Sunday, June 9, 2024

Week of June 10th

UAI Staff News

Volume XI
Issue 36
June 10th,  2024

Final Weeks of Classes!
 This week is the last week for grades 8-12 students, and next week is the last for grades 6 & 7.  There's a lot of moving parts this week, so I'm just going to jump right into it!

Monday 10JUN
  • ELA Map Testing (grades 8-12).  Please review the tab, "MAP schedule", to review your schedule.  Kids report to their NORMAL 2nd period classrooms (except for Theater & Gym - so please read those notes to help kids get to the right places). It is the teachers who are moving to proctor the exam locations (so look at the schedule carefully).  Marsha & Kelly will be coordinating the exam from 401.  Please connect with them for any issues in proctoring.  Grades 6 & 7 are on a normal schedule and normal schedule resumes after lunch. 

    NOTE:  Moving forward, because we are using MAP as a diagnostic to see where students are performing independently (and not as a summative measure of performance), we will not be providing accommodations for any student.  That way, we will have a more accurate measure of what students need in order to grow and develop skill sets - without assistance from accommodations.

  • Staff PD in Farm at 3PM.  We will once again hold staff PD in the farm at 3PM on Monday and move OPW to remote work at 4PM.  For Monday's PD we will be
    • Wrapping up and Reflecting on the work of the RPET for the year
    • Reviewing expectations and directions for Regents Week.
Tuesday 11JUN
  • MATH Map Testing (grades 8-12).  Same as above - this time with Math and with Judy & Liza coordinating proctoring.  Regular schedule resumes after lunch.  As a reminder, the MAP will count as the final exam for ELA and Math.  All students who miss the exam, must report to school on June 14th, 18th, or 20th to make up the exam in the tutoring rooms that will be staffed during regents week.

  • After School Girls Inc Speed Networking Event - in the Cafe at 3PM

Wednesday 12JUN & Thursday 13JUN
  • All other Finals.  All other final assessments can take place on Wednesday and/or Thursday during regularly scheduled class periods.  

  • MS Activities.  The MS After School Movie Fundraiser will be on Wednesday at 3PM and the 6th & 7th graders will be going to the library on Thursday.

Friday 14JUN
  • Regents Week Begins.  Please make it a habit to review and check the Regents schedule
    EVERY MORNING of Regents week.  We will be making adjustments as needed as the week moves forward.  People's schedules change and student needs fluctuate, so we need to adjust to accommodate for those things.

    NOTE:  Grades 8-12 students who have outstanding work to complete and/or tests to make up from this week MUST report to school at 8:30AM on Friday and report to the tutoring rooms to do work.

  • MS Activities.  The MS will have their summer book giveaway extravaganza!

Important Upcoming Dates

  • MON 10JUN - Math MAP Testing - 2nd & 3rd Period (8-12)
    • This counts as the final exam for all math classes
  • TUE 11JUN - ELA MAP Testing  - 2nd & 3rd Period (8-12)
    • This counts as the final exam for all ELA classes
  • WED12JUN & 13JUN - All other finals in regularly scheduled classes.
  • FRI 14JUN - Regents Week Begins 

  • MON 17JUN - Eid Al Adha - NO SCHOOL
  • WED 19JUN - Juneteenth - NO SCHOOL

  • MON 24JUN - High School Graduation
  • TUE 25JUN - 8th Grade Stepping Up
  • WED 26JUN - Last Day of School

  • MON 01JUL - Summer School Staff Set Up Day
  • TUE 02JUL - First day of Summer Splash and Summer Rising Summer School

    Announcements & To Dos

    MP4 Ends.  We'll be reviewing final grading instructions in PD on Monday.  The MP for ALL students ends on Thursday 13JUN.  Final grades for MP4 and for the YEAR will be due at 3PM on 20JUN.  To be prepared, please make sure that you are fully caught up on your grading and that your gradebooks are up to date.

    NOTE:  If you have an 8th grader or 12th grader that will fail for the year, and needs your course to graduate, then you MUST email Kiri, Annie, and Jen by EOD on Friday 14JUN to let them know.  If you're not sure if they need your course to graduate, reach out to Kiri/Annie/Jen to find out!

    <REPOST>. Year End To Dos.  
    1. Final Outreach.  By Monday at 8AM, you should have emailed the Course Task lists (or texted) and copied Kiri.  Please make sure that you enter your outreach for last week by 8AM on 10JUN. 

