Save the Date for the Staff Holiday Party
UAI Staff News
Volume IV
Issue 13
To Do's for this Week
- [THURSDAY, 01DEC16] World AIDs Day. In an effort to help inform our school commnity, Alyssa and Wazina, along with the GSA, have worked on putting together different fact-based posters to be displayed throughout the building. In addition, we will have a table set-up in the cafeteria during lunch to help educate our students around HIV/AIDs prevention. Please drop by the cafeteria during lunch periods to show support!
- [FRIDAY, 02DEC16] First Lady Eagles Home Game. Our first home game of our girls' basketball team will be this Friday at 4PM. Come show Coach Elana and the Lady Eagles your support by coming to the game!
- [WEEK OF, 05DEC16] Positive Post-It Project. A la the positive notes left in the subways, UAI will be launching our own Positive Post-It campaign. Details and logistics will arrive in emails this week. The goal is to have all of our students and staff share positive messages of peace, kindness and inspiration to our community. We will display the post-its in a mural in our lobby.
- [FRIDAY, 09DEC16] MP2 Ends. Both MP2 and MP3 are short marking periods. Marking Period 2 is only 18 days and Marking Period 3 is 24 days. Marking Period 3 ends on January 24th for both Middle and High School. It's important to make sure students understand the importance of these next few weeks of school with respect to their grades and performance. Remember, marking periods are cumulative. We will finally have 4 weeks of uninterrupted instruction. Use this time to solidify your routines and create safe, predictable, and productive learning environments!
Final SLC Report. As of today, we fell a little bit short of our goal in completing at least 80% of our SLCs. However, we did have 69% of our students complete SLCs with family members! Many shout outs to all our staff who did make the goal. Your efforts in reaching out to family members means so much to the success of our girls and our school! Thank you! Next semester, we will be making adjustments to increase our family attendance! Stay tuned for updates.
Consistency and Continuity. For the first time since school started, we have four solid weeks of uninterrupted instruction. This is the perfect time to reinforce social emotional learning strategies like SLANT and Accountable Talk Stems to develop them into internalized, routinized behaviors that fuel positive learning environments. Additionally, the 2nd and 3rd marking periods are very short, so it is doubly important to keep updating Skedula at least weekly (as per the Staff Handbook) so that students can have means of tracking their performance in your classes. When students are able to see the results of their efforts, we help them secure the growth mindsets that are essential for suceess.
SEL Updates
The weeks leading up to the holiday season can be very stressful for students. To maintain order and safety in the classroom, teachers need to be vigilant in upholding routines and classroom expectations. When we, as the adults in the room, fairly follow through on classroom expectations and school rules, we create a predictable, rule-governed environment. At the same time, we need to be sensitive to the stresses our students experience. We need them to follow rules AND we want them to know we care. Use empathetic speech when redirecting. For example, "I know you must be hungry, but the school rules don't allow for food. Please put that away." Or, "You look upset right now. Will you be able to try to focus on the lesson. After, I will check in with you during work time."
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