Sunday, November 2, 2014

Week of November 3rd

UAI High School Staff News

Volume II
Issue 12
Week of November 3rd,  2014


Halloween Fun!  This past Friday's was the highest Halloween attendance we've ever had at UAI.  The combination of teacher and student spirit with the premier of the Teenage Horror Story really spiked the community feel of UAI.  The entire staff and partners of UAI are doing amazing things every day to make our young women want to be in school.  Friday's assembly with Brodie's appearance as the murderer lurking in the hallway was good, teenage, Halloween fun!  Congrats everyone on our first, extremely successful community assembly!  I look forward to the next one!

Student Led Conferences.  Student Led Conferences are this week.  Marianna will be going over SLCs during Monday's PD.  Student Led Conferences, like regular Learning Conferences, are driven by the student and her understandings of her struggles, strengths, and goals.  It's very important to have family members join us during SLCs so that we can help parents/guardians how we expect our students to communicate about their learning, both at school and at home.  Please make sure parents sign in when they arrive.  You can get sign in sheets from Carol.  Also, please CLICK HERE for updated SLC post.

Monday's and Election Day PD.  Monday is a full staff PD day (it is our first Monday of the month.  We will be using this day to check in on our PODs and review expectations and structures for SLCs.

Plans have recently changed for the Election Day Professional Development.  We will be doing similar work to what the original plan at Green Careers, but we are staying local and working with at our own home.  We need to strengthen work time, and part of that work needs to happen in our classrooms and with our resources.  Through strengthening work time, the aim is to secure opportunities for Unison, Conferences and Shares - both for optimizing student learning and for giving teachers needed support to meet expectations in these areas.  Here is the Agenda for both Monday and Tuesday this week.

Monday 03NOV14 - Full Staff PD (First Monday of the Month) - Room 409

  • PD Starts Promptly at 2:50 - Please be respectful of your colleagues and arrive on time!
  • 2:50-3:20 - PODS meet with protocol to do an abbreviated debrief on most recent visits
  • 3:20-3:30 - PODS prepare to share with other teachers what they've learned thus far, what they want to focus on for the next few weeks, and any questions/input they would want from other teachers.  PODS select one member to be the "Teller" and explain these points to visiting teachers.  The rest of the members become "Travelers" and divide up among other PODS to learn about what other PODS are studying.
  • 3:30-3:45 - Travelers and Tellers.  Travelers go to at least 2 different PODs to learn about what other teachers are doing.
  • 3:45-4:00 - Travelers return to their Teller and Debrief what was learned.  Teller takes notes and shares notes with Rebecca so she can globally share with UAIHS
  • 4:00-4:10 - SLC Overview and Expectations
  • 4:10-4:20 - Optional After School Q & A on SLCs for New Teachers

Tuesday 04NOV14 - Full Staff PD (Election Day PD)

  • 8:20-8:30 - Bagels and Coffee Breakfast Provided (room 409)
  • 8:30-8:40 - Welcome and Overview [Kiri]
  • 8:40-9:25 - Work Out Plans - What are they? How do they work?  What's the best way to roll them out?  [Martine & Rebecca]
  • 9:25-9:35 - Break
  • 9:35-11:00 - Subject Teams Work on Work Out Plans
  • 11:00-12:00 - Lunch on Your Own
  • 12:00-12:45 - Responsibility Teams - What are they? How do they work? What's the best way to roll them out? [Jamie & Brodie]
  • 12:45-2:15 - Grade Teams meet to discuss:  What makes the most sense for the grade in terms of Responsibility Team roll out?  What is the best way to use the Inquiry/Gist sheet?  How do we as a grade team best support one another to make sure we increase consistency around formats (format fidelity)? What other Grade Team items do we need to discuss?
  • 2:15-2:40 - Staff Share (room 409)

Important Dates

  • Monday, 03NOV14. Monthly Full Staff PD. Be prompt! 2:50PM in 409
  • Tuesday 04NOV14. Election Day PD at UAI.  All staff report to 409 at 8:20AM
  • Wednesday 05NOV14. Student Led Conferences 5-8PM
  • Thursday 06NOV14. Cabinet Meeting - Agenda the same as last week.  Last Week's Cabinet Agenda focused on modeling an Academic Intervention.  We'll be debriefing that and going over the following items:  Register Shortfall, Attendance Support, SLCs, Friday's Assembly, November Potluck, and any other items that anyone wants to add.  
  • Friday 07NOV14. Student Led Conferences 12:00-2:40PM
  • Monday 10NOV14. Monthly PTA Meeting and Family Math Night 5-7PM.
  • Thursday 13NOV14. Cabinet Meeting in 403 - Agenda TBD
  • Thursday 20NOV14. Cabinet Meeting in 403 - Agenda TBD
  • Monday 24NOV14. In place of Grade Team and Pods, we'll be having a UAI HS Potluck!  Here are the Assignments:  9th Grade - Sides; 10th Grade - Desserts; 11th/12th Grade- Appetizers.  Admin and Main Office support will be on Main Dishes and Drinks.
  • Tuesday and Wednesday 25NOV14 and 26NOV14.  Benchmark II Assessments
  • Thursday & Friday 27NOV14 and 28NOV14. Thanksgiving Recess NO SCHOOL

Per Session Posting

No new postings this week.

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