    2. UAI Pacing Guides.  All teachers will get 1 PD day to catalog a course for the year.  All courses will need to be linked into THIS DOC using THIS TEMPLATE.  The goal of cataloging your lessons for the year is to streamline capture the work that you've done for your classes this year in one place and to make the planning process for you (or whoever takes over the course next year) much more smooth.  To maximize our collective improvement, we have to stop reinventing wheels.  This is the first step!  You do NOT need to rewrite anything.  I'm just looking to take stock of what you did this year and put it all in one place.  Your lessons do not need to be perfect.  This is an organizational tool to help us expedite our improvement for next year!

    3. EOY Checklist.  Make a Copy of the EOY Checklist for yourself.  This is a comprehensive list of things you need to do prior to leaving on June 26th.

    Per Session Postings

    For ALL per session activities, please complete Per Session Application Form

    NO New Activities at present

    After School Clubs.   If you are interested in running an after school club, please complete THIS form by EOD TUESDAY 26SEP23  AND submit the Per Session Application Form.  Clubs are slated to start next week.  Clubs must have a steady roster of at least 8-10 students per week in order to NOT be cancelled.  Rosters & Attendance lists MUST be submitted with per session time cards.  If your club goes three consecutive weeks with less than 8 students, your club will need to be cancelled (so that we can optimize funds for other uses - so sorry...wish we could fund everything all the time, but unfortunately, we don't have endless sums of funds).  After school sessions can be 3-4PM or 3-4:30PM or 3-5:30PM (teacher's choice)up to three days per week.  So per session hours can range from 1-7.5hrs per week).  Posting Expires 10OCT23.

    Please continue to help promote your after school clubs.  Please make sure you are getting a reliable group of at least 10 students.  Help our after school classes get off the ground! - I will be collecting final rosters on 30NOV - you have additional time to recruit!!
    Black Student Union - Joanna & Pauline (Rm 411) - Tuesdays & Thursdays 3-4:30
    Arts & Crafts Club - Tiffany & Jennifer (Rm 311) - Mon/Tue/Weds - 3-4:15PM
    Theater Production Club - Noelle (Rm 315) - Tues/Thurs/Fri - 3-5:30PM
    Student Government - Sue, Marsha, Phillan, and Girls' Inc's Kassi (Rm 309) - Tuesdays - 3-4PM
    Youth Leadership Council - Kelly  (Rm 307) - Tuesdays 3-4PM
    Photo Club - Tom(Rm 205F) - Wednesdays 3-4:30
    Cheer - Mary & Lia - Various days depending on Game Days
    Anime & Art Club - Adelle & Francis (Rm 409) - Tuesdays & Thursdays 3-5PM
    Running Club with Camryn (starts after the marathon is over)
    Dance Club - Girls Inc - Room 503
    Students Against Racism & Bias Club - Jelissa (Rm 305) Tuesdays & Thursday 3-4PM
    Muslim Student Association - Laura (Rm 404) TBD
    GSA Club - Amanda - Rm 407

    PSAL Supervision.   Posting Expires 10OCT23. PSAL Games are starting up soon. Please submit the Per Session Application Form if you are interested in supervising student spectators.  Hours vary depending on games.  Each game (basketball or volleyball) is usually 4-6pm (is) so each supervision session is about 2hours.  Staff are welcome to sign up for as many games as they'd like.  Please see UAI calendar or PSAL website for game dates. Duties include making sure
    students remain safe and orderly during games
    only eligible students are admitted to games
    all students fully dismiss from the building at the conclusion of the games

    CSI Planning & Supervision.   Posting Expires 10OCT23. This posting if for supervision per session to plan, supervise, monitor and coordinate extra improvement efforts to address UAI achievement gaps and improve student performance in target metrics.  Activities include analyzing and reviewing data, planning and executing professional development experiences to improve staff performance, analyzing and editing video footage to improve teacher lesson execution and lesson implementation, and supervising out of school activities - including recruitment, staff planning, and after school activities.  Hours vary per week depending on task and work completed.  Hours range 1-7.5 hours per week.

    Classroom SetUp.  All classroom staff are invited to come in to set up and plan for up to 10 hours all together any day this week Monday-Friday 9AM-2PM.  Staff must clock in AND out each day, and cannot be in the building after 2PM.  Please adhere to guidelines set out in the blog post above.  All Staff MUST also apply to this position by completing the "Per Session Application From" - see link above.  [Posted 27AUG23] - Posting CLOSED and JOB is over.

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