UAI Staff News
Volume IV
Issue 29
Week of April 19th, 2017
This Week's Memories
Spring has Sprung! Now that we have spring break behind us, the weather is turning warmer (despite what today is like), and the sun is rising earlier and setting later. always have a way of getting you to see the good things! Here are some more factoids to keep in mind
- There are only 23 school days until the final benchmarks for the year (May 18th & 19th). These will be predictive regents exams for the High School and they will be the MOSL exams for the middle school. Stay tuned for more detailed information in Sunday's blog.
- After benchmarks, there are only 11 school days until our first annual full staff retreat and for the high school to high school final exams (9JUN and 12JUN) and Regents week (13JUN-23JUN). For the middle school we return to our last 8 instructional days until Middle School Final exams.
We are truly in the final lap of the year! Let's make these last weeks the best ones yet!
To Do's for this Week
[Week of 16APR17] Ready To Learn. Now that we've laid the expectations once more, we all need to step up to make sure students are following school rules and expectations. No hats, food, or electronics should be on, out, or in use in classrooms or hallways. Deans will be making classroom and hallway sweeps, but we also need teachers to help enforce the rules. Students must also be in dress code. No midriffs, spaghetti straps, or short shorts/skirts. The key to making this easy is if we all say the same thing and enforce the same expectations. Students will find the wiggle room and exploit it. It's just what teenagers do! Our job as the adults is to work together to close those gaps. So, help each other out by consistently following through.
[02MAY17-04MAY17] MS Math Exams. In two weeks, the middle school will begin their annual math exams. The ELA exams went smoothly, and we're looking forward to the great growth our youngest students made in math this year.
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