UAI Staff News
Volume IX
Issue 33
May 31st, 2022
Last Power Up Period of the Year. This week we enter into the final PowerUp period for grades 8-12 and soon after that, the middle school will be entering into their own final PowerUp Period.
On the one hand, we can be exciting that the year is winding down and we are getting that much closer to a much deserved summer break...
On the other hand - every end of the Spring Term brings an overwhelming sense of stress, angst, and frustration as we try to wrap up the year. In normal times, the May/June period of the year is a little crazy. In COVID (post-ish COVID?) times, the crazy times are truly next level.
To that end, we are all feeling the burn. Each of us are running on fumes and pushing our hardest (through COVID!) to get to the end of this year. One things that will certainly help ALL of us get there in one piece is if we can find ways to pull together and act as one.
So some key things
- If you see something, say something.... Our kids who struggle the most in school are in peak avoidance behavior which often translates into verbal disputes and lots of drama. If you hear anything bubbling up, please say something to the deans. Please also say something to the kids themselves - remind them that choosing to invest their time into this drama will not help them do what they need to do for your class, and if they choose the drama, they will inevitably be putting themself into summer school or repeating the grade.
- Hold down the fort... Please make sure that you are aware of who is in your class at all times. Several times last week, teachers reported to me that they did not know that a student had left. That's not ok! Keep those teacher eyes open and aware at all times. Also - please do not send students out of your class during the LAST or FIRST 10 minutes of class for any reason. If there is a medical emergency that cannot wait for 10 minutes please let the deans know. Bathrooms are closed and deans are clearing halls during this time. So please help us keep the halls clear and moving by refraining from sending students out.
- Give Them Something To Shine About...All students have something going well - no matter how big or small! A little praise goes SOOOOO much further than punishment in terms of helping kids reorient themselves to the correct decisions. Find ways to reengage your most struggling students this week by finding ways to help them shine.
To be clear, students engaging in violent or bullying behavior will receive the consequences outlined in the NYCDOE discipline code. HOWEVER, if we all find ways to encourage and commend the smallest victories or achievements in our students who are the most disengaged, those words far outweigh whatever the DOE has in store for poor choices. So, leverage the good - it'll make you feel good AND it will definitely give our kids who are struggling a real reason to make better choices.
We got this UAI!
Important dates this month & next.
- Wednesday, 01JUN: Regular Classes - Trips Encouraged!
- Monday, 06JUN: Final Full Staff PD
- Final Circle Committee Report
- Final Hiring Committee Report
- Tuesday, 07JUN: Correction to Calendar - we DO have school!
- Tuesday, 07JUN: Final Day of Regular Classes for Seniors
- Senior Course Tracking Document
- All teachers who have a student that is currently failing but NEEDS to pass the course in order to graduate have received direct communications from Kiri. All Advisors have been copied. Any senior who is passing as of today will be assumed to be passing for the year unless teachers talk to Kiri to let her know otherwise.
- Thursday, 09JUN: Brooklyn Queens Day - Remote PD Day
- Tuesday, 14JUN: Last day of classes grades 9-11
- Thursday, 16JUN: High School Graduation at 11AM @ City Tech
- 6th & 7th grade student & teachers will attend!!
- Exact schedule TBD
- Exact Assignments for all staff TBD
- Week of 15JUN-24JUN: Regents Week - Regular Classes for Grades 6 & 7
Here are the exams we are giving: - Wed 15JUN:
- 9AM: ELA Regent Exam
- 1PM: Living Environment Regent Exam
- Thu 16JUN:
- 9AM: ALG 1 Regent Exam
- Fri 17JUN:
- 1PM: EARTH SCI Regent Exam
- Tue 21JUN:
- 9AM: GEOMETRY Regent Exam
- 1PM: LOTE Regent Exam
- Wed 22JUN:
- 9AM: ALG 2 Regent Exam
- Friday, 17JUN: Last Day for Teachers Going on Vacation!
- Must Complete End of Year Exit Sheet Prior to End of Day
- Monday, 20JUN: Juneteenth - NO SCHOOL
- Tuesday 21JUN: Middle School Portfolio (ELA/MATH) week begins (Schedule TBD)
- Monday, 27JUN: Last Day for Students
- Tuesday, 28JUN: Last Day for Staff (Remote Day!!)
