UAI Staff News
Volume IV
Issue 38
Week of June 19th, 2017
This Week's Memories
Regents Testing is Mostly Complete! Our high schoolers completed nearly all of their Regents' Exams last week. A handful will complete the LOTE on Monday, but for the most part, the large lift of assessment is complete! Many thanks to Val, Brodie, Joanna, Michael, and Colleen who worked hard to plan this Regents Week. Special shout out to Carol & Jamie who volunteered to help get the exams packaged and ready for testing!
To Do's for this Week
[Week of 19JUN17] Curriculum Planning Meetings. For those staff who participated in the Colleen's Curriculum Planning Workshop at the Staff Retreat, remember you have some hard due dates coming up! All teachers should have already uploaded their initial drafts into THIS FOLDER (with this nomenclature: GRADE LEVEL_COURSE_UNIT#_UNITNAME). This week, we will be meeting with you to review your planning materials. Before you can check out on the last day of school, 28June17, you must submit:
- your final draft of the unit plan (GRADE LEVEL_COURSE_UNIT#_UNITNAME)
- completed curriculum map (it may be in draft but must be fleshed out for the entire year). GRADE LEVEL_COURSE_CURRICULUM MAP
There is a lot of time built into this week to complete your planning. Please use the time effectively and efficiently so you can meet this deadline! Thank you!
[Friday, 23JUN17] 8th Grade Stepping Up Ceremony. Our 8th graders are having their stepping up ceremony on Friday. All staff should report the gym after MS Dismissal on Friday to celebrate our 8th graders!
[Week of 19JUN17] Ready Rooms for Summer. Please prepare all classrooms for summer use. You'll have most of the day on the 27th to do this work. Students will report to clean lockers and return materials. They'll report to their advisors who will take attendance and check lockers for cleanliness. Once cleaned, advisors will dismiss students. All students must be out of the building by 10:15AM and all staff will need to report be at LIU by 11AM for High School graduation.
- All personally owned refrigerators or microwaves must be cleaned, emptied, and stowed away in locked closets. Any refrigerator or microwave not stored, will be removed over the summer.
- All tech equipment should have already been returned to George. No carts, projectors, or document cameras should be stored in your room.
- All books and materials should be stored in locked closets OR stored on shelves (use the shelves attached to the walls first (if you have those in your room), and if necessary, use the other shelves. The custodial staff plans to do a deep clean this summer so if you can remove anything from movable shelves and pick up everything from the floors, our custodians would be greatly appreciative.
- All materials posted on the walls and/or bulletin boards (including hallway bulletin boards) must be removed.
Upcoming Important Dates
- [Thursday 22JUN17 and Friday 23JUN17] Middle School Final Exams.
- [Friday 23JUN17] 8th Grade Stepping Up
- [Monday 26JUN17] EID Al Fitr - NO SCHOOL
- [Tuesday 27JUN17] High School Graduation, Early Release for Middle School
- [Wednesday 28JUN17] Last Day of School
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