Monday, October 15, 2012

A New Marking Period

Today started the 2nd Marking Period.  Tomorrow, (16OCT12, Tuesday) during our extended PD (it's already the 3rd Tuesday of the month), we'll meet in the library to do the following

  • 1.  2:10PM-2:20PM - Full Staff Meeting
  • 2.  2:20PM-3:00PM - Independent Work Time to Complete Conference Tallies (and UR Tallies
                                       if you're a Learning Cultures classroom).  Here are some sample tally

Sample Conference Log (From Colleen!)
Sample Unison Reading Log (From Colleen!)  

  • 3.  3:00PM-4:00PM - Grade Team Meeting to review records, discuss trends, and make
                                       adjustments to conferencing schedules, strategies, and/or interventions.

I'll be coming around on Wednesday (17OCT) during the morning (during PSAT) to take a look at the conferencing & Unison reading binders. Please have your tally sheets at the front of the binder, and please have your binders readily visible in the classroom so I can find them.

In preparation for the 2nd marking period, please take  a moment to review these documents.

  • I've used new Progress Report data and discharge/transfer/group change information to provide you with an Updated Lowest Third list.  Please use this to make conference schedules for MP2.
  • Many of you have asked for guidance in calendarizing your marking period mandates.  Take a look at this document:  1st Marking Period Attendance & an Example How to Plan for MP2
  • With nearly all of you, I've had discussions about "Activities FOR Learning" vs. "Assessments OF Learning".  Take a look at this Example Unit Plan that I made during my residency with Tom to understand how to more clearly present the difference to students.
  • As we move into the 2nd Marking Period, we will begin focusing on the quality of Unison Reading and Conferences.  For LC teachers, please take a moment to complete this rubric as a self-assessment of your Unison Reading groups to date.  For ALL teachers, please self-assess your Learning Conferences using this rubric.  I will be coming into classes this week to observe conferences and Unison Reading groups.  In addition, I'll be providing continued feedback on the Environment
  • Today, we launched the UAI PD committee.  Colleen is your representative from the high school, and the committee consists of Colleen, Tara, Emily, Nicia, myself, Kelly, & a yet to be named middle school rep.  I'm in the process of developing a resource page for PD and High School News.  Please save this site as a bookmark and add the UAI PD calendar to your own calendars and/or see what's coming up for you this week:

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