Sunday, May 8, 2022

Week of May 9th

UAI Staff News

Volume IX
Issue 31
May 9th, 2022

Happy Mother's Day!  Happy Mother's day to all of your mothers and all of you who are mothers!  

Mother's are often our very first teachers.  Our first lessons focused on the necessary and fundamental such as eating and walking.  As we grow, mothers are often those who teach us about the power of emotions and connections (both the positive and negative!).  Mothers are our guides, inspirations, sounding boards, and #1 cheerleaders (and at times, our chief critics).

As folks who work with kids along their range of  academic and social emotional development, we share many of these same roles in different manners.  We often play the school parent with our students- pushing & guiding, cajoling & reprimanding, celebrating & disciplining.  

So as you pause today to celebrate mothers in your own life, take a moment to honor yourself and the role you play in the lives of our students as we all lift them up to become their best selves!


Important dates this month.  

  • Monday, 09MAY:  Full Staff Meeting in the Library at 3PM
    • Equity Team Presentation
      • See Equity Team Email for Specific Updates

  • Monday, 16MAY:  Full Staff Meeting in the Library at 3PM
    • Scheduling Committee Report Out

  • Monday, 23MAY:  Full Staff Meeting in the Library at 3PM
    • Hiring Committee Report Out

  • Monday 30MAY:  Memorial Day
    • No School

Committee Updates

Scheduling Committee. The scheduling committee is currently working on making sure students meet pre-requisites for required courses.  They will be presenting their work to staff next Monday 16MAY to provide folks with a progress report.  You can see the agenda and notes here.  

The Hiring Committee.  Our next fair is On May 12, 2022.  Please SHARE OUT THIS FLIER to anyone you know who may be looking for a job in teaching next year!   
    • You can always view our notes and decisions on THIS DOC

Equity Team.  The Equity Team read another passage from Pushout this week to start thinking about which specific policies are causing disproportionality in our discipline data and how we might revise these policies.  The team will reconvene to discuss the reading this week.  Agenda

Circles Committee.  No Updates this week

Consultation Committee.  Next meeting is on Thursday 19MAY -  at 3PM in room 403.  See consultation committee notes.   

Instructional Leadership Team. No Updates this week


Monday Full Staff Meetings.  On Monday, we will once again meet in the library to continue our work to build up our general community connections.  This will continue each Monday for the remainder of the year.  For the upcoming Mondays, here are the topics of the meetings.
  • 16MAY - Scheduling Committee Presents
  • 23MAY - DESSA Final round & Hiring Committee Presents
  • 30MAY - No Meeting (Memorial Day - No School)
  • 06JUN - Final Staff Circle
  • 13JUN - Regents Schedule Review for HS Staff

Small Group Instruction.  All small groups are launched MP4 Small Groups.  For students who are not responding to outreach or who are not attending small groups, please escalate those names to Kiri by Friday, 13MAY22.  Before escalating, please make sure that you have attempted to call home with the student first (e.g. pulled the student and called home with them from their cell phone).  

Staff PicnicOur first ever Staff Family Picnic is this Saturday, May 14th at 11:30 in Prospect Park. Look out for a details in an upcoming email from the planning team!  Please bring your own food and drink & something to sit on! 


To Do This Week

This is the stuff that requires your attention AND it's stuff you need to do!

Do Small Group Outreach.  All teachers with small groups must call families on Tuesday to let them know that small groups will launch on Tuesday.  Please update the form  HERE once outreach is complete.  If you have any issues or problems with outreach, please contact Kiri directly!  

Please Celebrate Our Students.   Our Student Awards Ceremony is in two weeks and we still need nominations...Please take a minute to nominate a student!

Per Session Postings

Please complete THIS PER SESSION INTEREST FORM and email Kiri to let her know that you are applying for a per session position.

School Organization.   We have received a TON of stuff from our various orders.  Also, we have a TON of closets in need of organization.  So, if you're interested in joining the UAI organization extravaganza please submit via the per session interest form (link above) and email Kiri.  We're looking for volunteers to organize the science closet, the basement closets and any other closet or storage area that we can locate in the building.  If you're available to work after school or Saturdays, please let me know.  Once we have the team of folks together, we'll put together the plan and get everyone targeted on specific projects!

2022 UAI SUMMER Camp.  <STILL OPEN> This summer will build on what we started last summer in our effort to create highly engaging and challenging summer programming for our students.  Mandatory make-up programs have been moved into June and we are replacing the punitive form of summer school with programming that is aimed at enriching, exciting, and getting kids thrilled to be in school again!

We are looking for summer school teachers to offer programming this summer.  We will offer elective credit to the courses.  The courses can be anything that interests you, and classes will be limited no more than 15 students per class.  

We are looking for teachers to teach elective classes in:
  • Arts:  Creative Writing, Art (visual, performing, or movement), Poetry, Storytelling, Photography etc.
  • Social Justice:  Community Organizing, Protest Art, Social Media Campaigns, Etc.
  • STEM:  Finance, Engineering, Drones, Rockets, 
  • EntrepreneurialMedia:  Podcasting, YouTubing, Social Media Management, Documentary Film Making
  • Open Call:  Have an Idea?  Submit it!!

Days 11JUL-29JUL , Mondays-Thursdays ONLY
Hours (Max) 5 hrs per day 
    (90 min classes with an hour prep for each class up to two classes a day)
    Total possible hours = 60 hours    Minimum possible hours = 30 hours

(Applied)/ Staffed: 

  1. Jenetta (Summer School Coordinator, Social Justice Course) - Staffed - Social Justice Course
  2. Kelly (Summer School Coordinator, Regents Prep Coordinator) - Staffed (Summer/Regents Coordinator)
  3. Jelissa (SYEP, Student Recruitment) - Staffed - SYEP coordinator, Student Recruitment
  4. Adelle (Student Recruitment) - Student Recruitment
  5. Freida (Summer Arts Elective) = Staffed Summer Arts Elective
  6. Nina (Regents Prep) - Staffed - Regents Prep
  7. Nicole (SYEP, Student Recruitment)- Staffed - SYEP Support,Student Recruitment
  8. Juelle (Student Recruitment) - Staff Student Recruitment
  9. Brodie (Summer School Administrator) - Staffed - Summer School Admin
  10. Shana (STEAM Summer Elective) - Staffed - STEAM Summer Elective
  11. Rebecca (Pottery with a Wheel)- Staffed - Pottery
  12. Olympia (Creative Writing) - Staffed - Creative Writing

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