Committee Updates
Scheduling Committee. The scheduling committee is currently working on making sure students meet pre-requisites for required courses. They will be presenting their work to staff next Monday 23MAY to provide folks with a progress report. You can see the agenda and notes here.
The Hiring Committee. Our next fair is On May 24, 2022. Please SHARE OUT THIS FLIER to anyone you know who may be looking for a job in teaching next year!
- You can always view our notes and decisions on THIS DOC.
Equity Team. Please complete the survey that Joey sent out. The com. Agenda
Circles Committee. No Updates this week
Instructional Leadership Team. Mock Regents dates have been set (see below for details). Also, all teachers with formal observations should be meeting with their ILT leader to prepare for their final observations with Kiri & Annie. Committee Notes and Agenda
Monday Full Staff Meetings. On Monday, we will once again meet in the library to continue our work to build up our general community connections. This will continue each Monday for the remainder of the year. For the upcoming Mondays, here are the topics of the meetings.
- 06JUN - Final Staff Circle Report & Hiring Committee Report
- DESSA Rating
- 13JUN - Regents Schedule Review for HS Staff - No meeting for MS Staff
Small Group Instruction. Please email me a list of students who are still failing your course by this Friday at 3PM. These students will be required to attend school during regents week. You will have assigned time to work with them to complete work in lieu of proctoring assignments.
Awards Night. We celebrated a BEAUTIFUL awards night for our highest achievers and greatest growers last Thursday. Many, many thanks to Jen and her team (so sorry I can't name you all - I'm not sure who all pitched in, but I do appreciate you all) for putting together a spectacular event. It was so amazing to see so many of our families together and in person once again.
Culture Day. Another big shout out to Jen and the student team responsible for organizing and executing a FABULOUS culture day. Special shout out to DJ Jazzy J (yes that's what I'm calling Ms. J now) and all the staff who joined in on the fun and enjoyed the day with our students! It was a wonderful way to celebrate our community and our kids together!
To Do This Week
This is the stuff that requires your attention AND it's stuff you need to do!
This is the stuff that requires your attention AND it's stuff you need to do!
Do Small Group Outreach. All teachers with small groups must call families on Tuesday to let them know that small groups will launch on Tuesday. Please update the form HERE once outreach is complete. If you have any issues or problems with outreach, please contact Kiri directly!
Promote Summer School. If you know students who are looking for something fun to do this summer, look below for all the teachers who are running summer programs. Send the kids their way to get a jump on summer enrollment!
Per Session Postings
Please complete THIS PER SESSION INTEREST FORM and email Kiri to let her know that you are applying for a per session position.
School Organization. We are now ready to begin organizing stuff! Dai will be supervising all efforts, but I've appointed chiefs of certain areas to work with her.
Science Supplies Chief - Liza with Team: Judy, Tom, Sarah R, Nina, Phillan
Student Schwag Supplies Chief - Kelly with Team: Jen, Elena, Aisha
2022 UAI SUMMER Camp.
- Jenetta (Summer School Coordinator, Social Justice Course) - Staffed - Social Justice Course
- Kelly (Summer School Coordinator, Regents Prep Coordinator) - Staffed (Summer/Regents Coordinator)
- Jelissa (SYEP, Student Recruitment) - Staffed - SYEP coordinator, Student Recruitment
- Adelle (Student Recruitment) - Student Recruitment
- Freida (Summer Arts Elective) = Staffed Summer Arts Elective
- Nina (Regents Prep) - Staffed - Regents Prep
- Nicole (SYEP, Student Recruitment)- Staffed - SYEP Support,Student Recruitment
- Juelle (Student Recruitment) - Staff Student Recruitment
- Brodie (Summer School Administrator) - Staffed - Summer School Admin
- Shana (STEAM Summer Elective) - Staffed - STEAM Summer Elective
- Rebecca (Pottery with a Wheel)- Staffed - Pottery
- Olympia (Creative Writing) - Staffed - Creative Writing
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