to B35 to sign in. By Monday 10MAR, all students MUST have parent permission to continue to miss class and use the space.
- Week of 10MAR (Daylight Savings begins)
- Students leave 5th period at NORMAL dismissal time and arrive late to 6th (no later than 1:27)
- Only students with parental approval will be allowed into B35 (updated list will be published in AM announcements each day)
- Week of 17MAR
- Students leave 5th period at 12:55 arrive late to 6th (no later than 1:22)
- Only students with parental approval
- Week of 24MAR
- Students leave 5th period at 12:50 arrive late to 6th (no later than 1:22)
- Only students with parental approval
- School Development Committee - Our first SDC meeting of the year will happen on Monday, March 3rd. SDC meetings will occur on the first Monday of the month in the farm during OPW time. All are always welcome to join, but the official SDC members are: Marsha, Phillan, Judy, Kelly, Liza, Tiffany, Juelle, Noelle, Laura, and Mike. If you are interested and don't see your name - no worries - just join us in the Farm at 3PM!
- IMPORTANT - VOTE NOW. Lynn Jeudy is going to join us for another SEL PD sponsored by UA. That was slated for Monday, but she had asked to have a 90min session, and I dropped the ball and forgot to follow up and ask you all if that was ok.'s the proposal
- Mon 03Mar PD is shorted to 30min - staff leaves at 4PM
- Teachers will have independent work time from 3:30-4PM to update pacing guides and gradebooks in preparation for observations & GAMA grade pubishing.
- Mon 10MARPD is lengthened to 90min - Start at 3PM end at 4:30PM - OPW is remote that day from 4:30-5:10PM.
- If you object to this change, please record your objection HERE.
Otherwise, you don't have to do anything.
If the majority of staff objects, we will have a regular PD schedule tomorrow. - March Madness Observations. On Monday, I will begin the final round of observations for the year. The goal is to finish ALL observations by the end of April. All formal observations have been scheduled. If you are not yet tenured, you should have one formal observation this year. If you have not had your formal observation yet, and if you don't see the invite from me in your inbox, please reach out. It just means that I missed you! As a reminder, only formal observations are announced. Informal observations will happen as I can squeeze them in. You should expect to see me in your classrooms in the weeks to come. Please be prepared and make sure your pacing guides are up to date. With this being the last round, I need to make sure that I rate ALL Danielson indicators, including planning & prep. I pull your plans from your pacing guides and when they are not there, I cannot rate you in that domain. So please make sure your March Pacing Guides are up to date!
- March School Visits
- Friday 14MAR Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE). Members of the Rhode Island Department of Education will be visiting UAI to learn more about our work with Project Cafe.
- Tuesday 18MAR. CUNY/AFFINITY Principals Visit. CUNY/Affinity Principals will be visiting our Math, Into Lit, AP African American Studies classes on 18MAR to learn more about our work in these spaces and to learn more about our work with Teacher Leadership, and Teacher Development.
FOR ALL PER SESSION JOBS: You must apply by completing THIS FORM
NEW LEADERSHIP OPTION ->. I want to expand the work of the SST to take over Huddle Management. I'm opening up positions for teachers and paraprofessionals to join this committee to engage in the work needed to track and follow up on student progress. This means keeping a close eye on academic progress, attendance, and behavioral outcomes. It also means taking on the work of working closely with students and families to pivot choices to stronger ones and keep kids moving on positive trajectories. This will be a per session opportunity and if you are interested, please email Annie and complete THIS PER SESSION interest form.
REPOST: Hiring Committee. It's that time again! We're looking for folks to join our Hiring Committee. We're looking for a team of 6-10 folks to participate in Hiring Activities. Hours will range. There will be meetings as the committee to norm on expectations and review outcomes. Committee members will be tapped to participate in demo lessons and debriefs. Committee members must be available for zoom hiring events in the evenings and weekends. If interested, please complete THIS FORM
REPOST: Summer School Planning is Starting. Summer school planning is beginning. We will not be hosting Girls Inc and DYCD summer camp this summer, and our students who need an all-day placement can register for DYCD programs at the Montauk School this summer.
We are currently looking for folks who are interested in doing some enrichment work (6-12) this summer. AND we will also have regents prep this summer. If you are interested in working this summer, please complete THIS FORM no later than 14FEB.